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My Father in Law is Lu Bu

Chapter 199
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Chapter 199 Escape (2)

Translated by Gamer

Two forces were running in the wilderness. A smaller group was at the front. A larger group was chasing them from the back. These were the Wolf Cavalry and the Yuzhou Cavalry.

Both forces were running with all their effort. The Wolf Cavalry at the front was running with all their effort so that they would not be torn into pieces by the Yuzhou Cavalry while the Yuzhou Cavalry was chasing with all their effort so that they could destroy the Wolf Cavalry. The general at the front of the Yuzhou Cavalry constantly try to make the speed of the cavalry move faster.

“Lu Bu! Run! Run! I want to see where do you want to run to!” Zhang Kai showed a ferocious face. He was impatient and wanted to rush into the Wolf Cavalry to tear them apart. He wants to kill all the wolf cubs with the blades of the Yuzhou Cavalry.

“Shoot the arrows! Shoot the arrows!” Zhang Kai shouted as he gave chase. They are about to catch up but a few horses out of reach. It would seem like this is as close as they could get. It was as if something tasty was put in front of you. You can see and smell it. You can also imagine the kind of taste it would have when you eat it. However, you are not able to eat it. It is only there for you to look at! It was an annoying feeling.

This angry feeling prompted Zhang Kai to order his soldiers to shoot the arrows. It takes considerable skill to draw the bow while riding a horse. This was even worse as stirrups did not exist in this era. The soldiers could only rely on themselves to balance their body. Basic cavalry combat was a skill that requires more than several years of practice. Horseback archery was even harder. To use archery, a person would need to release his hands from the horse. There is a high chance of falling off the horse especially during a charge. At that time, the person would definitely not survive as he would be tramped by the other horses.

Those that are able to do horseback archery would all be elites as it was not a skill gained with several years of experience. In the Yuzhou Cavalry there were at least a few hundred of these kinds of elites. They were able to shoot arrows on top of their horse although their aiming is not that good. If their horses are not able to catch up, then their arrows will catch up!

The Yuzhou Cavalry soldiers aimed their bows at the figures in front of them and shot their arrows.

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“Raise the shields!” Lu Bu shouted from the front. The soldiers that had shields raised them and some slowed down to form a line.

*Clang clang clang* Hundreds of arrows scattered everywhere. Although it was difficult to hit the soldiers, one unlucky person got his horse injured.

“Go!” The moment the arrow stopped, the Wolf Cavalry started to speed up again in attempts to throw off the Yuzhou Cavalry.

“How hateful!” Zhang Kai expressed his regret.

The Wolf Cavalry in front of him were merits. Merits! How can he let them slip away? Especially Lu Bu. If he could kill Lu Bu, he would be famous. Lu Bu was the God of War! If he could kill Lu Bu, what kind of reward would Sun Ce give him? However, he could only look at the food in front of him and could not eat it. How could Zhang Kai bear this?

“General Zhang, be careful of an ambush in front!” Taishi Ci became more uneasy. He may not understand cavalries but he is still familiar with war. The Wolf Cavalry may be trying to escape but Taishi Ci noticed that they did not escape in panic. Besides that, the Wolf Cavalry was still about 3 horses away from the Yuzhou Cavalry. The distance of 3 horses by itself is not a problem. It would mean that the Yuzhou Cavalry is pursuing fiercely. However, the problem was that the Wolf Cavalry was controlling the distance. They slow down so that the Yuzhou Cavalry would catch up and speed up if the distance became too close. What exactly was the Wolf Cavalry trying to do? Based on this reasoning, the Wolf Cavalry could have escaped a long time ago.

“How could there be an ambush! General Taishi Ci, you worry too much!” Taishi Ci became unhappy. Zhang Kai was a new addition to the Sun Ce’s Army. He knew about Taishi Ci’s position in the army. Lu Su request for Taishi Ci to help him was like an insult to him. He is the general for the cavalry. To ask a marine for help is like looking down on yourself.

Zhang Kai was also worried that Sun Ce might grant his position as the general of the Yuzhou Cavalry to another general. This is because he just joined the Sun Ce’s Army. He is not a trusted subordinate of Sun Ce. The heavy cavalry was also Sun Ce’s trump card. It would be more appropriate to entrust the trump card to a more trusted subordinate. This is why Zhang Kai is trying hard to get merits. He wants to make great contributions to strengthen his position in the Sun Ce’s Army. Only then will he become a talented and trusted subordinate that Sun Ce does not need to worry about.

If he could not do that, he really would be replaced by Sun Ce with generals like Taishi Ci. A general that is strong in martial arts and have good understanding of command. If Sun Ce decides to replace him, he would not be able to object.

“This direction is towards the main camp of our marines. How could there be an ambush! If there was an ambush it would belong to our Jiangdong’s Army. General Taishi Ci you really worry too much!” Zhang Kai held back his displeasure and explained to Taishi Ci. He tried to be polite not just because Taishi Ci saved him once but also because Taishi Ci is a more senior general.

“You are probably right!” Taishi Ci looked again at the riverside. After crossing the river, it would be Sun Ce’s territory. It would be impossible for Lu Bu to set an ambush there. He must have really worried too much! Taishi Ci also hoped for this to be a success. After all, who would want to lose?

Ambush? Obviously, there are no ambushes in front. A large part of Lu Bu’s Army was still in Shucheng. There are only 5,000 Wolf Cavalry soldiers here. However, Taishi Ci’s worry was well founded! If they had paid more attention they would have noticed that Lu Bu’s Army lead them around in a circle.

Zhang Kai was still looking at Lu Bu! If it is going to be like this, just stop running and die already. Why do you keep running! Might as well become his merits. The battle has been decided the moment they started escaping.

“General! General!” One deputy general caught up and reported to Zhang Kai.

“N?” Zhang Kai turned his head to look at the deputry general. This person was also under his leadership last time. Zhang Kai trusts this person. After he was appointed the general of the cavalry, he made this person his deputy. Now that this person call out to him, he must have something that is important to say. “Speak!”

“Chase!” Zhang Kai ruthlessly spoke. The Wolf Cavalry in front of him became blood red. This was caused by his greed. Men will die for wealth just like birds will die for food. Zhang Kai also risks his life.

“But general! The horses!” At this rate the horses will all die of exhaustion. In Jiangdong, horses are worth 100 gold. Even 100 gold may not be enough to buy a horse. The cost of one heavy cavalry soldier is more than enough to outfit a group of common soldiers. These 5,000 Yuzhou Cavalry soldiers is the limit for Jiangdong. Sun Ce paid a huge amount for it. If they were loss, Sun Ce would die when he found out about it. Besides that, the Yuzhou Cavalry also treasure their horses. Their horses were like their life. If their horses were to perish, they would also feel very bad.

The deputy general also knows about Zhang Kai’s character. He was the kind of person who would die for merits. Even on Bagongshan, Zhang Kai fought the enemy to take his armor. Their 2,000 Yuzhou Cavalry only managed to kill about 500 soldiers. However, for the sake of the armor, Zhang Kai threw away 1,200 cavalry soldiers. Knowing that he could not persuade Zhang Kai, the deputy went and look at Taishi Ci. Hopefully Taishi Ci could persuade Zhang Kai.

Taishi Ci also noticed the foam forming at the mouths of the horses. He was not a cavalry expert but he also knew about the common sense of horse riding. The horses foaming at the mouth means that the horses have reached their limit. They will need to rest. The horses were not cows. When a cow is tired, they will stop moving. Horses were different. When the horses do not understand the meaning of tired especially when it is being ridden. They will keep on running until they die. “General Zhang Kai! We should give up!” Taishi Ci told Zhang Kai.

“General Taishi Ci, you are a marine general and a trusted subordinate of the lord. You also have a higher position than me. However, this does not mean that you can command me, Zhang Kai!” Zhang Kai said with bloodshot eyes. He was polite to Taishi Ci and held him in high respect but this made Taishi Ci more uncomfortable! Although they have not worked together for a long time, they would eventually need to do so. This is why it is better to become more familiar. Just like how Huang Gai and Han Dang calls Zhou Yu, ‘Little Zhou’ or how they call Taishi Ci, ‘Zi Yi’.

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Taishi Ci reminded Zhang Kai with good intentions but Zhang Kai do not seem to appreciate it.

Zhang Kai on the other hand was obviously not grateful for this advice. He subconsciously think of Taishi Ci as a competitor for merits. Taishi Ci’s advice sounded like Taishi Ci was afraid of him gaining merits and getting a higher position than him. Although the Yuzhou Cavalry is exhausted and the horses were foaming at the mouth, Zhang Kai believes that the same would apply to the Bingzhou Heavy Wolf Cavalry. On the other hand, the horses of the Yuzhou cavalry came all the way for Liaodong by sea. All the ones with poor quality would have died on the ship while the ones that survived the journey to Jiangdong have strong physical strength. These horses were the cream of the crop.

These were one of the reasons for Zhang Kai’s confidence. If his elite horses were tired, the same would apply to the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry! The horses used by the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry came from Youzhou. All the good horses would either be old or dead. The only way the Wolf Cavalry can get a new horse is to go to the marketplace to buy the horse. How could the market horses be stronger than Zhang Kai’s cream of the crop horses? (TN: I am really curious as to what happens if Liu Mang was here to give an honest answer to Zhang Kai.)

Besides that, the Wolf Cavalry are running for their lives. The people fleeing would need more energy than the people chasing. This is because if they do not run fast, they would get caught. As the Wolf Cavalry fought with Lu Su’s soldiers earlier, the Yuzhou Cavalry should have more energy.

“General Taishi Ci! If you let Lu Bu and the other Wolf Cavalry soldiers escape, do you have any other methods to defeat them!” Zhang Kai also knew that Taishi Ci is unhappy. He did not want to offend Taishi Ci so he lowered his voice and asked.

“No!” Taishi Ci was also a good man. He also knew that the way he spoke just now was not right. He was now a senior general. He cannot speak to Zhang Kai like the deputy. He thought about Zhang Kai’s question. If they let the Wolf Cavalry escape, they would not get another chance like this!

The Wolf Cavalry was fast, strong and skilled. Dispatching infantries was like sending food to them. Jiangdong has a strong navy. However, those were two different areas. It was impossible to let the navy and the cavalries fight! The cavalries would not go to the water to fight the navy. In that case, they could only use cavalries! The result of Sun Ce’s Yuzhou Cavalry was also seen already. Despite being 3 times the size, they received 2 times the casualties. If the 5,000 Wolf Cavalry were together, the 5,000 Yuzhou Cavalry would be defeated. If the Yuzhou Cavalry was defeated, what would they use to fight with the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry? Even if they captured Wan Cheng and won Lujiang, as long as the Wolf King and these hungry wolves, Lujiang will not be able to rest easy. Sun Ce would also need to assign troops to various cities. Once their numbers are small, the Wolf Cavalry can attack them. If their numbers were too big, the Wolf Cavalry could wait for an opportunity.

Now Sun Ce and Liu Biao are also fighting each other. On top of that, there were many casualties in Wan Cheng. In that case, where would they find more soldiers and cavalry?

Now was the best opportunity to wipe out the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry. With this one battle, it could prevent the loss of several hundred thousand of Sun Ce’s soldiers.

“General Taishi Ci. We are tired. Wouldn’t the Wolf Cavalry be tired as well?” Zhang Kai looked at Taishi Ci earnestly. “They would be more tired than us. We came from the main camp of the navy. They came from Wan Cheng City. They have travelled further than us and even faced blockades. Look at their equipment! They have armor, spears, sabers. Some of them even have large shields. Would they not be tired?! Are they not human?!” Zhang Kai spoke a lot to persuade Taishi Ci. “This is why we cannot give up the chance to destroy the Wolf Cavalry even now! We just need to kill them and Lu Bu! After that Lu Bu’s Army will no longer have the ability to fight! The other 2 divisions of the Wolf Cavalry and those at Wan Cheng will also surrender to us! Along with the destruction of the Urban Army, there would be nothing else in the way of our Lord’s great cause!”

Zhang Kai’s speech was so extravagant that he himself feels touched. Not to mention Taishi Ci who thinks of Sun Ce like a younger brother. Wherever he goes, he thinks about the needs of Sun Ce. If things were really like what Zhang Kai said, the Wolf Cavalry was at its end. They just need to put in a bit more effort and the Wolf Cavalry would no longer be able to escape. This is especially true as their opponent is Lu Bu. This person can really make a comeback like what Zhang Kai has said. They could also make their opponents surrender and gain talented personnel. He has seen the Urban Army. All of them were strong and did not fear death.

If they pledge their service to Sun Ce, Sun Ce’s Army would grow even more powerful. They could even rely on the Bingzhou Wolf Cavalry and the Yuzhou Cavalry to defeat Cao Cao and Yuan Shao at Guandu. After that most of the land would belong to Sun Ce.

“Chase!” Taishi Ci shouted. He got persuaded. The odds and the compensation was so high that even Taishi Ci could not bear it. He cleared his doubts and became determined. The stakes were too high and the rewards were too large. If they win they would pacify the whole of Lujiang and gain many strong soldiers. If they lose… Lose!? Taishi Ci did not want to lose. If 5,000 cavalry soldiers could lose to 1,500 cavalry soldiers, then they might as well be pigs.