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My Hockey Alpha by Eve Above Story PDF

Chapter 382
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Chapter 0382 And so, when I went to my friends and told them my plan, they were all shocked.

"You're planning on doing what?" Jessica asked.

"I think it'll help the situation," I replied. "I know she liked being a student here; she's never been able to experience real college. And if we can make her happy and show her that we're not the enemy, maybe she'll caround and help us." My friends fell silent. When I looked up at Enzo, he was leaning against the wall outside the infirmary and staring blankly at me. Selena was inside and couldn't hear anything that was being said; in fact, she wasn't even looking at us. She was still lying listlessly on her infirmary bed, facing the wall with her back turned to us. From what Luke and Matt said, she had hardly moved from that position since we first put her there.

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Finally, after I stared at him with pleading eyes for several long moments, Enzo let out a sigh. "She's right," he said. "There's no use in keeping her locked up and making her hate us even more. She could prove to be an important ally if we show her that we want to make amends." A small sigh of relief hissed through my lips. The rest of my friends stared at the ground thoughtfully before they finally agreed.

"Okay," Matt said. "I guess it wouldn't hurt. We should still keep an eye on her, though." I nodded. "We'll just let her enroll in sclasses if she wants," I said. "Maybe the dean will assign her a dorm. If we keep the guard subtle, then maybe she won't notice so much and will feel like she has sfreedom." With my friends' approval, I finally opened the infirmary door and stepped in. They waited outside while I slowly walked up to Selena.

"Hey, Selena," I said gently as I approached. "Can we talk?" Selena let out an angry huff. "What do you want?" she snarled, still with her back turned to me.

I bit my lip, wondering how to phrase things. I knew that she would still be terribly angry with me, and there was still a chance that she would reject any form of reconciliation. Enzo and I had, after all, stripped her of her werewolf abilities.

*Do you want to be a student here again?" I asked.

Selena was silent for several moments. I thought that she would refuse and tellto leave, but after a while she slowly looked over her shoulder at me.

"Why?" she asked. Her voice cout like a hiss.

I shrugged. "I know you liked it," I said. "Everyone deserves to have the college experience, and you're not a hostage." Selena chuckled. "Not a hostage?" she snarled, sitting up finally and facing me. She swung her legs over the side of the bed and faced me, pressing her palms so hard into the mattress that her hands turned white around the knuckles. "You turnedhuman, strippedof my power, toreout of my hand have been keepinglocked up here." *Let's not forget all of the things that you did, Selena," I said quietly. "You hadlocked up, too, remember? You brainwashed Enzo."

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My twin fell silent. Her eyes were narrowed and full of hatred, but there was a flash of something else that En cacross her face. Understanding.

She didn't say anything for a long time. I waited patiently, not wanting to push her. And finally, she spoke.

"I did like being a student here," she said, staring blankly down at the floor. "I guess I wouldn't mind doing it again."

I couldn't help but smile. "Good," I replied. "I can take you to the dean now, if you want. We'll get you enrolled and get you your own dorm."

Selena looked up atthen. Her eyes weren't as hard now, and for a moment, I swore I saw a bit of m I g happiness behind them - a ghost of a girl who was probably once sweet and innocent. And although her eyes quickly turned cold again, I tried to keep that initial image in my mind.