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My Servant System

Chapter 945 944: Dress
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Entering the dressing room, I let out a low sigh before glancing back at the semi visible face of Cali, who drifted around the room with a grin on her face as she whispered "Wasn't that such~ a hungry, primal look she was giving you~? I don't doubt that if you asked her to cin and dress you up, the two of you would be at it like rabbits~! Her skin pressed all against yours... your bodies molding together with sweat and other fluids as you make sweet, sweet love inside this dressing room..."

The Arch Fiend shivered as her grin turned even more smutty, getting clearly aroused by the idea of a quick rut inside the dressing room, the idea of being found out by someone else working here and just the thrill of meeting someone and instantly becoming intimate with them getting her turned on like a light switch.

Though... considering who she was, I wasn't too surprised that she was this excitable at something that seemed so trivial and obvious.

Floating towards the ceiling, she continued to grin atas a maid entered the room, her petite frhugged closely by the frilly maid uniform she wore, the black and white cloth complimenting her fair skin and midnight black hair.

"Lady Katherine, correct? This is the dress that you wished to try on?"

She held up the dark red dress, showing off the cloudy garnets and lace that made this dress rather recognizable and unique in its own sort of way, even if the two things weren't unique to this dress.

"That is correct, Miss. How are we going to go about this..?"

Hanging the dress on the wall, the maid closed the door behind her and locked it, sealing us into the room together and giving us both security and privacy as she turned back toand said "To start, we are going to get you out of these clothes and down into your undergarments. I... understand that this might be embarrassing, but please-"

Nodding, I set my extra gear off to the side and began to unbutton my shirt, surprising the maid as I pulled it over my head to reveal my bra clad chest to her, which I noticed instantly she stared at with a mix of lust, surprise, and envy, though it dissipated quickly as she swallowed her words and instead said "Givea moment, Lady Katherine. Allowto stand behind you... We are going to need to take off the bra for this, so... apologies."

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"No need. That is what you are here for. And I imagine any undue action is expected to be punished accordingly..?"

I didn't need to turn to know that she shivered at the words, since my mana trickled out of my body just enough to let her know that I was rather strong, dispelling any terrible idea that she might have had... as long as she wasn't of similar strength, but I could feel the mana inside her body and gauge her movements well enough to know she wasn't a threat.

Unless, of course, she was hiding all of her strength and was actually an assassin, but a quick glance up had my worries proven unfounded as Cali just continued to smile, taking in the sight of my cleavage with glee in her eyes as she shook her head slightly, answering my unspoken question and enjoying herself as well.

So, I reached behind my back and unclasped my bra as well, groaning softly as the support for my back was lost and I was left standing there with two heavy weights adorning my chest, though I was more than happy to bear that weight and had never really given much thought to losing it...

Then I stripped down completely to just my panties, which caused the maid to gulp behindbefore she managed to pull herself together and grab the dress again, helpinginto it.

Like most clothing for women, it was a task and a half to just get it semi on my body, with no tightening, adjusting or anything at all still taking well over three minutes, the two of us struggling to pull it up and get most of it on my body.

Then cthe fun part of getting it adjusted to fit properly, with the constant shimmying and pulling being more than enough to be a workout on its own as I tried to get the dress fitted to me, its material being somewhat elastic, at least to the point that I could reasonably fit inside it and begin the adjusting part, doing small tweaks here and there with the help of the maid.

We were silent the entire time, working together to complete the task at hand; she would be tightening and looking after the corset whilst I made sure the lace leading to my neck was smooth and seated properly on my skin, before she began to work on the silhouette while I worked on my chest.

That took another four, five minutes at least to get finished, and by that point we were both staring at the mirror blankly as we gave our minds a brief moment of rest, all while we admired the final result; not thinking and just doing was a wonderful thing that happened during this process, and sadly my favorite part was one that I could only do a tad to help with.

Red silk hugged my skin tight, the corset bringing my waist in just a bit while my bust and hips were allowed to flare out as much as they wanted, givingthe hourglass shape that was undeniably attractive and really difficult to obtain normally, though...

Magic was a girls best friend, it seemed~!

The slit was a bit more widened and pronounced on my leg then it had been on the mannequin, while the lace window above my breasts revealed smore as well, though the longer I looked, the more I found it to be more appealing as I imagined the reaction that Jahi would have to it.

Then my mind wandered to what Anput and Leone would think of this dress, one that complimented my hair and eyes and contrasted my mana and general attitude, all while being such a contrast to my typical attire.

My maid uniform was a 'dress' of sorts, yes, but it was nowhere near this level of 'lavish', and I always wore a shirt and pants if I was out of the maid uniform, so this was definitely a rare sight for all three of my lovers.

Speaking of, I glanced at my slightly messy hair and ruffled fur on my ears, causingto purse my lips as I glanced at the maid behind me, who was giving the dress a look over from both sides as she searched for any damages or areas that needed more adjusting.

Giving myself a small turn, I looked at my revealed back and tail, which was also ruffled and in need of scare too, drawing a sigh from my lips as I asked "Do you have a brush on hand, Miss?"

The maid just hummed and nodded, lookingup and down one more tbefore approaching the small table behind me, which seemed to hold all sorts of tools needed for a place like this.

Taking the brush from her, I began to comb out my fur and straighten my hair, which made the maid frown slightly as she hesitantly asked "Forgivefor prying, but... Lady Katherine, were you-?"

"Once a maid? A servant of skind? Yes, yes I was. Even now, I technically am still a servant, even if my title doesn't say it. I enjoy it enough to not mind, though I am aware it appears odd to someone from the outside..."

"Oh, not at all, I was just... curious is all. It's rare to see a Lady cin and do her own hair, let alone manage to get it into a style of sorts without any aid..."

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That madechuckle as I nodded, finishing up with the brush and using my mana to remove the hairs and strands of fur that were woven between the bristles, something that made the maid blink in surprise once more before turning to look at my visage again in the mirror.

A loose bun held up my long auburn hair, allowing my neck to be exposed and keep the rest of my back viewable as well, while my fur was no longer a twined mess; paired with the dress clinging to my curves, the open slit for my thigh, and the lace window for my breasts... well...

"You look quite beautiful, Lady Katherine."

Giving the maid a small smile, I just said "I know, and thank you." before turning around, unlocking the door and gesturing for the maid to followas I exited the dressing room, wanting to get the reaction from Leone.

Of course, waiting outside of the room was the Lioness, who perked up and froze as she watchedstride back out into the store, her eyes widening whilst her lips parted into a small 'o' as she stared at me.

I gave her a small smile before glancing around the store, finding Leone with her back tostill talking to the butler, who had two separate dresses hanging from his arms.Nᴇw ɴovel chaptᴇrs are published on NovelEnglish.net

Walking across the Lioness' view, I continued to smile at her even as I gave my hips ssway, while my back remained straight and I clasped my hands in front of me, adopting a noble pose and donning a teasing smile as I approached my Royal lover.

My feet glided across the floor silently, the boots that were barely visible with each step being the only part of the outfit that seemed off, though it was - again - barely visible and not an issue foras I just moved to stand behind Leone, catching the butler's eye and making the man blink in awe as he looked at me.

Gazing between the two dresses, I let out a soft cough before saying "Lady Leone, might I suggest that gray dress on the left? It matches your hair quite well."

The Vampire heardand nodded, though she said "I thought so as well, but I was thinking that the orange dress might be an interesting choice as well, since-" and began to turn around, only to fall silent as her jaw dropped when I smiled at her getting the reaction I wanted from who I wanted.

I didn't care about the Lioness checking out my smooth back or shapely butt, I didn't care about the maid admiring my style and enviously glaring at my breasts before staring at her own, I couldn't give a damn about the nod of approval the butler gave as he took in my hairstyle and expression.

None of them mattered to me, and none of them really madefeel much that went deeper than useless vanity, so when Leone was silenced and stuck staring atwith an open mouth, I felt my heart flutter inside my chest.

Giving her a twirl, I maintained my calm smile and asked "So~? What do you think of this, Lady Leone~? Does it suit me~?", each word I spoke making the Vampire blush more and more as she lookedup and down again and again, unable to take her eyes off of me.