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My Wife Is A Ghost Exorciser

Chapter 193 Fu Chen, The Little Detective
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Fu Yu Sheng was indeed fortunate because as soon as he said that the show started to play and Fu Chen's attention was quickly diverted, Song Yan too decided to give her husband a break and turned silent as she took Fu Chen to the stage where the live action of Detective Dino was taking place.  Fu Yu Sheng who was finally relieved from their teasing sucked in a breath and sighed in relief before he walked after them.

" Everyone take a seat, the live action of Detective Dino is going to start soon! We don't want you missing out," the announcer from the afternoon was now changed to a young woman who was dressed in a pink tank top and denim shorts, she seemed lively and good with kids as she quickly won over the hearts of the little ones with her quirky personality. " So, who is ready for some goofy cases to solve with usssss?" She stretched the 's' of the 'us' nice and wide causing an uproar to ensue around the stage.

Even Fu Chen was jumping up and down in his seat as he shouted, " Pick me! Pick me! I want to solve the case! I am the smartest one here!"

His comment received side-eyed glares from parents who obviously disapproved of what Fu Chen just said, Song Yan chuckled a little as she settled Fu Chen down. " Don't worry,  if you are lucky then you will definitely get chosen all right? Don't be so antsy, and even if you don't get chosen then don't be upset okay? It's just because your luck wasn't good today."

Song Yan definitely knew that with her son's luck that was better than every other kid who was jumping in the crowd and thus, she wasn't worried about her son being not chosen. She only said the latter half to throw others off her back, if her son got selected then others might think she and Fu Yu Sheng did some sort of fixing behind the scenes, she didn't want that to happen.

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Fu Chen pouted but he sat down on his seat and just raised his hand to get noticed among every other kid.  He didn't know whether he was lucky or not but he was going to try!

The announcer peered throw the crowd and then raised her hand before she rolled it in the air and dramatically pointed it at Fu Chen before announcing. " And the one who will be solving the case with our lovely detective Dino will be that young boy, come up her little one! Let's go and solve some cases!"

Fu Chen was stunned, he turned to look at his mother before confirming, " Wa...Was I selected?"

" That's right, honey," said Song Yan as she swooped down and kissed his cheeks. "My lovely baby was selected! Now go and get up on the stage!"

Still surprised and in a bit of a daze, Fu Chen got off his chair and walked up to the stage where he was welcomed with a loud uproar of claps and shouts!

"Now, that we have our little detective with us, it's time for us to start the case—-Oh no! What's going on?"

Everyone turned to look in Song Yan and Fu Yu Sheng's direction as they realised that the two of them were surrounded by actors who were working in the Detective Dino live show.

" Our little detective's parents are being surrounded by Mafu Mafu's men!"

The character named Mafu Mafu was supposedly the villain and the enemy of Detective Dino.

Song Yan watched what was happening with a twitch in her eye, why was it that nothing like this was told to the parents beforehand? If they told them that they too would need to act in the show then Song Yan would have mentally prepared herself.

" You have to be kidding me!" A groan came from the sidelines as Fu Yu Sheng hurriedly put a mask on his face when he noticed that the camera was turned in his direction. Unlike Song Yan who only did some small roles, Fu Yu Sheng was someone who appeared in the business magazines, news and entertainment section a lot because of all the actresses who claimed to be close friends with him.

So, it wasn't an exaggeration that Fu Yu Sheng might be mobbed by the gossipy people or tabloids who might be hiding somewhere.

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Song Yan noticed his action and grimaced as she turned to the actor next to her and said, " You all should have warned us a little."

The actor too might have recognised Fu Yu Sheng as he winced and said, " We didn't know we had someone important among us."

Earlier Fu Yu Sheng was wearing goggles and he was dressed in casual clothes so no one made a connection to the man who appeared in the news dressed in an only black or grey suit but now that his face was flashing on the big screen, enlarged enough for others to see the tiny mole on the corner of his eye.

" Hahaha!" Though Song Yan and Fu Yu Sheng were taken aback by the sudden move of the crew, they still played along and let the show go as Mafu Mafu the villain stepped out and pointed at the stuffed Detective Dino and Fu Chen. " I am here to take my revenge on you, Detective Dino! You made me lose all my money because of your nosiness! Now I am going to take your little detective's parents with me! If you are so smart then find them before I shoot them dead!"

A dramatic billow of white smoke filled the stage area and one of the actors then hurriedly handcuffed Song Yan and Fu Yu Sheng before saying, " I am sorry for the discomfort but please follow us."

Fu Yu Sheng and Song Yan got to their feet and obediently followed the crew but after walking for a little while Fu Yu Sheng turned around and said, " Just so you know, if I don't get released in an hour, I will beat you all up and take my wife and kid, so you better not try to push me, all right?"

The actors: "..." As you say, devil lord!