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Mystical Journey

Chapter 1261: Giant Iguana 1
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His body’s equally strong qualities were noticed when they were testing his standard level. Garen was revealing these things vaguely so that he would be taken seriously by the others despite not having the most valuable assets.

“They probably want me to focus on protecting Leona,” he pondered.

A series of chaotic noises echoed from the outside of the cave.

Garen prostrated himself on the ground and began practicing his Draconic Aura and Condensation skills alone.

This was a lengthy process but the one thing that the Dragon Clan did not lack was time.

The current strength of the average Dragon Whelp was about eighteen points. Garen was not worried about being unable to finish this Quest at all because his strength had already greatly surpassed the average Dragon Whelp.

After waiting for a while inside the cave, it appeared that Leona and the others had finished their discussion outside.

Only then did they enter the cave.

“Garen Garen!” Leona yelled while flying into the cave. “We’ve finished discussing. You’ll be one of the two main attackers. What do you think? Do you agree or not?”

“Main attacker?” Garen stood up. “I don’t mind but what’ll you guys be doing?”

Boris opened his mouth immediately.

“Leona and I both have specially made Enchanted Necklaces that can release Long-range Attack Spells. Don’t worry, we won’t disappoint you.” Although he was furious at Garen for ignoring him and returning to the cave alone, he remained courteous to him on the surface because he needed to assure Leona of his demeanor.

“What Attack Spells?” Garen revealed a surprised expression faintly.

Boris instantly raised his claws and pointed at the necklace in front of his chest in a somewhat proud manner. It was a chain of white pearls that had been strung into a necklace with a rare cerulean gem that hung below. It was extraordinarily dazzling and crystal-clear.

“Can you see it, Sleepyhead? My father prepared this outstanding item for me. It can release Level Five Dragonfire Spells three times a day.”

“Wow, that’s so cool?! My ring can only use Dragonheal Spells three times daily.” Garen did not react but Leona who stood on the sidelines was unusually excited now.

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Level Five Spellcrafting. Although they could only use it three times a day, it was enough to guarantee their safety. Moreover, it was very likely that they had other similar Spellcrafting Equipment.

These were types of Enchanted Equipment that could only be specially made by Casters and Wizards. They required Enchantment and would consume costly materials as well as a large amount of Spirit Power and energy before they could contact Weave to release and enchant a spell. It was pretty good that both of these Dragon Whelps had obtained two pieces of Level Five Enchanted Equipment. These items could only be specially created by Level Six Wizards and Casters that could afford to consume a lot of energy. A single Enchantment could cause a Wizard to consume at least one of their Casting levels. In other words, a Level Six Caster who was on the borderline of having their rank promoted would drop immediately instead if they tried to Enchant a piece of equipment like this. Moreover, they would deteriorate and return to their previous state when they had just entered Level Six. This was a waste of Spirit Power.

“They’ve really spent a huge sum of money,” Garen pondered. The White Dragon Clan had declined terribly. There were merely five or six Elder Dragons who were Casters that were Level Five or above. However, they instantly brought out two pieces of Enchanted Equipment. It was very likely that these items were collected articles that were seized from the humans.

“We don’t have to fear anything now that we have these two pieces of equipment.” Boris was a Dragon Whelp to the core. There was still a limit to his maturity in the end. Hence, being unable to stop himself from taking his strongest trump card out and flaunting it was a very normal thing for him to do.

After confirming that they had their own defensive forces, only then did Garen truly decide to join this unit. Perhaps it was the other way around. After all, he and Leona were already partners in the same group that had to move together while Boris and the other dragon had rushed over to join them voluntarily.

The group of dragons prepared to check the items that they had brought respectively. There were no Space Dimensional Pockets. Items like that were seized from the humans by the White Dragon Clan. However, they could not use it because they did not possess human Spirit Powers. The Space Equipment would collapse and lose its effectiveness completely if they opened it forcibly. Moreover, the White Dragons like themselves did not have the craftsmen to create these playthings.

They finished checking the map and the various tools and items that they would use in their daily lives. The four Dragon Whelps formed a team and flew towards the mountain valley where according to the map was where the Giant Ice Iguana was located.

They chose to go there during the night to take advantage of the night sky that would make it unlikely for the other creatures to discover them. The distance between the Giant Ice Iguana and the White Dragon Clan was somewhat far. They needed to thread across an even longer distance. Even though there were roads that were cleaned up by White Dragons that frequently came and left, there were still certain Earth Dragons that were scattered everywhere because they were too used to Draconic Auras. Most of these Earth Dragons had low intellect and were very likely to attack Dragon Whelps that were just passing by.

When night came and the purple moonlight was covered by the black night sky, Leona and the group flew straight towards the location that was indicated on the map. There was a long continuous stretch of black forests in a rising and falling mountain range below them. The deep sound of large beasts that were fast asleep could be occasionally heard. There were multiple continuous bursts over a period of time.

Garen flew in the middle of the team. Meanwhile, a young fellow named Saszt flew in front. He was the muscular Dragon Whelp who had followed Boris. This boy’s boastful tone was very apparent but he loved following Boris’s orders. Meanwhile, Leona flew at the back beside Boris. However, her gaze was always swaying across Garen’s body.

Garen had impeccable physical fitness. Moreover, he was more well-proportioned and muscular compared to the average Dragon Whelp. This was a strong but also beautiful combination. It was no wonder Leona was gazing at him so fervently.

Boris and Leona who were beside him had spoken a few times. However, it seemed completely ineffective because it could not prevent her unabashed gaze. He was forced to give up helplessly. Meanwhile, his own gaze that was lingering on Garen became even more unsatisfied.

Garen could not be bothered with these bratty childish matters. He was currently lowering his head and looking down at the vast terrain below.

The pitch-black mountain range rose and fell from higher to lower altitudes continuously. Spots of bright white light that were swaying here and there could be seen occasionally. They floated around endlessly but no one knew what they were.

Drawn-out wolf howls could also be heard now and then from afar.

The group of dragons flew forward for over half an hour. Soon, they could see faint vortex-like phosphorescence that was blinking on one of the higher mountain peaks in front of them. The green phosphorescence formed a gigantic vortex that was spinning on the side of the mountain peak slowly. Under the illumination of the purple moon, it gave off a dreamlike sense of beauty.

“What’s that?” asked Saszt softly while flying in front.

“That’s the Thunder Snake Clan,” answered Boris instantly.

“The Thunder Snake Clan, huh? I’ve heard my grandfather mention it before,” Leona nodded as well. “They’re a rare race of living creatures that depend on us for shelter to live. There were Manticores last time as well but it’s unfortunate that they’ve all fled. Currently, there’s only one Thunder Snake left.”

“It won’t be troublesome if we fly over there, right?” Garen was concerned about the others.

“No, although the dependent relationship has lightened recently during these past few years, it’s unlikely for them to attack us spontaneously,” said Boris logically. He was clearly emulating the attitude of a certain Adult Dragon.

They flew past the Thunder Snake Clan from above. Garen observed the light green phosphorescent vortex. There were numerous moth-like insects inside the vortex that were blinking with light. Light green fluorescence was spreading all over their entire bodies faintly. This phosphorescent vortex was clearly created by these light green moths.

“Come and look quickly. It’s Beyber and the others!” Leona suddenly yelled while pointing towards the distant sky.

“Beyber? Where? I’ll definitely give him a good show after coming out this time!” The moment he heard this name, Boris who was pretending to be calm all this while flared up. He glanced over fiercely in the direction where Leona was pointing before actually seeing a little team of Dragon Whelps that were similarly flying past the borders of the Thunder Snake mountain now.

The fellow that was leading these few Dragon Whelps was named Beyber and he was always fighting with Boris. Neither of them was afraid of the other because they both belonged to the Elder’s bloodline. However, Boris was still slightly weaker in the end because he was beaten up more frequently.

There was a congenital black birthmark patch on Beyber’s right wing. Hence, he was very easily recognizable. He also had an extremely muscular physique.

He had obviously noticed Boris and the others here. He grinned while charging over from afar while faintly harboring some malicious intentions.

“That guy! He’s provoking me!!” Boris burned with rage and positioned himself as if he was about to rush over. However, he was immediately held back tightly by Saszt.

“Don’t, Boris! The swelling on your backside had just subsided so you can’t get hurt again! Our quest will be delayed if you get injured again now!” Saszt clearly did not know what to say to save Boris’s face.

“Saszt!! When have I been unable to defeat that bastard?!”

Boris’s flushed suddenly. This was the first time Garen discovered the states of White Dragons when they blushed.

“It was the day before. You were single-handedly beaten up by Beyber. I saw it with my own eyes. I’m doing this for your own good!!” There was a loyal expression on Saszt’s face while he hugged him closely without loosening his claws at all.


When he saw Leona’s surprised gaze that was tinged with faint disdain, Boris was itching to find a crack to burrow through. Saszt’s strength was indeed great. Otherwise, there would have been nothing that he could have said to get this idiot to cooperate with him!

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However, it was too late to regret it now.

“Don’t go and suffer another beating! Boris!!” Saszt yelled. Boris and the other dragons who were far away heard him as well. They could not help but roar with laughter.

“Pfft…” Leona could not stop herself from laughing either.

Garen shook his head silently when he saw the face of Boris the dragon that was flushed to the point where it turned purple. Boris knew that the image of himself in Leona’s heart was already completely damaged.

However, he had searched for this partner and encountered him on his own.

Boris raised his head and let out a drawn-out cry. He watched Beyber and the other dragons fly away into the distance while guffawing. As his own strength was insufficient to break free from Saszt, he could only roar madly in grief.

“Let’s go. Stop roaring,” urged Garen.

“That’s right. If there’s something wrong, we’ll go to the Hunting Area and settle it with them there!” Leona could not help but cheer Boris up.

The group of dragons experienced a lot of difficulty in calming down Boris’ emotions after encountering this minor incident. Boris scolded Saszt angrily before continuing to fly towards the Hunting Area listlessly.

Along the way, they passed through a little grey human campsite that was below them. Numerous human warriors walked in and out of the tents at times and they could even occasionally see a Wizard walking out of the tents.

“Those are the powerhouses of the Deladia Empire’s alliance. They’ve already united with our White Dragon Clan to form an alliance of Wizards.”

Boris was the one who explained. Since Garen did not laugh at him earlier, he had revised his impression of him and viewed him in a much better light now.

“Powerhouses of the alliance? How was the alliance act formed?” asked Garen.

“Rumor has it that it was formed through the dragon race’s Alliance Oath Spell. They pay us compensation so we respond when they summon us and come forward to support them. These Summoning Spells are unique. However, they’re only suitable for Adult White Dragons. We are currently not qualified yet,” Boris shook his head.

“Are these summon-type spells? I’ve heard that summon-type spells can be used to summon doors to other worlds where we can hunt down powerful creatures from different space-time dimensions to either enslave or engage in combat with them, is that so?” Garen did not have the information from the relevant books. Instead, he could faintly remember these contents from his inherited memories.

“Yes, it’s like that. Spells like these are listed in the stack of books that my grandfather collected. However, certain editions are incomplete. Since they weren’t very useful towards us White Dragons, no one really valued them highly. Many of these books were accidentally ruined because they weren’t preserved or taken care of properly,” said Leona regretfully. “Why? Do you want to learn Summoning Spells, Garen? If you wanted to do that, we might as well enslave the subordinate Earth Dragons and Dragon Beasts. We’d probably need at least Level Five or Level Six Summoning Spells to summon creatures like Dragon Beasts. It wouldn’t be that useful.”

“That’s true as well,” Garen nodded understandably. Actually, he was merely planning to try and see if he could open his initial main door to the Space-Time Universe. However, when he thought about the terrifyingly powerful beings that existed when he Transmigrated to this world, he knew in his heart that this was highly unlikely. The desire for mere advanced level Spellcrafting to achieve such a high degree was a wild fantasy indeed.

“My grandfather has dispatched two Dragon Guards to assist Deladia with defending the Wizard Tower. He can probably obtain complete Spellcrafting information in exchange. However, it will probably be very expensive. If you want it, you can go and contact those two ‘big brother’ Dragon Guards,” said Leona quietly.

“Yes, I know. Thank you very much,” Garen made a mental note.