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Nanomancer Reborn - I've Become A Snow Girl?

Chapter 341: Destroying The Relic
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"Ha…" Sighing softly, the priest massaged his shoulders and made his way back to his room. Ever since the fight for the crown broke out, there had been hundreds of people coming to get healed. Even with the amount of healer's in the city, it was still a difficult task.

'I hope that this will be sorted out soon.' He thought to himself while arriving at his room.

Opening the door, he was about to sit down when he paused in shock.

Seeing the masked figure that he was oh so familiar with due to the online video, he was about to call for the guards when the figure flickered in front of him and pressed its armoured gloves against his mouth.

"Shut it and close the door slowly." A robotic voice rang out.

Understanding that this was potentially the person that could kill him with a gun, the priest nodded and obeyed orders for now.

Seeing that he closed the door, Shiro snapped her fingers and set up a silencing formation in the room so that none of the conversation could be heard from the outside.

"I'm just a servant of god in a small church. What does the rogue assassin want from me." The priest said slowly as Shiro flinched a little from her nickname.

"I need the highest quality grade of holy water that you have. I'm sure that you've seen the monstrosity that the first prince was fighting until I dealt with him. The cause of a creature like that to spawn is due to this item and to destroy it, I'll need the highest grade of holy water." Shiro replied while showing him the item.

Surprised at Shiro's reason for seeing him, the priest had to admit that he was expecting her to be a little evil. Instead, he was presented with a person that wanted to destroy a relic rather than to use it for evil.

"I see. Is it ok for me to examine the relic?" He asked cautiously since he didn't want to offend the person if possible.

"Of course. But if you pull anything, I will kill you without hesitation." Shiro replied, letting a little of her blood l.u.s.t escape and created her hand cannon.

Feeling the mana being emanated from the gun, the priest swallowed a mouthful of saliva since he knew that this was the real deal.

Taking the relic from Shiro's hands, the priest narrowed his eyes while casting a few spells.

After he analysed it, his face paled and quickly handed it back to her.

"Such a fierce evil aura, I haven't seen anything like it in my life!" He exclaimed in shock.

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"Now you know. Just give me the highest grade holy water and I'll deal with it myself." Shiro replied nonchalantly.

"Absolutely not! As a priest of this church, I must see the destruction of such a relic with my own eyes so that I may rest easy. I can provide you the holy water but as a trade, I must partake in the relic's destruction." The priest frowned. For all he knew, there was a possibility that once Shiro cleanses it of its corruption, she would use it for her own personal gains.

However, little did he know that the essence of corrupted relics lies in their evil nature. Once you get rid of it, it would only become a husk of what it would be. For the executioner's requiem, it would only be an item that slightly enhances illusions.

But as long as the husk remains, there was always the chance of it coming back so Shiro wouldn't keep it around. She'll completely destroy it so long as she gets the chance.

"That's fine as long as you give me the water. Whether or not you want to watch is none of my business. I'm just here to destroy this." Shiro replied with a shrug.

"Thank you. I shall prepare the holy water right away." The priest nodded and walked over to a safe in a hidden compartment of the room.

Raising her eyebrows, Shiro was slightly surprised since she hadn't detected the safe at all.

Using his mana as a key, he grabbed one of the storage rings and pulled out a porcelain bottle that had faint blue engravings across the surface.

"This should be the highest grade of holy water that I have around here. Will it suffice?" He asked while handing her the bottle.

[Grade A Holy Water Purple+]

"Yeah it should do. Now then, it's time to destroy this relic." Shiro nodded.

Grabbing the relic, she suspended it into the air while opening the bottle.

Using her newly acquired water attunement, she manipulated the holy water to wrap around the relic.


A hissing sound could be heard as the water came into contact with the surface.

Ignoring the sound, Shiro then flexed her finger and created several tier 3 magic circles which spun around the relic.

"Consume." Shiro commanded coldly as nanobots spewed out from the magic circle and started to eat away at the relic. Unlike her recycling option, this was literally just her destroying every part of the relic until nothing is left then disposing of the nanobots.

Looking at the writhing mass of silver that was eating away at the relic, the priest couldn't help but think that this could be the key to her weapons.

It was only after the last piece of the relic was consumed did Shiro sigh in relief.

With the executioner's requiem destroyed, she had one less corrupted relic to worry about in this life.

"Fuu… Thanks for your cooperation. Goodbye." Shiro sighed as she planned to leave.

However, the priest called out to her before she could leave.

"Young one, I suggest that you keep yourself safe and try not to let your weapons fall into the wrong hands. Should they research it and find out its composition, there is no doubt that efforts to mass-produce your weapons will be seen everywhere should it be fully analysed." He warned.

"Don't worry, I know." Shiro replied before flickering away.

Looking at the now empty room, the priest sighed before giving a silent prayer.


After leaving the church, Shiro wondered what else she needed to do.

With the weapon destroyed and the elder's implementing the rule to hopefully allow her to take Iziuel away, there wasn't much else for her to do.

'Since the rule will need several days to test its effectiveness, I should do something else in that time.' She thought to herself.

The first thing that came to mind was to get to level 100 followed by getting Helion to upgrade her armour so that it is synchronised with her level much like her sword.

That way, she wouldn't have to worry about switching armour every 5 levels.

Bringing out her phone, she decided to give Helion a text.

[Shiro: Yo Helion, I got a commission for you if you're up for it.]

[Helion: Oh boy. What is it this time? Want me to try to upgrade another set armour to red?]

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[Shiro: You said it not me.]

[Helion: . . . ]

[Helion: What's the grade and the materials you have on hand. If it's within reach, I'll give it another try.]

Seeing that Helion was willing to try again, Shiro couldn't help but smile.

[Shiro: The image of the materials I have along with my armour is attached in the following file oh great smith chosen by the gods.]

[Helion: Holy f*ck! Last time you sent me a purple grade item set and now it's orange!? What's next, are you going to tell me to upgrade a red item?!]

[Shiro: Be careful, you might jinx it haha. Anyways, what's your outlook on the success for this one?]

[Helion: Relatively high. Since it's already orange grade, it would be easier for me to upgrade it. Plus, it seems to me that you robbed quite a wealthy family to have so many rare materials so I'd say the success is roughly 70% this time.]

[Shiro: Hou, interesting. But first, what the hell do you mean rob. They were just lying around on the floor so I picked them up.]

Technically, she wasn't wrong. The corpses were lying around after all.

[Helion: Sure whatever.]

[Shiro: Anyways, where are you now? I'm still in Miriel and I'll be staying for another week or so. Would it be easier for me to make my way to where you are or you come to me?]

[Helion: It'll probably be easier for me to come to you. Plus, there's been an influx of people going to Miriel after this Rogue Assassin became famous online so I can just party up with someone for the Miriel teleport shrine.]

[Shiro: Alright. I'll see you soon. Give me a message and I'll go pick you up.]

[Helion: Got it.]

Putting her phone away, Shiro massaged her eyes.

'God damn it. Why did they have to give me the name rogue assassin…' She thought with embarrassment.

Shaking her head, she decided to go do a few dungeons to cool off.