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Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 213
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The next day was when Han arrived back at the Temple. The girls greeted him happily and when they told Han about the mercenaries who came to attack them, he was a bit surprised. Didn’t he put some shadow Hunters on all the girls to make sure that things like this didn’t happen? But the shadow Hunters were meant to activate only if the threat level was higher than what the girls could handle on their own. If the shadow hunter didn’t activate, then that means the girls handled it pretty well. Hehe, would you look at that, he was proud of them.

But who is this other person who came to look for him? They told him it was someone from the White Rose guild. Isn’t that one of the two guilds on the fiftieth floor? If they were looking for him then it was probably time for Han to also meet them. He didn’t need them to stick their nose into his business because they were curious.

“Stop poking me, tiny person”

Most of the conversation died down in the restaurant as Gregory’s voice echoed from behind Han. The girls all looked toward the person who spoke, and they were surprised to see a boy wearing all black. He had black hair and even black eyes. Yue was standing in front of him, and she was poking him on the side to get his attention.

Rin laughed lightly. she sometimes forgot that Yue was still a child with how mature she acts, but moments like this always made her remember.

Gregory frowned at Yue and then pushed her away with one finger. Get away from me. I don’t need you standing that close to me.

Rin stood up and looked at Han curiously. She didn’t know why it took her this long to even notice the boy was following Han. She thought the boy was just another customer.

“Han, who’s this?”

Han perked up from his musing about the White Rose guild and he smirked when he saw that Gregory was still holding Yue back with a finger. He stood up and pat Gregory on the shoulder. Gregory eyed him suspiciously. He just knew this man was about to do something stupid.

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“Right, I haven’t introduced you yet. Gregory, this is my family. Those are my girlfriends and this little one over here is Yue, your big sister. Yue this is Gregory, I just adopted him into the family”

Gregory felt his eyes twitch. Who the hell did he adopt? I never agreed to any of this!Â

Yue’s eyes widened and she looked up at Gregory with shining eyes. She already had a big brother once, but she has never had a little brother before!

Gregory felt very uncomfortable with the way Yue was looking at him. He unconsciously folded his hands to isolate himself from them and Han smacked him on the back of his head.

Gregory glared at Han and Han rose a brow at him. Gregory huffed and finally spoke up.

“H-Hello. I’m Gregory, it’s nice to meet you all”

Han smirked. Now was that so hard? You keep acting like it’s the end of your life if you just smile a little. Han already told Gregory that if he didn’t try to be nice to his family then Han would throw him out immediately. Gregory needed to start trying to reach out to people as well.

The girls greeted Gregory with smiles, but it was Yue that really clung to him. She wanted him to carry her up to his shoulder and Gregory wondered how the hell she was supposed to be older than him! He was taller, bigger, and even more mature! What sort of twisted reasoning makes her the older one?


Gregory yelled as he felt Yue kick his shin! This midget! Did she just kick me!? He glared down at her and his fist dug into the top of her head! Don’t hit me you tiny thing! Yue didn’t even flinch at his hit, and she kicked him a second time!


Gregory held onto his shin in anger and finally relented as he took her and put her on his shoulder! Fine! It’s not like your even weigh anything! Wipe that smile off your face, Han!!

Han smiled at the two of them before he began moving upstairs with Rin and Lily. There weren’t many customers here and so they could slack off for a while. Han wanted to see these mercenaries who attacked his house. Once he left, Rina dragged Gregory over to a table at the side and dumped him down on the chair. Gregory found himself completely overwhelmed by her bubbly attitude. She was just so happy and likable that he couldn’t say no when she grabbed some food and dumped it in front of him. Apparently, this was his new aunt, as well as Han’s girlfriend. Gregory didn’t know how relationships worked in the world Han was from, but Gregory knew this was not normal! You don’t just date your sister, Han!!

Gregory had already eaten with Han before they came here, but he still tried his best to eat something since Rina was looking at him like a puppy. He felt like he would be the worst person in the world if he didn’t try to eat some of the food. It was still weird to suddenly be around this many people, but he told Han that he would try his best to reach out more now that he accomplished his goal, so he would try.


After that day Han took his time making Gregory accustomed to the Temple. Han thought it would take some time for Gregory to get used to how things were done here, but he was surprised by how well Gregory was handling it.

Gregory didn’t join any guilds, just like Han told him not to. Han didn’t want Gregory being attached to any other guild since he already had plans for the boy. Han wanted to find out if Gregory could take more attributes from killing people in the Temple and Han used those mercenaries to confirm it! He made Gregory kill one of the mercenaries and Gregory’s stats grew by the same amount that the mercenary used to have!

Name – Gregory Magicus

Level – 50

Strength – 720

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Stamina – 510

Agility – 530

Intelligence – 250

Free Points – 330

Skills – [Dark Shadow – 160] [Dark Sword – 50] [Bloodlust – 150] [AntiMagic Body – 110] [Destructive Blast – 90] [Poisonous Blood – 105] [Grim Reaper – 150] [Eyes of Horos – 100] [Analyse – 90] [Flight – 160] [Danger Sense – 70]

That means that Gregory could steal people’s stats but not their skills. He also couldn’t multiply it, so it would be a bit more difficult to make him strong in a short time, but Han was sure that he could do it.

As of right now, Gregory still had a silver Star and Han found it hilarious. His stats alone would be enough to make him a top-tier gold Star, but he was a silver Star just because he didn’t have two skills above two hundred. This Star system is bullshit.

Han then began to train Gregory. He took him from floor to floor and had him kill as many monsters as he could before going to the next floor. The tenth floor was like a joke to Gregory. He knows that these monsters are supposed to be strong but to him, they were just too weak. He managed to kill most of them quickly and make his way over to the higher floors. Just like always, the queen of the Echo on the twelfth floor didn’t want Han anywhere near her floor.

Once Han got to that floor, he was immediately shown the way to the portal to take him and Gregory to the next floor. Gregory was surprised by that and he wondered why Han was hated so much on this floor. Han just smiled and waved it away, and so Gregory decided he wouldn’t bother trying to know why.

On the fifteenth floor, Han met up with Fey and Ragnar. They were there visiting some friends from their hometown. Fey was shocked to see that Han adopted Gregory. When they split up earlier, she thought that Han would just let him go to any guild and be done with it. She didn’t think that he would actually take the boy under his wing. This just made Fey have more of a liking towards Han. He was even good with children!

Ragnar rolled his eyes at his sister’s stupidity. If she wanted him then she should just tell him. He didn’t know why women were always so complicated.

Gregory and Han separated from the siblings after some time because they needed to go higher. Han wanted to take Gregory all the way to the thirtieth floor before they go back down. They have been on this journey for close to one week now. Han could never do things like this with the girls because there were so many of them and they didn’t have the growth speed that Gregory had, but Gregory didn’t need as much care as the girls. He could handle himself well in a fight right from the beginning and his absorbing ability just made everything easier.

Han decided to call Gregory’s ability ‘absorbing’ instead of ‘devouring’ since Gregory was just taking stats and not skills. Gregory was still in the dark about his special ability to absorb stats. He couldn’t see other people’s systems, so he just thought that this level of strength was normal for everyone. Han would tell him about it later, but for now, he just wanted Gregory to keep growing.