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Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 226
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People who got retrieved by the scientist were never heard from again in the Temple! There were many guesses about what happened to them, but the only thing anyone really knew was that they just disappeared off the face of the Temple. If the scientist got a retrieval order for Han, then that meant Han was next!

“His body!! Did the scientist also get permission to use his real body!?”

Yuuma was now looking at Dorea with terrified eyes. If the scientist didn’t get permission to bring his body into the Temple, then it was possible that Han could put up a better fight right now and they didn’t have to worry too much. But if the scientist got the permission, then they were fucked!

Dorea nodded and Yuuma covered her face with both palms while squatting down! Damn it! She didn’t have time! She couldn’t get everything ready in just this short time! What could she do now!?

Dorea noticed the distress on Yuuma’s face and wished there was something she could do. She knew what they needed to complete their plan since Han already explained it to her, but she couldn’t give it to them since she wasn’t an original Celestial. She is only one of those who managed to finish the Temple’s tests and become a Celestial. So she gave them another option.

“Look, you can’t just stay here like this. Han needs you to get permission for him to do what he needs to. On floor fifty there is a woman there named Dyana. Han told me that if everything fails then you should go there and talk to her. I don’t know what she can do but she can help you”

Yuuma looked up in shock! Dyana was on floor fifty!? What the hell was she doing there!? Don’t tell me that woman is still playing god. I don’t know which is worse right now. The fact that Han is about to be caught by the scientist or that his only hope is Dyana. Will she ever agree to something like this? There is a reason I didn’t want to involve her in the first place!

“Okay, okay. I need to get there as quickly as possible. Can you use your void to take me?”

Dorea smiled and waved her hand to the side. She could do far more than just that.

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Han and Gregory were standing on top of the mountain as they looked up at the monster that was coming down at them. Han was wondering what the fuck a dragon was doing in this Temple!? This isn’t just a Dragonborn, it’s a full-fledged dragon!!


The dragon suddenly released a great roar and Han saw how the space in front of it was yellow. Han quickly pushed Gregory to the side and jumped in the other direction as the dragons suddenly released [Dragons Breath]!!!!!


The fire was strong enough to force Han to bring up a defense and he even had to use both hands to protect his face so he wouldn’t fly away!! Gregory wasn’t as lucky and he got blown into the side of another mountain by the shockwave!Â

Gregory coughed out smoke as he pushed himself out of the mountain. Fuck… that hurt.

The dragon released another great roar and then flapped its heavy wing as it charged straight for Gregory. It would deal with this weak one first. No weakling shall pass this mountain as long as it was here!!! But something suddenly slammed into its side and took it away! Gregory noticed that it was Han who slammed into the monster. Was Han planning on fighting that thing!?

Han and the dragon soared into the sky and Han kicked off the dragon and suddenly began to move back towards the ground. The dragon didn’t waste any time as it roared while charging down for Han. Han immediately started to think of what he should do next. Dragons have always been just mythical creatures and he didn’t know any weaknesses they had, but if there was one here, then should it not obey the regular rules that people have always brought up for dragons? They were impervious to cold and heat. They had scales stronger than metal and their breath was hotter than a fucking volcano. Shit! Don’t they have any weaknesses!?

[Dragons Breath]!!!!!

Han felt another heat blast shoot toward him and he quickly brought up all of his defenses at once!!


The dragon’s fire washed over him and Han gritted his teeth as he felt an immense amount of pain pierce into his body! This fire is too hot! What the hell is this!! I have to dodge it next time. I can’t just let it hit me! This Dragon has to be as strong as me!

Han dodged to the side and avoided the rest of the flames before he flew towards the dragon! If there were no weaknesses that he could figure out, then all he had to do was beat the shit out of it till it dies. There were many things that dragons could withstand, but a beatdown was not one of them!

Han and the dragon clashed in the middle of the sky and Gregory’s eyes widened as he saw it. He always knew Han was strong, but this is the first time he is seeing Han going all out in a fight. Gregory squeezed his fist tightly. Damn. He was so weak. He didn’t have any way to help! If I came here alone then I would have been killed like a bug!


Han and the dragon slammed into a mountain and completely tore through it before bursting out the other side! The dragon was shocked that Han could even keep up with it! Is this not one of the weaklings from the lower floor!? Why is he so strong!? Nobody has dared to challenge me on this floor for close to three centuries and I won’t fall to anybody like this!

The dragon reared its head back and its chest turned hot red as it prepared its strongest dragon’s breath yet! Han saw this and he planted his feet deep into the mountain behind him while also rearing his head back!!!

[Dragons Breath]!!!!!!

[Dragons Breath]!!!!!!!

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Two cataclysmic balls of fire and destruction formed in front of the two titans and then they released them!! Gregory’s entire body told him at that moment that if he even dared to stay near that blast then he would not be to survive till the next day. He quickly flew to the other side of the mountain he was standing on and hoped that the blast wouldn’t destroy the mountain completely!


It made Gregory deaf! For a short while, after the blast echoed, all Gregory could hear was a low whining deep inside his skull! Am I deaf!? Shit, I can’t hear anything!!

It took a short while for Gregory’s hearing to come back, by the time it did he turned around to see what had happened on the other side of the mountain and his mouth fell open in shock. All the mountains that were here before were all gone! The clouds that used to block the ground from view had been completely cleared up and he could now see that the floor had a grassy landscape.

They did all this with only their dragon’s breath!? Is this not too strong!!? If Han released something like this on the lower floors, then will everybody not just die!? No wonder he never went all out!

But where were they? I can’t see anything. Gregory looked around to check for the two fighters and he had to turn on his [Eyes of Horos] before he finally found them. They were still in the sky, but it looked like they were now using only skills to battle!

Han was releasing skill after skill on the dragon and it was either dodging it or countering it using a skill of its own. But from the looks of things Han wasn’t getting the upper hand. He was gradually being pushed back because most of the skills he used were being blocked by the dragon’s thick scales!

Han knew that he was losing. He knew his Mana points were already going down, but from the looks of things, he would still have more than half of it by the end of this battle. He already released close to twenty skills and it wasn’t even below a hundred thousand yet so that should be more than enough. Han found an opening when the dragon was about to charge for him again and he quickly activated two skills at once!

[Overcharge] has been activated!!

[Ultimate Critical Hit] has been activated!!

The dragon didn’t expect Han to suddenly charge towards it, and so it was wide open as Han planted his fist deep into its neck!! The dragon roared in pain, but it wasn’t going to go down that easily! It reared its head back and then bit down hard on Han’s arm!

[Poison blood] has poisoned the Host’s opponent.

Han’s system activated the passive skill poison blood, but Han didn’t even pay any attention to it! He screamed as he felt his [Body of Adamantine] break like leather! The dragon’s teeth almost tore his arm out, but he managed to use [Flare] to blind the beast and make it recoil in pain as the light assaulted its eyes. Han then used [Gale Winds] to push himself away from the dragon immediately!