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Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 227
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Han was breathing heavily and he held onto the injured arm in pain. Shit. It looked like an entire tree went through his arm! The arm was bloody and Han immediately tried to use a skill to heal it!

[Renewal] has been activated.

[[Renewal] activation failed. Host has been poisoned by dragon saliva and the skill level is too low to counter it. Please use another skill]

Han’s eyes stared at his screen like he was reading another language. What the fuck do you mean by that!? Dragon saliva!? Is this some sort of prank! Just tell me to go and die then! What the fuck am I supposed to do with only one arm!?


The dragon charged for Han again and Han quickly deactivated his flight skill and dropped like a rock as the dragon crashed into the spot he had just been flying. Han activated his flight skill again and flew around to the back of the dragon! He had to come up with a new plan! He didn’t know that dragons could poison you with their saliva!

He flew to the side once he saw that the dragon found where he was and activated [Volcanic Burial]. A huge amount of magma blasted down on the dragon from above and Han managed to just avoid being skewered by the attack the dragon sent at him. He hoped that the dragon would be hurt by that, but other than a little blood on its left eye, the dragon flew out from there unharmed! Han grit his teeth and activated another skill immediately!

[Electric Railgun] has been activated!

The electric Railgun blasted out from beside Han. The dragon opened its mouth and Han was shocked when he felt the atmospheric temperature dop like crazy before the dragon released a blast of ice!! The Railgun and the ice collided in the air and canceled each other out.

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Of course, it has Ice! Both fire and ice! What kind of cheat dragon has both fire and ice! How does that even work!? Do you have two lungs or something!? And was this bastard not poisoned? He might have poisoned me, but I poisoned it too! Don’t tell me that its poison nullified my own! No. I have to think of a plan! I can’t lose here.

Han’s mind went into overdrive as he began to think of what he needed to do. By the time the dragon had completely nullified his Railgun, Han had a plan. The first thing he did was cut off the flight skill and instead activate the skill [Angel Wings]. Han needed all the speed he could get in this plan and the Angel wings were faster than the flight skill. Two white wings that were almost ten times wider than Han burst out from behind his back and Hah flapped them to test it out.

Not bad. Not bad at all. Now run!!

Han turned and blasted off with the dragon hot on his heel! The dragon’s mouth opened wide and its teeth came dangerously close to taking off Han’s legs, but Han added more force to the wings and made sure he was always one step ahead! He activated a skill immediately as he flew!

[Frigid Tundra] has been activated!

Han dragged his entire body upwards just at the same moment that he formed a wall of ice in front of the dragon! His change in direction was too sudden for the dragon and so it crashed into the wall of ice and broke through to the other side! It became a bit dizzy Han quickly activated three skills at the same time.

[Death’s Playthings] has been activated.

[Vine Control] has been activated.

[Stone Coffin] has been activated.

Before the dragon could get off the ground, [Death’s Playthings] activated and many black hands burst out of the soil and latched onto various parts of it. The dragon roared as it quickly used its teeth to start tearing into the hands, but before it could even finish that, green vines tore out of the ground and began to wrap all over the dragon!! The dragon roared in anger! How dare this human try to trap me! It could see Han flying above it and the image of Han looking down on it made it angrier than anything that happened here! It opened its mouth to release Dmv d2ragon’s Breath but the third skill activated quickly.

The ground around it rose and trapped the dragon in a sphere made out of rocks!! Han activated his Telekinetics and began to raise the stone coffin out of the ground. He could hear the dragon screaming in anger inside the coffin and he knew that if he didn’t act fast then the dragon would escape.

Whenever Han gets a new skill, he always gets some knowledge of what that skill is and what it does. Han knew all of his skills personally and he always felt like he was always the one in control of them. But there was one skill that Han didn’t think he was in control of. This skill was like a Loose Cannon. Han knew that all he could do was point it in the right direction and then let it loose. If he were to use this skill without caution he could possibly destroy everything.

[Sword of Destruction] has been activated.

From all the way over on the other side of the floor, Gregory could see the sky split open like it had been cut with a sword! A magic circle formed in the sky above Han and then a sword began to fall out from the circle! The sword was larger than anything Gregory had ever seen in his life. Taller than the castle he grew up in and wider than five men standing arm to arm. It descended like an executioner!!

Han couldn’t even grab onto this sword! He once tried to touch this sword when he was testing it out and voices started to whisper in his head. Telling him to destroy everything in his path. Telling him to kill everyone he loves and to let them suffer. Han swore never to touch the sword again.

Instead, he let it fall!!


The sword was huge and the weight was more than that of a building! So as it fell from the magic circle, it pierced right into the stone coffin!!



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Han breathed heavily as he finally released his skills. He was very low on MP now. It was only remaining about fifty thousand. He could feel that it might take close to a day for him to get everything back up again.

He looked down as the stone coffin fell away from the dragon. There was a deep cut on the dragon’s side and Han almost laughed. All that and he could only get the dragon to be injured to this extent? It wasn’t even dead yet. This monster is stupidly strong! The dragon wasn’t moving anymore but Han couldn’t be too careful. He grunted as he grabbed onto his arm. Maybe he should try looking into this injury. It looks like it would get infected if he didn’t treat it soon.

The dragon on the ground suddenly began to shake and Han looked down with a confused expression. What was happening this time? The dragon stopped shaking and then it started to shrink till it transformed into a female with horns! Han slowly flapped his wings and dropped to the ground while looking at the woman. She wore all black and had two horns on either side of her head. There was a huge wound in the same spot where the dragon had been injured and her breath was coming out in pained puffs.

What in the hell was this? The dragon was a woman? A Dragonborn? Can all the Dragonborns transform into dragons!?


Han looked behind him quickly as he heard Gregory call his name. Gregory was flying toward Han at an insane speed but there was something else coming toward Han too. Han narrowed his eyes to see it clearly and he saw that it was some sort of arrow. Who shot an arrow?

“Han!! Someone is coming!!!”

Han saw the arrow fly past Gregory and head straight for him. He flapped his wings and a huge gust of wind blew across the ground as Han blasted into the air! He would find out what that arrow was from later. He had to first make sure he didn’t get hit! But instead of missing him, a portal suddenly opened in front of the arrow and it disappeared inside!!




Han heard Gregory’s voice shouting out to him from very far away, but he could only feel the sting of the arrow deep inside his chest. Fuck. That hurt like a bitch. Han’s wings gave out on him and he began to plummet to the ground!!!