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Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 255
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Han was glaring at Rin and she immediately knew that he won’t make any compromises. This was about more than just her pride as a fighter, this is also about his child! He looked back at all the guild leaders.

“Carry out the task and put the people there. If I hear that even a rat got in here without me knowing about it, it’ll be your heads on the line, do you understand?”

The leaders all nodded quickly. They had no intention of disobeying their leader when he looked like he would kill them for not agreeing. He looked fucking serious! They had no idea why he was making them do this, but twenty people from each of their guilds was nothing when compared to their actual numbers. They could easily provide the people needed without reducing their forces too much.

Once they were done with their talk, the guild leaders finished their food and left the restaurant. Han spent the rest of the day with the girls and he made sure he savored every moment with them, but at the end of the day, he had to leave again. He knew he could trust Gregory, but he still had to make sure things were running smoothly up there.

Okay. Maybe I don’t trust Gregory completely. He’s still a kid and I’ve known kids to do stupid shit before. I’m just happy that he hasn’t burnt the place down already! Han spoke to Gregory just last night about what was happening with the upper floors and Gregory told Han that everything was fine. Other than some small scuffles with Pryne here and there, they were doing fine.

The next morning, Han said his goodbyes to the girls. The person who wouldn’t let go of him – surprisingly – was Dyana! She hugged Han for a long time and wouldn’t let him go! How am I supposed to get my meat if you leave me, Han!? Please don’t go! I need you!!

“You know I left some in the fridge for you, right? You can go take it at any moment if you need it so can you please stop hugging me so tight? You’re restricting my airflow!”

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A happy smile bloomed on Dyana’s face and she was glad to have someone so considerate.

“Have a nice trip, Han!!”

Han chuckled at how quickly Dyana’s moods switched. He felt Rin hug him from behind and she whispered a soft ‘Please come back safe,’ into his ear. Han nodded just once and Rin smiled as she let him go after a squeeze.

Han would miss his girls a lot, but it was time for him to go, so he waved to all his girls before he took off and left back to the upper floors!


Once Han arrived back on floor fifty-five, he was surprised that the entire thing wasn’t already a complete wasteland! The guards at the gate bowed respectfully to him and Han waved to them as he entered. At least Gregory kept them all on a leash, I wasn’t sure what he would do if I just left him in charge, but it doesn’t look like he did anything that would cause too much trouble.

Except Gregory actually did something crazy, and that was putting Pryne in prison. It wasn’t his fault! He was being challenged every single moment for a death match! Why would this idiot just keep disobeying the king’s orders like that!?

Gregory decided that the best place to put Pryne was the dungeon below the castle, at least until Han returned to keep the idiot in his place. Han ordered Gregory to bring Pryne out of the prison and into the throne room. Han was sitting on the throne and many people were standing in front of him to see what he would do to Pryne.

Han was tired now. He was already trying his best for this idiot and even now he is still trying to die!? Han would just give him exactly what he wanted if it was so important to him! Pryne’s one weakness was his wife and now that she was dead there was nothing to keep Pryne in order anymore.

Han simply gave the order.

“Pryne and Gregory will have their match and may the best man win. I will hear nothing about this anymore after today. Anyone that doesn’t like my decision can speak up now or you can shut up for the rest of your damn lives”

The room was absolutely silent and Han nodded. He looked towards the generals and told them to prepare a proper training ground for the execution – I mean, match! A proper training ground for the match!

What!? Did you think that this would be anything like a match!? Everyone here knew just how strong Gregory was and also how he would never lose to Pryne. To the eyes of everyone here, I just sanctioned an execution disguised as a match and they knew it. But they would never say anything because I’ll kill them like cockroaches if they do.

The match happened at midday that same day and the outcome was exactly as everyone had expected. It didn’t take Gregory any effort at all for him to make Pryne submit his life! Pryne tried his best and Han would always remember that. The man is a strong general and his only bad flaw was his nonchalance. If not for the fact that he didn’t care for anything in the past he could have been so much stronger than this and maybe he would have even beat Gregory, but he didn’t try harder and he sure as hell didn’t beat Gregory!

So at midday that day, Gregory beheaded Pryne and sent him to meet his wife.

Once that was done with there was another matter that Han had to deal with! Quinthreath was being annoying again! He was still going on about that reassurance that Han promised him when he took his kingdom and Han kept on wondering what the fuck Quinthreath was trying to do! Did he not know that I’m not a crazed maniac that just kills for no reason!? Quinthreath only knew how to think like the two-thousand-year-old he was, and as far as he was concerned, the new kings always killed the family of the old one to ensure they never went out of control. He would not be calm at all till he got the reassurance from Han.

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You know what, fine! Just tell me already!!

Quinthreath smiled once Han said this and he turned and motioned for some people to come forward. The people who came forward were Quinthreath’s family. His wife was a rather beautiful Dragonborn who wouldn’t look at Han in the eyes. There were two young sons and a girl that seemed a little older than Gregory’s age among them. The two boys were very small, they didn’t even look older than ten years, but they were glaring daggers at Han! They were once the crown princes of this kingdom and now some stranger came and took everything away from them! How dare he!? They will make sure they grew strong enough to kill this man!

Han smiled viciously at the two boys and they yelped as they quickly went to hide behind their mother. Gregory laughed from his place at Han’s right hand. These boys should probably think of growing up first before they try to fight Han. This man will not go easy even on children, so long as they are his enemy!

The queen quickly apologized to Han.

“I-I’m sorry for my children! They do not know how to act in front of royalty yet since they have never met any before. Please forgive them”

The woman hid her two sons behind her and she herself hid behind Quinthreath. She still couldn’t look Han in the eyes. Han was surprised that they have never met any royals before! Just how sheltered were these children that they wouldn’t meet even a single royal!?

Well, it didn’t matter! What bothered Han was the last person there, the girl that was looking at him with a blank face. She looked stiffer than a board and even though she met his eyes, it wasn’t because she was brave or anything. It was more like she couldn’t look away from his eyes due to the absolute fear she had!

She didn’t know why her father told her to dress up nicely today! Is she going to leave this castle soon!? She didn’t like the atmosphere around here since this Han Luo took over! It was very different from when her father was king! The servants no longer bowed to her and everyone always looked like they were just waiting for her and her family to finally be killed by Han Luo!

Bastards! After everything that her father did for them, they will just turn on him like that!? Even if the contract of submission makes it impossible to betray the new king how can they be so comfortable with it immediately!?

Han tilted his head to the side as he stared at the strange and scared girl. He stood up and he saw how her entire body jumped slightly in fright. Han smiled internally. What a cute reaction.