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Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 260
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Gregory noticed the interaction between Han and Yana and he couldn’t help but smile a little. He didn’t think at first that Yana would get along with any of the other girls because she didn’t love Han as much as them, but she just might get along with them after all. This is exactly how any of the other girls would react if they saw this. Well, Lily would probably try to attack Freya instead.

“What are you smiling about?”

The person who spoke to Gregory was that second in command that was looking at him before. She was sitting beside him and she spoke with a small smile. Gregory eyed her with obvious distrust. What did this woman want from him?

“I don’t think I have to tell you anything? Go talk to someone else”

The woman hummed.

“Don’t be like that, we are both the right hand of our kings. The least we can do is be on friendly terms since we will be interacting a lot in the future. Can you not at least talk to me about something small like this?”

Gregory was silent for a while as he thought about it. She was actually right. If things went right here then they will probably be meeting each other a lot in the future. Should he alienate her because he just didn’t like her face? Maybe not. That would be bad for Han. Gregory decided to give her just one chance.

“I am Gregory. What’s your name?”

“Esse. It’s a pleasure to meet the famous Grim Reaper. I’ve heard stories about how dangerous you are in the shadows, and I have to say I’m impressed”

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Gregory nodded in disinterest. Everyone already knew what he was and he never bothered to hide it. If she was trying to get a reaction out of him then she will be waiting for nothing.

“I see, it’s nice to meet you.”

The conversation between the two of them became almost nonexistent after their initial greeting. Esse was trying to get Gregory to open up and talk to her but he just didn’t ever feel like it. Something about her just rubbed him off the wrong way and he could never try to get to know her.

The way she spoke was very vague and it was like she was always trying to pry into Gregory’s life too much! Gregory didn’t like that.

Clink! Clink! Clink!

All conversation died down in the room as Freya clinked her spoon against her glass. Once she had everyone’s attention she smiled while looking right at Han.

“As a gesture of our union, I’d like to extend an invitation for you to visit my land. I know you will especially love to see the large fields we have, King Han”

Han was surprised. Where did this come from? And why in the world is she saying it in front of this many people? She could have easily waited for us to be alone before telling me this but why did she make it public like this?

Han only needed Freya to sign the contract of submission, but he couldn’t force her into it in front of other people, or else the other kings would come after him. He had to just play along for now

The only reason I’m still doing all this is because I know she is trying to do something stupid. I can feel it. Should I just force her into the contract now and risk an attack from someone stronger than me or should I wait and see what exactly she is planning? Han decided that he wanted to see what she is planning. If something is going to happen, then he wanted to catch everyone involved at once.

He rose his glass with a smile.

“I will gladly accept your invitation, King Freya”

The smile that Freya gave him was very sultry! Han tried his best to ignore her as he turned toward Yana again.

Han needed to come up with a plan to get more allies so he wouldn’t have to be afraid of an attack from stronger opponents. Right now, he was just trying to catch as many fishes as possible when he throws his net out. He wanted her to reveal all her cards and he wanted to burn them all!

The feast didn’t last for too long, but by the time it was over most of the people at the table were already drunk. Apparently, two-thousand-year-old wine can make even the chosen drunk! Han bid everyone goodnight after he got tired of everything and told the guest that they would be guided by the servants to their rooms. He left Quinthreath to take care of the rest of the preparations and he took Yana away from the table.

Yana told Han that she would join him in the room after some time and he nodded as he watched her go down the opposite hall from their room. Yana was planning to get changed into something more appealing for him since she felt like asserting her place tonight.Â

Han was alone inside the room and he was getting ready for bed when the door to the room suddenly opened. Han was slightly drunk from the alcohol he took at the party, but he could still tell that the woman that entered was not Yana. What the fuck are you doing here Freya?

Freya closed the door behind her and she slowly walked toward Han. Han was sitting on the bed without any shirt on and Freya couldn’t help but find him very attractive. She knew that if she didn’t have a job to do she would have tried to get this man to become her consort.

She was a feline and so it was very easy for her to sway her hips and move her chest in a way that made Han look down at it. She slowly climbed on top of Han’s lap and Han narrowed his eyes as she brought her face directly in front of his own.

“What are you doing? This is not your room and you are not drunk enough to have made a mistake like this.”

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Freya smiled and didn’t answer. She slowly pushed Han down till he was lying on the bed and she was right on top of him. She loved this view. Seeing a man below her was what turned her on the most.

She bent low to speak right in his ear.

“Why don’t you let me take you tonight? I can teach you things that small girl would never learn in her lifetime.”

Freya smiled internally. This is the moment when most men broke. When they are faced with a woman as beautiful as her who is willing to do ‘something’ that they have never felt before they would always nod and allow her to do whatever she wanted. It would be the beginning of their downfall! But what Han did next shocked her!

Han laughed! Seriously!? You’ll take care of me!?

Han’s hand flew to the back of her head and Freya yelped as he grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled back! Freya’s eyes widened and she quickly moved her hand back to try and remove his hand! What is he doing!?

Han whispered in her ear.

“Listen here. I don’t know what you’re trying to do. But if you ever try something like this again, then I’ll end you. If you want to start a war then you should have just said so. I will destroy your lands and kill your men. I’ll take your women as prisoners and I’ll make sure your name is forgotten by everyone in this world. I’m the stronger one here, Freya and no amount of cheap pussy is going to change that. Now get off”

Freya frowned and forcefully got his hand out of her hair as she backed up. She swallowed nervously as Han sat up and frowned at her. This is the first time that a man was denying her completely like this! Why!? He isn’t gay, so what is wrong with him!?

Han could see exactly what she was thinking on her face. She could think whatever she wanted about Han’s sexuality, but the truth is that Han just didn’t like her. Simple. She might be beautiful but she was a twisted person on the inside and Han hated people like this the most.

What would have happened if he agreed just now? She would have broken his relationship with Yana and then she would have tried to take over Han like some sort of parasite. It was a twisted tactic and Han hated that women still tried to control men like this even in the temple! He already went through something like this with that his first girlfriend Tan Woo and he swore that he would never go through it again!

Han stood up and walked toward Freya and Freya was confused. What was Han trying to do?

“The contract of submission. You are going to sign it with me and then you will leave”