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Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 263
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He only came here with the soldiers. He left Yana back at the castle and Quinthreath was also busy trying to help his friend. It was hard being a king, but Han thought he wasn’t doing too bad of a job! I just need to get this woman to sign the contract and I should move to a higher floor! I can’t keep wasting time like this on stupid democratic nonsense!

The carriage carrying Freya and Esse finally arrived and stopped right in front of Han. Freya came down and she widened her hands as she came and hugged Han! It looked like a simple hug to everyone else gathered, but with the way she pressed her chest into Han’s own, Han could tell that it was not.

He frowned and pulled back. Oh yeah, he was going to end things today. One way or the other.

“King Han, it’s a pleasure to see you accepted my invitation. You look very dashing,”

Han nodded and then told his soldiers to bring forward the gift he brought for Feya. Freya’s eyes lit up in surprise when she heard this. She didn’t think Han would have any time to prepare gifts since she invited him so suddenly! What could he have possibly brought for her!?

Hans soldiers brought a large wooden box forward and they opened it to reveal a lot of lining and clothes.

“The finest clothes weaved from the finest cotton. Each one is not worth less than five hundred gold coins and there are hundreds of them inside the box. I hope you and your people enjoy it,”

Han could already guess how Freya would react. The smile that appeared on her face was really pleased! He already knew she was a woman that prided herself on her appearance. Something like this would surely be worth more than simple gold to her. She will be happier if she had the best clothes to wear instead!

Freya smiled at Han and took his hand in her own.

“It’s always a pleasure when we meet, King Han. I will gladly accept your gift,”

Han gave her a strained smile. Let go of me, wench. Freya told some of her soldiers to move the gift away. Once that was done, Freya was about to welcome Han into the carriage to ride with her but then Esse spoke up.

“King Han, where is your right hand? I haven’t seen him anywhere and I would also wish to greet him,”

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Han’s brow rose curiously. Oh, that’s true. Where the fuck are you, Gregory? I thought I told you to come back before this meeting?

“I’m right here,”

Gregory rose from the ground behind Han and Esse’s smile widened happily. He gave Freya a small bow as a sign of respect and then went to stand at Han’s right hand. Esse wanted to talk to Gregory so when they were entering the carriage she made sure she sat right opposite him.

The ride back to Freya’s home was very one-sided. To Gregory, it was just irritating to try and listen to Esse talking to him so much. He would rather be in the shadow so that he could travel faster. But to Han, he just enjoyed Gregory’s pain while giving Freya short answers to the questions she asked. What? It’s a father’s joy to watch his son go through things like this! It was just too funny!

Freya’s home was a large mansion in the center of the city. It was surrounded by large walls on each side that also had many soldiers standing guard in front of the gates. The carriage arrived inside and Freya immediately sent some guards to prepare everything.

Nobody knew that this would be the night when everything would go wrong.


Yana was restless on floor fifty-five. She couldn’t sleep and she just kept on turning in her bed. The reason for this was that she was left behind by Han when he went to see Freya. She didn’t like that woman. Yana knew she would have to share Han. He didn’t keep that a secret from her and she already accepted that as a fact.

But she didn’t like how Freya was just insulting her earlier. There was no relation between Han and Freya, so for Freya to keep touching Han was an insult to the woman he was in a relationship with! How dare she!? Yana was usually never angry, but this time she felt very angry!

Yana turned around and banged her head into her pillow! She should be with Han! What would Freya be doing to Han now that Yana isn’t there? Yana didn’t like this!

But wait, why am I so bothered like this? Han is my husband, but this is just a contract marriage. I didn’t even have a choice in the matter. Shouldn’t I hate him because he took my life away from me?

Yana knew Han and her didn’t fall in love like a normal couple. They were forced into a marriage to keep the peace between the former and the new king. But Yana couldn’t say she hated Han. Han is kind and he didn’t even try to force her to do anything! When they were first having sex, Yana could tell that if she showed any sign of being uncomfortable Han would have stopped immediately. He helped her to do everything without forcing her.

The person she is angry with is her father and mother that sold her like that! She isn’t angry with Han at all. He is her husband and so she should learn how to love him!

If only that stupid Freya isn’t trying something on him now! What is her problem!?


Yana suddenly shot up in bed as she heard a loud sound from outside. It sounded like someone just fell down. Who is out there? She stood from her bed and moved to the door to see what was happening, but before she could even get there, the door suddenly burst open! Yana jumped back as the explosion almost knocked her down! She is under attack!?

A man ran into the room from the opening and Yana saw that he was holding a knife in his hands! He had a large mask covering his face and everything he wore was black! This is an assassin!!

Yana dodged the knife and the assassin’s eyes widened! How did she dodge him!? Isn’t she meant to be weak!?

This was something that people always miscalculated about Yana. With her character and how meek she always is, people always assume that she will be weak! And when they also hear that she doesn’t have a system at all they then start thinking she is probably one of the weakest on the upper floors! But they are wrong! Yana might not have a system but she is the daughter of Quinthreath who is one of the ten strongest on the top floor! Even without a system, she is still more than a match for a white star!

Yana caught the assassin’s hand and suddenly lifted him into the air! The man’s eyes went wider in shock before Yana used her Dragonborn strength and slammed him to the ground!


What the fuck!? This woman is a monster!! The assassin realized that he couldn’t win this without using his system!! He didn’t think he would even need his system at all to finish this. That is why he is the only one that came alone. He wanted to just catch her off guard and then kill her when she is surprised!

If he draws out this fight then the guards will have time to arrive! He only killed the one guard standing outside her room so the other guards are already in their way because of that noise he made!

Fuck it! He needs to get rid of her now!

[Shadow Travel] has been activated!

The man dropped into the shadow on the floor immediately and Yana moved back quickly. The man is a white star so he must have a lot of high-level skills!

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He moved around to her back and quickly jumped out from her blind spot! He is going to stab her in the neck so she just bleeds out quickly! There is no need to make it stretch longer than this!



What the fuck!? The man couldn’t believe it! Yana saw him! She managed to kick him even from that blind spot! He didn’t even make a sound!

Yana’s father was a black star and she has been training with him for almost a hundred years. What sort of white star could possibly challenge her!? Yana stomped down on the man but he quickly activated the skill [Intangibility] as he slipped out from her grasp and rolled to the side! He tried to jump towards her again but he stopped when he suddenly heard people shouting as they ran towards Yana’s room.

“Shit! I need to go to the next one in time! I can’t get caught here!”

Yanas eyes widened! The next one!? Who else did he want to kill! She ran to intercept him but he managed to drop into his shadow again before she could get close! She pouted in anger as many guards suddenly appeared in her room.

The man in front was a general and he immediately looked around to make sure that Yana was okay. When he saw that she wasn’t harmed he asked her what happened.

“A Nightwalker assassin came. I think he was after more people, not just me!”

The general quickly told all the guards to search through the entire castle! The Nightwalkers in the guard quickly disappeared into the ground while the others all ran out of the room to look around as well!

Once they were gone, the general asked Yana who else the assassin could be after. Yana furrowed her brow as she tried to remember anything from the assassin. There wasn’t anything that she could use to tell who he was because he covered his entire body with his clothes.

But his knife. Wasn’t there something on his knife? Yana’s eyes widened in realization! He had the symbol of Freya! She was too busy to see it properly, but that was definitely two spears that she saw on that blade!

She told the general about this and the general was shocked! Freya!? Isn’t she an ally!? Why would she send an assassin to Yana? And worst of all, the king is currently in her territory! They have to go there!

Yana shook her head as she began to walk out of the room. No, she can’t think that Han doesn’t already suspect something. Even yesterday, he looked angry with Freya for some reason. The thing I need to focus more on is finding out who else the assassin could be going after. Who else can Freya want to kill that is close to Han?

Yana paused. It was like a lightbulb went off in her head! How could she be so stupid! She wasn’t the only girl Han was in love with!
