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Picking Up Beautiful Girls In The Post-Apocalyptic World!

Chapter 264
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Han and Gregory were seated at a feast that Freya prepared for Han. There weren’t many people at the feast, only Freya’s most important female generals as well as a few soldiers were standing guard around the room.Â

Han couldn’t deny that all of them were beautiful women! Almost all of them were spearmen and Han wondered why Freya was so biased towards spearmen! Doesn’t she know that it’s much better to have a Nightwalker as your protection? Even Journeymen would be better since they can move around quickly and use any weapon!

But oh well, it’s not like I care enough to tell her how to rule her territory. I’m only here for the contract of submission.

A maid came and dropped a cup of tea in front of Han and he smiled at her. The maid smiled back before she went to drop a cup of tea in front of Freya as well. Han took the cup to drink the red tea but he stopped once a voice shouted through his shadow hunter.


Han’s brow rose in surprise but he tried his best to keep his expression calm as he listened. This is definitely Yana. He only told her to use this channel if there is an emergency, didn’t he? What could have happened in the time since I left?

[Han, an assassin is after the other girls on the lower floors!]


The table cracked right down the middle and everybody on the table stopped talking immediately as they turned to Han! Han’s hand was resting on the table and he slowly dropped the cup back on the saucer with his other hand. He had a completely blank expression on his face as he continued listening.

[Han! Send help now! One of Freya’s men is after them and he’s a white Star]

“King Han? Is something the matter?”

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Freya’s voice reached Han from the other side of the table and Han took another deep breath as he suddenly felt like killing something! Patience, Han! Patience. Han looked towards Gregory and motioned him closer so he could whisper in his ear.

Once Gregory heard what Han said he was shocked! He didn’t waste any time as he immediately activated his skill and fell into the shadow! He had to get to the lower floors now!

Freya stood up in surprise when she saw Gregory disappear but Han gently told her to seat down.

“Please, let’s not ruin the tea.”

Freya was a bit hesitant because she didn’t know what was going on. Did something happen to the plan? No. Han doesn’t look angry. There is no way he would be this calm if he already heard about what happened. I just have to wait for King Troy to arrive soon and then Han will be the one in trouble!

Troy is Number seven in the ranking system. He is stronger than Han and he can easily take care of him.

The two kings took up their cups and gave each other small smiles as they drank from it. Once Freya saw Han drink it her smile widened as she thought her plan finally worked! Han then spoke as he dropped his cup.

“You disgust me, you know? I haven’t been able to say it for a while because I really tried to give you a chance, but you really disgust me”

Freya rose a brow. Now, what is this man talking about? Just stay still and let the poison in your tea work! Very soon you will be lying on the ground and begging me!

“King Troy isn’t coming. Let’s just say he is too preoccupied with another territory between your own and his own. He would have arrived already if he wasn’t so greedy, but that isn’t important. I think it should already be working”

Freya didn’t know why but she suddenly began to feel hot. She swallowed and smiled at Han as if she had no idea what he was talking about.

“I think you need to have some rest, you’re talking nonsense. I’ll have my soldier show you to your room”

Han ignored her and continued talking as he touched the ring on his finger that helps him to hide his true power.

“I’ve been waiting for days to see what you will do. I didn’t know what it would be, but I never thought it would be something this stupid. You could have done anything and I would have overlooked it so long as you signed the contract of submission in the end”


Freya held her throat suddenly as she felt something rise from her chest and she spat blood! The soldiers around the room quickly tried to run towards her but Han finally took off his ring and his bloodlust spiked! Everybody stopped in their tracks immediately as they felt fear! It was immense! Like a mountain was standing on top of them!

Freya was shocked by how much the difference between their power was! She always knew he was using an artifact to hide his true power, but she never thought it would be like this! How can a newcomer be this powerful!? He is almost as strong as the current number seven!

The worst thing was that Han was still looking at Freya with a calm expression! He didn’t even look like he was trying! This was the scariest thing for them!

“You could have done anything, Freya. Anything else!”

Freya’s body swayed and she suddenly fell to the ground! What is this! I can’t feel my legs. I can’t feel my chest. I feel like I’m going to die!


A loud sound echoed through the room as Han grabbed the table and threw it into the wall!! He finally showed his expressions on his face and it scared everyone near him! He was fucking pissed!

“You could have done anything!! But you thought it would be a good idea to touch my girls!!? My GIRLS!? Nothing in this damn Temple is more precious to me than them! I’ll burn every single thing in this world to ash for those girls and you thought it was a good idea to touch them!!?”

Freya wasn’t even hearing Han properly. Her ears were so hot! What is this!? She thought the poison was supposed to be in Han’s drink! He was the one that is supposed to become paralyzed so they can take him away! This isn’t how it was meant to go!

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And the poison isn’t meant to work on me! Didn’t I make myself immune to it already!? Yes, I’ll use a skill! I’m sure I can neutralize it!

[Cleansing] has been activated.

[Due to the potency of the poison used, the skill has failed to activate]

This… Isn’t the poison she used. There is no way her skill wouldn’t work on it! She made sure she could never be poisoned by it no matter what happened! Then that means this is something else!

[Poison Blood] has been activated.

Han’s skill [Poison Blood] was one of the strongest poison-based skills in the entire Temple. Just two drops of his blood are able to kill any white Star without them even putting up a fight! Han put almost five drops into the tea that Freya just took. He knew it wouldn’t kill a black Star easily, but he was surprised she could still move.

Freya heard footsteps coming from behind her and she began to crawl away! No! No! This isn’t how it was supposed to go! I’m the one that is supposed to be above him! How did this happen to me!? Nobody can move to help me!? Why aren’t any of the girls trying to help me!? Is his bloodlust really that scary!?

Han came to one knee in front of Freya and pulled her by the hair till she was looking up at him. She saw that all of the girls in the room were already unconscious, but there was one person that was still standing. The maid who gave her the tea to drink was looking at her with a guilty expression and Freya was smart enough to immediately know that it was the maid who did this!

Freya felt betrayed! After everything she said about men being the ones that would betray her!? Why did you betray me!? I trusted you!

“Don’t think that only men can be ambitious? You’re just being too blind if you overlook the greed inside the heart of a woman”

Han whispered this to Freya as he let go of her and let her head drop back to the ground. He took out a bag of gold from his back and threw it to the maid and she caught it in surprise. This isn’t what she wanted.

“If you don’t want to end up dead then leave with that before I change my mind”

The woman wanted to say something more! She really thought she has a chance with Han! Didn’t he smile at her!? She already did so much for him because she thought he liked her! This woman has never really received as much love as the other women because she is not very beautiful, so when Han smiled at her she thought she finally found a man for her too!

Han turned and glared at the woman and fear shot through her heart! He will really kill her if she doesn’t leave! She quickly bowed before running out of the room. Han would never trust a traitor like her so it is best if he never saw her again. If she can betray her king for someone that she just met a few days ago, then she can do the same thing to him.