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Picking up Girls With My System

Chapter 61
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It turned out the test only had one phase. The woman responsible had a crystal orb in her hands.

“Each one of you will come here, touch this orb, and it will rank your magical talent.”

“The talent is determined by how many times the orb shines. For you to pass the test, the orb has to shine at least 3 times.”

As she was explaining, that rude noble guy from the ship had his hand up.

“Say it.”

“3 times means you have normal talent? Then what is considered 4 times or higher, and who was the person with the highest talent tested by the orb?”

“3 times is average. 4 times above average. 5 times excellent talent, and only a few have it. 6 times you’re considered a genius, and that’s it. No one had more than 6, and the record belongs to someone from our school called Jane.”

When Arthur heard that, his heart raced. It was true, the beautiful women from another kingdom were indeed Jane, Wisa, and the others. They would finally meet each other.

After the woman explained everything, it was time for them to test their talent using the crystal orb.

“You, come!”

She was the one calling out the names, and people had no choice but to go. The first person was someone Arthur had seen one time inside the ship.

It was a girl. She was good-looking, and as she walked, everyone gazed at her.

That rude noble guy was near me, and he said, “She is too much for a country boy like you. Stop looking. She is mine.”

Arthur wanted to laugh at that statement. Who that guy thought he was?

Anyway, the girl went to touch the crystal orb, and everyone watched from afar.

“1… 2… 3… 4…!”

The orb shone four times, which meant the girl not only passed the test, but also had above average talent.


“Good. The first one not only passed but has good talent. Congratulations!”

The girl was jumping out of happiness, and stood behind the woman, waiting for the others to finish their testing.

“2 times, you did not pass.”

“1 time. Why are you even here?”

Arthur saw how lots of people failed the test, and the number of people gathered in front of the mansion kept getting lower.

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That asshole noble guy actually made the orb shine five times, and did not stop bragging for a second.

“5 times, that’s excellent. I expect great things for you.” she said.

Some people passed, others did not. In the end, 8 people passed the test. There was only two more to go, and that was Arthur and Kai.

Kai went first, touched the orb, and it actually shone 5 times too.

“Another one with excellent talent. This batch of students will bring glory to our school.”

Even Kai was surprised to see that his talent was that good. The noble, who also had an excellent talent was not that happy with that.

It was Arthur’s time to go and test his talent.

“Look how this guy will fail badly. I bet the orb will not even change.”

The same noble bastard whispered to the others, and they did not like what he said. It seemed he was the only asshole there.

Arthur went forward, and touched the orb.

It shone one time.

Two times.

Three times.

When it reached the sixth mark, everyone was shocked, and even the woman responsible for the testing could not believe it.

The most extraordinary thing was that it did not stop there, but continued until the tenth time.

After the orb shone 10 times, it exploded.

No one could mutter a word, especially that arrogant brat who was saying shit since the first time they met.

“This is… this is…”

The woman could not believe it. Ten times was too much for her to comprehend. It took her at least one minute to recover from the shock.

“A chosen one came to our school. What’s your name?”


“I’m Harmony, one of the teachers here. It is a pleasure to meet you.”

Harmony was a blonde mature woman that taught a few subjects in the school. It seemed Odemore had few teachers, so some of them had to teach more than one subject.

She was responsible for transformation magic, as well as emission.

Just with a glimpse, Arthur could tell she was hot, both in appearance and temperament.

“Now, everyone, please follow me.”

All the students that passed the test followed Harmony inside the mansion.

The mansion was the main building of the school, and it was where all the classrooms were. Not only that, but the infirmary, alchemy room, storage room etc.

Basically, everything except the dorms was inside the main building.

Harmony went around, showing most of the school for them. Kai was so excited after getting to know he was a talented person, that he could not help but to smile.

Arthur, on the other hand, was more focused on trying to find someone he knew.

“All right, the tour is over for now. You can roam freely and explore the school yourself. Classes will start tomorrow for all of you.”

After everyone left, and there was only Arthur there, he called Harmony and asked her something.

“Hey Harmony. Is there someone called Wisa in this school?”

He already knew there was someone called Jane, so Arthur felt asking it would not add anything.

“There is. How do you know her?”

“Long story. Is she here?”

“Yeah, she is. She’s with Jane training.”

“All right, thank you. I’ll tell you the story about how we met in another time.” Arthur was just walking and then remembered to ask, “Huh, where are they training?”


There was a waterfall, and beneath it, a lake. It was a beautiful scenery that would make everyone gasp.

Jane was there, near the lake. Wisa was giving personal training for her.

Arthur was searching for that place, and once he did, and saw his girls there, he could not believe it.

Everything felt like a dream. He smiled, and did his best to hold the tears from falling.

He walked towards them with slow steps.

“Who is there?”

Wisa was the first one to notice a strange presence, and she already had a sword on hands. Jane also grabbed her book, and was ready to cast a spell at any moment.

Arthur slowly came out of the bushes, and when they saw him, they stopped everything what they were doing.

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“A- Arthur!?” Wisa had no strength to hold the sword anymore, and it dropped, hitting the floor.

Jane was the same, and she thought she was seeing things.

“I-I thought you were dead. Our link broke, I-” Jane could barely talk as tears streamed down her face like the waterfall next to them.

Wisa, who never cried, also did. Arthur had sacrificed himself to block that spell, and died in the end…

They even made a statue for him in the school, and if anyone asked, Arthur was the true president of Odemore. That was a proof of how much he meant to them.

For the first time in ages, they hugged. It was an unforgettable memory for the three of them.

Time seemed to stop, and Arthur was liking the comfy place above their chests.

After everyone got their shit together, they wanted to know exactly how he had survived.

“What happened?” “It is a long story…”

Arthur told them everything since the moment they parted ways, including the fact about his disciple Kai, about their bloodlines and everything.

Wisa and Jane were among the few he trusted his secrets.

“You are a dragon? That is just, just-”

“Crazy, right?”

Obviously, he did not tell them about his abilities, or neither the system, as these were his top secrets, just like the fact that he came from another world.

“You don’t need to be a student here, no. You are the president of the academy from now on.”

“Really? No, no, you should be the one, Wisa. You are the wisest of us.”

“Are you calling me old? I’m a mature and good-looking woman. I’m sure lots of men are crazy over me.”

“Is that so? And did you choose any of them?” “Eh, no. I have eyes on someone else.” Wisa’s cheeks reddened for a moment, and Arthur was surprised.

“Am I the man? Ha, these two are wife material, that’s for sure.” Arthur thought.

“But where’s the others? Are they okay?”

Lilia was not there, neither the two siblings they met before.

“Well, they decided to take their own path. From everyone of Frostpeak academy, there’s only me and Wisa.” Jane said.

Turns out the rest of them decided to move on their own.

It was not that big of a deal though. Wisa and Jane were still there, and these two were the most important.

And, he can always find more girls.

“Now that you are here, it is time to announce to everyone that the president of the academy returned.” Wisa said.

With that, they left the training area, and went towards the mansion.