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Playboy CEO Has a Baby

Chapter 610 Joking
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Bai Renxiang blushed yet again at not only his words but the way he looked at her. His eyes were filled with so much love and care and tenderness.

It melts her heart each day that just by remembering those eyes, she would smile like a teenage girl in love.

'Sigh. The things he does to me," she sighed imwardly.

"Alright. Come let's get going. The quicker we get there the more time for us to spend together," Li Fengjin said as he took her purse and jacket in one hand and held her hand in his other.

Bai Renxiang nodded and let him lead her to the car like an obedient child. He helped her into the front passenger seat first.

Then he went round and got into the car. He helped her wear her seat belt and then his.

"By the way, can you at least tell me where we are going?" Bai Renxiang asked.

"No can do, my love. It will spoil the surprise becuase you are too smart," Li Fengjin tapped on her nose before turning the car engine on.

Bai Renxiang pouted a bit but she did not push him to answer her question. She just has to be patient. That's all.

"Alright then. I await to see what you have in stall for me," she relaxed more into the seat.

Li Fengjin at her before focussing his eyes on the road. He steered the car into the highway and drove off at a certain steady speed.

"For how long will we be out? We need to pick Xiaojin up from school, you know," Bai Renxiang suddenly said.

"Do not worry about that. Chaoxiang will ne picking he and Lee Ai up today."

"Alright. I will call him later amd thank him properly."

"No problem, my love. Now sit back and relax. Let hubby take you to see your surprise," he said and then winked at her.

​ Bai Renxiang did just as told. As they went on, little chit-chats were made between them. And then Bai Renxiang took the opportunity to properly admire the upgrade of city X.

After all, the route they were taken was one she has never seen before. So she let her eyes be filled with the sight.

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Li Fengjin has driven the car for about an hour. From then on out, all Bai Renxiang could see were tall trees. The ray of the sunlight cut through the spaces it could find between the trees.

It gave off a vibe of beauty. But the more they drove, the more cool and quite the place was. Bai Renxiang turned her head to the man behind the steering wheel.

His gaze was so focused on the road. A hand on the steering wheel and the other had its fingers interlocked with hers.

He had on an expressionless face. Bai Renxiang suddenly chuckled and shook her head. This snapped Li Fengjin's attention to her.

"Why are you laughing, my love?" He could not help but ask.

"Nothing... It is just that I suddenly had a weird thought," Bai Renxiang replied.

Li Fengjin cocked a brow at her beforr looking back at the road.

"Trust me. It is very weird. You do not want to know," she said upon seeing his expression.

"Try me," Li Fengjin urged her to tell him.

Bai Renxiang sighed and shrugged. "Alright then. But do not say that I did not warn you."

"I won't." He affirmed.

"Okay. Here it goes. I happened to have thought negatively. Like could it be you are taking me to somewhere quite to do something bad. You know. Like to kill me," Bai Renxiang blurted out.

When she saw the plain look in his face, she chuckled again.

"I told you it will be weird. Don't mind me. I am just being silly and I know you will never do that," she flashed him a cute dimpled smile.

"You sound so sure about that," Li Fengjin suddenly said.

"Well, of course I am sure. You love me too much that you will not even think of doing that," Bai Renxiang nodded.

"Actually, I plan on doing something bad to you. That is why I chose a quiet place. A place where your screams will not be heard no matter how loud you are," Li Fengjin said with a crooked smile on his lips.

Bai Renxiang's own smile instantly dropped and her eyes grew wide. Right now the man beside her enjoyed a crazy killing energy her husband would give off to her.

"Oh!" Li Fengjin exclaimed. "We are here, my love. Time to go."

Saying that, the car engine turned off as soon as the car came to a stop in front of a black metal gate. At the serious was a sign clearly staying not to tresspass on the private property.

Bai Renxiang suddenly became scared. She gulped when she heard the unlocking sound of his seatbelt. When she turned back to him, his sweet sunny smile was back in as well as his personality.

"By the way, love. I was just joking," he revealed and burst out laughing.

Bai Renxiang's eyes instantly dropped to a close. A deep breath came out of her lips as a sigh of relief.

"Hahaha! You should have seen your face. You looked like you were living a horror movie. I should have gotten that on camera," Li Fengjin continued laughing.

"T-That... That was not funny at all, Jin. It was scary," Bai Renxiang complained in a shaky voice.

"It was meant to be scary. I wanted to pull your legs."

"That was too much for me."

When he noticed the fear in her voice, he sighed and inwardly caused himself.

"I'm really sorry. I did not mean any of those things. Come here, my love," he prayed his thighs indicating for her to sit on them.

Bai Renxiang quickly unbuckled her seatbelt and moved to him. She hugged him with her face buried in his neck.

Li Fengjin gently rubbed up and down the small of hey back in an attempt to camp get down.

"I'm sorry, love. Forgive me," he whispered against her ears.

"I know you were joking but for some reason it reminded me of those kidnappers and I got scared," Bai Renxiang explained.

"Don't think about it, my love. I am here. Don't be scared, okay?"


They stayed like that for a while. When Li Fengjin thought she was alright, he slowly pulled away.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

Bai Renxiang nodded. "I'm sorry for ruining the mood. I could not even handle a joke."

"No. Do not apologise. I should have been careful. And you did not ruin anything," he told her.

"Are you ready for us to go in?"

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Bai Renxiang turned to have up on the gate. After a few seconds, absorbed back to him.

"Yes. I am ready," She nodded.


They both got down from the car. Bai Renxiang's eyes took in the neat environment before her eyes met with his.

"Do you think it is okay to come here? I mean that sign says this is a private property," she inquired.

"And why do to think I will bring to to someone's property?" Li Fengjin flagged her a knowing smile.

It was then that Bai Renxiang realised that this place belongs to no one other than her husband, Li Fengjin.

"Why don't go go in first while I get some things from the trunk?" His words did not come out as a question but as a suggestion.

"There is no one or any wild animal in there. It is empty and clean. Go on," he added when seeing her reluctant face.

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah. I will be with you in a minute. So go," he nodded.

"Alright. Come quick, okay?" Bai Renxiang said before walking toward the gate.


Seeing that she had gone in, Li Fengjin went to the back of the car and opened the trunk. He took out the items he got on his way to pick her up from her company.

After doing so and locking up, he quickly went in through the gate. There he saw Bai Renxiang standing still.

The latter was busy being in awe of the beauty of the place. It felt as if she had entered another world. A magical one at that.

The trees in here are more beautiful than the ones outside. Well maybe it is because they ate flowers everywhere she looked. They were butterflies too. And levelled grasses everywhere.

At a good distance away, stood a small house that can be considered as a cottage. She noticed a red coloured rocking chair on the front porch.

It seemed as if this place was meant for one to come and have solitude. It was quiet and beautiful. So natural but magical as well.

"Wow!" she let out in a whisper.

"Do you like it?" Li Fengjin asked as he wound an arm around her waist.

"I love it."