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Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 143 143
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"Are you crazy!? Is that why you betrayed the Wang family and colluded with the Gu family now!?" Wang Ruyue was furious when she heard Wang Minghao wanted to kill her grandfather.

"If you think we just joined the Gu family now, you are gravely mistaken!" The one who replied to Wang Ruyue's words was Wang Jun, the son of Wang Minghao.

"What do you mean?" Wang Ruyue narrowed her eyes at his words.

"You still don't understand? Since you will die here, I will kindly tell you. The Gu family and I have worked together for a long time. We even have plans to make the Wang family lose in the martial arts competition through outside participants. Unfortunately, your grandfather suddenly appeared and took our quota. We have tried to retrieve it but failed.

After that, we decided not to think about it anymore as we believed losing one outside participant would not affect our plans. But who would have thought that your grandfather's disciple was so strong and managed to win first place in the martial arts competition? Because of him, our plan failed." Wang Jun said and looked at Tenku.

"If my grandfather and the Wang family find out you have betrayed them, you will be severely punished or even killed!" Wang Ruyue said in a trembling voice. She did not expect the Gu family to do such a sneaky thing behind their backs.

Ever since they made a bet regarding the marriage agreement, they had no intention of playing fair and square. The Gu family will use all means to win.

If Tenku weren't strong enough and didn't become the champion in the martial arts competition, then Wang Ruyue would have fallen into their hands and become Gu Qingyang's wife. When he thought about it, Wang Ruyue's body couldn't help but tremble with fear.

"Hahaha... are you sure that they can punish us? The Wang family won't be able to do it because my father will be their patriarch. Have you forgotten that we have cooperated with the Gu family? We have made a deal with them. My father will give them our original family's practice book, and the Gu family will help him to become patriarch in return.

For starters, we have given them copies of our practice. Unfortunately, it isn't easy to learn without an elder's guidance. But it won't be long before my father rules over the Wang family, and we will obtain the original Sovereign Cultivation set book. We..." Wang Jun explained but couldn't finish his sentence because the person beside him was interrupting.

"You talk too much. We can't waste any more time. We have to solve our problem here quickly. If we take too long, someone might notice that this area has been covered in barrier arrays." The person who spoke was Gu Yuxuan, Gu Qingyang's grandfather.

Since leaving the car, he was silent and did not speak. Even though he looked calm outside, Tenku could feel the killing intent overflowing from his eyes.

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"So what should we do with them?" Wang Minghao asked.

"Kill that Japanese boy and leave the woman. I want them to serve my grandson for the rest of their lives as slaves." Gu Yuxuan replied indifferently.

"But one of them is the daughter of the current patriarch of the Huang family. Is that okay? Even though they had declined compared to the past, they were still the strongest martial arts family after the four major families and the Jin family.

I don't think it would be wise to offend them now." Wang Jun hesitated to carry out Gu Yuxuan's orders. He was a man full of calculations, and he felt it would not be good to add another enemy for now unless they had already taken control of the Wang family.

"Are you teaching me?" Gu Yuxuan asked coldly.

"I... I don't dare. I thought it wouldn't benefit us and only add to our troubles." Wang Jun lowered his head and said.

"You don't need to talk much and just obey my orders! What happens afterward is none of your business; it is not your place to think about it. Do you understand?" Gu Yuxuan said, and his cultivation base at the great perfection of the Sky Origin realm exploded from his body.

"Ugh! I... I understand!" Wang Jun replied with cold sweat on his forehead from the coercion of Gu Yuxuan's power. Even though he felt humiliated, he couldn't do anything because he and his father still needed the help of the Gu family to gain the position of patriarch of the Wang family.

On the other hand, Wang Minghao could only clench his fists tightly to suppress his anger. He was displeased with how Gu Yuxuan treated them.

(After I become the patriarch of the Wang family, I will secretly gather our strength and destroy the Gu family. I will return this treatment of you, Gu Yuxuan!)

Wang Minghao secretly swore in his heart.

"Then kill that Japanese boy and capture the two girls." Gu Yuxuan withdrew his strength and instructed the people from the Gu family he had brought over, including Wang Minghao and two other people.

But before they could move their feet, Gu Yuxuan suddenly opened his mouth again.

"Wait a minute! I changed my mind. Catch the two girls and crippled the boy. I want my grandson to avenge him in person, so his loss in the match doesn't become a heart demon." Gu Yuxuan changed his order.

"We understand, Elder Gu!" The people from the Gu family replied. But they heard gunshots before they could launch their attack on Tenku.


Right after that, a disciple from the Gu family with a cultivation base in the Earth Origin realm died instantly with a hole in his forehead. They turned their eyes in the direction the attack was coming from. The disciples of the Gu family saw Tenku pointing a golden gun at them.

"Do not be afraid! It was his Phantasmal Object. According to reports, his weapon can only penetrate second-level monsters and requires several shots to kill third-level monsters. You are already wearing bulletproof vests with strong defense. You'll be fine if you don't get shot in the head. Therefore, you have nothing to fear! Now attack them and bring them to me!" Gu Yuxuan said confidently.

He had secretly asked someone to investigate Tenku when that boy was fighting monsters. Because of that, Gu Yuxuan knew about his Phantasmal Object and how powerful its destructive power was. After getting the report from his man, he prepared to deal with Tenku before they put their plan into action.

Unfortunately, Gu Yuxuan's men didn't see the battle between Tenku and the Drakes or when two Fenrirs were chasing him. Gu Yuxuan might have brought more than a hundred people to ambush him if he knew about it.

"We understand!" The disciples of the Gu family answered in unison and charged toward Tenku. They scattered and tried to attack him from all directions to avoid the fire from his Phantasmal Object.

Tenku didn't panic when he saw Wang Minghao, and the fifty people attack him together. He looked at Huang Yuxin and opened his mouth.

"I'm sorry for involving you in my troubles. If I had known they would ambush me on my way back to the Wang residence, I would not have allowed you to accompany me." Tenku said apologetically.

"Yes, this should be a matter between the Wang and Gu families. But we put you in danger because of us. I apologize." Wang Ruyue looked at Huang Yuxin with a guilty face.

"You don't have to worry about that. This is my decision. Tenku has indirectly healed my mother. So I won't stay silent when he's in danger." Huang Yuxin said seriously.

"Thank You. In that case, I'll try contacting my grandfather to ask for reinforcements." Wang Ruyue smiled in response to Huang Yuxin's answer and quickly took a smartphone from her pocket.

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"I will also call my father." Huang Yuxin nodded and followed her actions.

"What you are doing is useless. Barrier arrays can block any telecommunications signal. What happens inside here cannot be seen from the outside. Most importantly, we can't leave this place until we deactivate or destroy it.

So our only option now is to fight and defeat them." Tenku said, and he stood in front of the two girls. He pointed the Golden Revolver at one of the disciples from the Gu family, who drew closer to them and pulled the trigger.


After Tenku fired his attack, another disciple from the Gu family in the Earth Origin realm fell. Even though that person tried to avoid the bullet, it still hit his head because Tenku's attack was so fast.

Huang Yuxin and Wang Ruyue both frowned because Tenku's words were true. They couldn't connect to anyone from within the barrier array. But then the two girls were shocked when they saw the scene before them.

When Wang Ruyue and Huang Yuxin saw Tenku suddenly fire a Golden Revolver at the people from the Gu family and kill one of them, the two girls thought that it was just a coincidence and was an act of self-defense.

They were shaken but didn't have time to think about it too much because they were in a dangerous situation. The two girls were Realizers and cultivators but only killed monsters, not humans. So they thought that Tenku was the same as them and this was the first time he had killed someone.

But Huang Yuxin and Wang Ruyue knew what they were thinking was wrong when they saw that there was not the slightest fluctuation on Tenku's face after killing a human. He looked calm like he was used to it.

Tenku acted decisively. He didn't hesitate to kill his enemy, and the two girls trembled when they saw his eyes. Tenku's mood changed and looked different from him they knew. He looks dark and scary. The two girls had seen Tenku fighting in the arena and torturing Gu Qingyang, but he didn't show that kind of expression.

"I'm sorry if I scared you guys. But I have to do it to survive. You don't have to do what I did. You two stay here and protect each other. I will fight them all." Tenku looked at the two girls behind and smiled weakly.

He could feel the change in their emotions when they saw him kill a human. After that, Tenku looked at one of the disciples from the Gu family, and his figure suddenly disappeared. He reappeared before that person and killed him with the Golden Revolver.

When the two girls saw his face, their hearts ached like they were being squeezed tightly. Huang Yuxin and Wang Ruyue felt guilty for showing fear when they saw that scene. Their expressions must have hurt Tenku's heart. They gritted their teeth and simultaneously manifested their Phantasmal Objects.

"We will fight with you!" Huang Yuxin and Wang Ruyue said with determination, and the fear had disappeared from their faces.