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Realizer of Death : The Reaper

Chapter 220 220
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Tenku leaped high into the sky and used Qi as a foothold to welcome the first lightning bolt of his Tribulation.


Tenku blocked the lightning with his body, but he didn't expect the strike's to be so terrifying. He spat out blood and fell like a meteor.


"Kugh!" Tenko hit the ground very hard and created a large crater on the top of Mt. Fuji. His combat gear was destroyed, and he got multiple burns. Tenku tried to stand up but felt her body numb from the lightning.

"Argh! This was the first strike of my thunder tribulation, but its power brought me to this state. According to what I heard from the geezer, a cultivator usually gets three and a maximum of six lightning strikes to complete his Tribulation and break through to the innate realm.

The most terrifying thing was that the power of the lightning would get stronger with each strike. In other words, I had to endure more devastating attacks than I've ever felt." Tenku's face became serious, and he wiped the bloodstain at the corner of his lips. He forced himself and was finally able to stand up from that spot.

Tenku could not use potions, elixirs, or Holy Water after getting a strike from the Thunder Tribulation because doing so would reduce the benefits he could get for his physique. It might prevent him from completely breaking through to the innate realm.


Not long after, Tenku heard a roar from the second lightning strike of his Tribulation.

"Alright. I wonder how powerful the second lightning of my Tribulation will be." Tenku said coldly and shot into the sky to greet the second strike.


Tenku experienced the same thing as before but with a much stronger impact and made the top of Mount Fuji tremble as his body collided with the ground. He didn't lie there for too long and quickly stood up. But then Tenku felt the blood in his body churning, and he spat out blood.


Tenku knelt on one knee while holding his chest. He slowly stood up and looked up at the sky after hearing the roar of his third lightning. Tenku used Qi as a foothold and shot up to the sky, but his body was smashed again to the ground.

After that, he experienced the same thing until the fifth thunder of his Tribulation but with a much more powerful and deadly strike.

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"Just one more, and I will break through to the innate realm! Fortunately, Mount Fuji was covered by a curtain of lightning. Otherwise, I wouldn't feel at ease to face my Tribulation since Realizers from official organizations would come to this place after seeing this natural disaster-like phenomenon." Tenku said in a weak voice.

His skin was charred, and his body was covered in blood. His vision was blurry, and Tenku felt he might lose consciousness. This was the first time Tenku was seriously injured like that after he became a Realizer and cultivator.

Tenku had trained his physique with the Tyrant King Body Tempering Art up to the fourth layer, bone tempering. But the lightning easily penetrated his body's defenses and injured him. That showed how terrifying the punishment of the thunder tribulation was.


Tenku's face darkened as he saw that his sixth thunder was much thicker and louder than the previous five.

"I feel I will be seriously injured if I get hit by the final lightning strike. It doesn't matter as long as I don't die." Tenku jumped to face the sixth strike of his thunder tribulation.


Tenku was hit to the ground again by the lightning. He lay with a charred and bloodied body in the middle of a large crater at the top of Mount Fuji. Tenku didn't move an inch, and his eyes were closed.

Not long after, his eyelids twitched, and his fingertips moved slowly. Tenku slowly opened his eyes and smiled.

"Finally, I stepped into the innate realm." Tenku said in a low voice. Even though his face was pale and his body was covered in blood, he was happy that he had broken through. But that feeling was only temporary, and his face changed drastically after he realized something.

"Wait a minute, why is my cultivation base still at the great perfection of the Sky Origin realm? I've been struck by lightning six times, just like my master said. Haven't I finished my thunder tribulation yet? Did I fail?" Tenku panicked, and he checked the Qi in his body again. But no matter how many times he did it, the result was the same. He was still in the Sky Origin realm. It made him depressed. But then Tenku frowned as he looked up at the sky.

"Could it be..." Tenku could not continue his words because he was interrupted by thunder.

"It turns out that my Tribulation hasn't ended yet. Didn't that old man say that I only need to receive six lightning strikes? He wouldn't lie to me. So the answer is only one. Gods don't want me to break through to the innate realm." Tenku smiled mockingly to himself. He felt like a fool for getting excited before checking his cultivation base.

"If you block me from stepping into the innate realm, I will forcefully breakthrough! If you want to kill me, I will fight you no matter who you are! I must get stronger! I have to find Haruna in Arcadia!" Tenku roared from his lungs, and he slowly stood up. Even though his body was screaming from the pain, he still forced himself to move.

After that, he manifested the Devourer Scythe. Tenku no longer cared about what Wang Haotian had said about receiving the lightning of the Tribulation using his body. He felt an overwhelming threat from the seventh lightning about to strike him.

"Come to me!" Tenku shouted to the sky. But he frowned because the lightning that appeared this time was much thicker than before and golden in color.

"Golden lightning? Whatever it is, I will not lose to you! I will not die! I have to live to find my sister!" Tenku compressed large amounts of Qi and Genesis power into his weapon and injected sword intent. After that, he swung his Phantasmal Object.

Sword of Demolition!


Tenku's body hit the ground, damaging half of Mount Fuji's peak.


Tenku vomited blood again and felt the lightning crack many of his bones. His skin was black from being burned, and his body was covered in bloody wounds.

"What kind of terrifying lightning strike!? Luckily, I used a Phantasmal Object to block it! Otherwise, I would have already been reduced to ashes!" Tenku's face grimaced and said fearfully. He felt he would vanish without a trace if he received the lightning directly with his body.


"Huh!?" Tenku trembled because he felt that the sky became angry after Tenku managed to survive the strike. After that, the eighth thunderbolt appeared, and its color was emerald. Tenku felt that this lightning was many times more terrifying than the previous one.

"Why? Why do you want to kill me!?" Tenku looked up at the sky and roared. Tears flowed from his eyes because he felt that he was not allowed to break through to the innate realm by the gods.

"No matter how many times you stop me, no matter how many times you try to kill me, I will survive and look for Haruna!" Tenku coldly said and transformed his Phantasmal Object into a naginata.

Then a thick lightning bolt shot toward Tenku with terrifying speed and appeared in front of him before he had a chance to blink.

"I will not die!!!" Tenku gripped his weapon tightly and thrust it toward the lightning.

Imperial Spear!

The emerald lightning and green laser beams collided and created a terrifying burst of energy.



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The impact from the clash of the two attacks destroyed half of Mount Fuji, and Tenku lay in a pool of his blood without being able to move his body in the slightest.

"Cough!" Tenku coughed up blood, and he forcibly opened his eyes. When he saw the dark clouds still over Mount Fuji, he couldn't help but smile bitterly.

"Am I going to die in this place? But I still have to find Haruna. How can I end my life here before meeting my sister." Tenku muttered, and the story of his past replayed in his mind.

The picture is not only about Haruna and his parents, who have passed away, but also Setsuka, Kohana, Wang Ruyue, Wang Haotian, Huang Yuxin, Akina, Takaya, and Noboru. They are the people who have come into Tenku's life after he lost his family.

Tenku wanted to find Haruna but didn't want to lose them either. He wanted to become strong to protect them and stay together with those people. Therefore, he must not die in that place.

"I can't die! I must stay alive and break through to the innate realm!" Tenku gritted his teeth and used all his left strength to maintain his consciousness.

Even though Tenku had lost a lot of blood, his internal organs were damaged, and many bones in his body were broken, he still tried to move. Not long after, he could finally stand up, even with the help of the Devourer Scythe.


Tenku heard another roaring sound, and it deafened his ears. The ninth lightning was pitch black and appeared from four directions. But it didn't fall on Tenku but gathered at four points and condensed.

"What's that?" Tenku narrowed his eyes when he saw that. He felt that it was far more terrifying than the previous eight thunderbolts. Then the four lightning condensation slowly transformed into four beasts, and Tenku recognized them.


"Four guardian beasts..." Tenku said in disbelief. He had read an old book about cultivation in the Wang family residence.

At first, Tenku didn't think too much about the book's contents because many people from the Wang family thought everything described in it was a lie and couldn't be proven.

The book's title was Nine Heavens Thunder Tribulation, and it contained the story of a genius cultivator the heavens envied. The heavens dealt a dreadful and extremely heavy calamity when that person was about to break through to the innate realm. It was the appearance of the four guardian beasts of the four elements.

They are the azure dragon which represents wood. The vermilion bird represents fire, the white tiger represents metal, and the black tortoise represents water. They are very powerful creatures and impossible to defeat. The genius cultivator died because he couldn't complete his Tribulation. His body disappeared without a trace because of that terrible disaster.

"Hahaha! I can't believe that the explanations in the book are real! I am honored that you have regarded me as a genius cultivator, just like the person in the legend. But I'm different from him! I will break through to the innate realm! I will fight this calamity and come back alive! I have to find Haruna!" Tenku laughed like a madman and looked at the sky with bloodshot eyes.

"Phantasmal Release..."


A giant centipede appears and encircles Tenku in the middle. Then he climbed on the creature's head and looked at the four guardian beasts.

"Come to me! I will defeat you and complete my thunder tribulation!" Tenku shouted, and his voice echoed through the sky. His words had angered the heavens, and the four beasts roared.