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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 130 Recruiting The Saber-Toothed Tiger
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[3 Direwolves have been added to Akela's Wolf Pack!]

[Akela's Wolf Pack!]

[Pack Wolves: 5]

[Alpha Wolf: Wind Wolf- Akela]

[Beta Wolf: Ice Direwolf- Rogue]

[No. of Grade D Wolves: 4]

[No. of Grade E Wolves: 1]

[No. of Grade F Wolves: 0]


Legolas was surprised, he never expected the eldest Direwolf to have a name. He looked at the defeated Direwolf. "You have a name?"

"Yes, my name is Rogue".

"A Giant once saved my ancestor from a near-death situation and took him in as a pet, he gave him the name".

The massive Direwolf raised its head proudly. "For many generations, every Direwolf in our family inherited the name".

"…" Legolas was well, flabbergasted.

"You mean the other 2 are also…"

"Yes, meet Rogue and Rogue".


Legolas finally cleared his throat to ease the awkward atmosphere in the air. "So, how long ago is that, since your ancestor was named Rogue?"

"350 years ago".


Legolas no longer asked, he was satisfied with what he got.

In his opinion, the Direwolf hunt was a massive success. In one fell swoop, he managed to recruit 3 new powerful Grade D Direwolves to Akela's pack.

And yes, Grade D beasts were in most cases already intelligent enough to speak the common tongue. All 3 Direwolves could speak the common tongue.

What didn't surprise him was the change in the Beta Wolf in Akela's pack. Since Warg was still just a pinnacle Grade E Dark Wolf, he had to give up his position for the new Direwolf who was undoubtedly the strongest after Akela.

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After the Vrka Yuddha, both Akela and Rogue were exhausted so Legolas let them rest as he also sat down alongside his student to rest.

After sitting down, he threw some mana-recovery pills and health-recovery pills to the wolves and Direwolves to replenish their reserves.

As they recovered, Legolas addressed them.

"Since the 3 of you are the newest members in Akela's still small wolf pack, I may perhaps have to refer to any of you in the future so I want to make your names unique to easily identify you".

"Rogue". Legolas pointed at the biggest of the 3 Direwolves. "You shall be Rogue 1, whenever you hear this, know that I'm calling you".

"Rogue". Legolas pointed at the 2nd Ice Direwolf. "You shall be Rogue 2, whenever you hear this, know that I'm calling you".

"Rogue". Legolas pointed at the only Wind Direwolf among the bunch. "You shall be Rogue 3, whenever you hear this, know that I'm calling you".

After making sure that they understood their new identities, Legolas finally revealed their first mission to them. "We didn't end with you guys".

"To help build the perfect starting foundation for Akela, I also decided to hunt a Spilodon and everyone knows no other beasts knows Spilodons the way Direwolves do so I need your help to locate a powerful one".

"You came to the right place". Rogue 1 replied confidently.

Unlike Akela, it was already clear that this guy was bolder before Legolas, he saw Akela as his alpha, he didn't see Legolas as his master.

"Those Saber-toothed f*ckers live in the iron mountains".

"It is the closest mountain range to our current location".

"And when it comes to searching for the right opponent that is powerful enough, I have the perfect candidate…, Bone".

"Who's Bone?" Legolas was curious.

"Just a stupid Saber-toothed Tiger who thought he could match my glory. He challenged me to battle many times and lost each time, he is a powerful opponent and may even give Alpha Akela some problems".

Legolas raised his eyebrows. "You sound like you admire him, is he so strong and is he your rival?"

"Me? Never!" The Direwolf was agitated. "He's a weakling! That despicable trickster fool can never be my rival!"

"He is not worthy to be my rival".

"Yeah, I get you". Legolas waved the conversation off with a smile.

The conversation didn't matter to him, what mattered was that he got his goal and Rogue 1 was about to take him to where he wanted to be.

As soon as they recovered completely, Rogue 1 led the journey as they finally went on their way in search of the Saber-toothed Tiger, Bone.

Legolas, his student, and their companions did not spend up to an hour before they were able to capture and recruit the 3 Direwolves.

There was still more than enough time for them to hunt the Spilodon.

30 minutes later, they arrived at the iron mountains.

The Iron Mountains was not a mountain range filled with iron.

It was just a normal mountain range filled with grassland and vegetation, the only major difference was its rich concentration of metallic components.

The ecosystem in the Iron Mountains was diverse, some beasts killed others for fun while others killed for survival as the cycle of life and death continued.

Somewhere in the Iron Mountains…

Boom! Boom! Boom!

A Red Fox clashed against a massive Bear in the mountain range.

Compared to the small Red Fox, the massive Bear was like a mountain but despite its size, it was unable to injure the Red Fox because of its speed and skill.

The small Red Fox was as fast as the wind as he constantly evaded the attacks of the bigger Bear while occasionally counterattacking with its own attacks.

The Bear roared angrily to no avail as the small Red Fox chipped its vitality away. If this continued, without a doubt, it would lose its life.

After 9 minutes of a grueling battle, the Bear finally lost its stamina.

Unable to keep up with the intensity, the Red Fox ran riot across its body as it now boldly inflicted sever injuries all over its body.

The Bear roared to no avail as it started bleeding its life away.

At the last moment before the Red Fox could land the killing blow, an orange silhouette briefly passed above it, the silhouette of a Saber-toothed Tiger.

The Red Fox growled once before it quickly turned into painful whimpers.

In its moment of glory after defeating the massive Bear, its ecstasy reached the peak as it intended to deal the finishing blow to the Bear, but it's excitement briefly made it lose track of its surroundings.

This was the opening which Bone had been anticipating for 6 minutes.


One terrible bite to the neck and a death roll, the Red Fox gave up the ghost. Bone was not satisfied with that though as he also ended the Bear's life.

Bone was the only one in the Iron Mountains who was despicable enough to do this. In one smooth nefarious act, he killed 2 Grade D beasts without any injury.

"Fools". He muttered as he bit into the flesh of the dead Red Fox. "They always lose themselves at the last moment, too easy to kill".

As Bone dug in again, his ears suddenly stood erect not because he heard a sound but because he detected a familiar presence.


Bone jumped swiftly out of the danger before the sharp icicle hit.

The icicle stabbed into the dead Red Fox as in an instant, its whole body froze. On seeing this, Bone roared as he knew who this was.

"Fool, you never get tired after so many defeats".

"You must be a masochist".

"Shut up b*tch". Rogue 1 roared as he jumped from his hiding place. "Don't you think your petty tricks are going to work this time".

"My petty tricks allowed me to beat you 34 times, they can again".

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

Rogue 1 roared angrily. "This time, you're about to die".

Rogue 2 and Rogue 3 appeared at this exact same moment as they attacked with their ice and wind powers but having anticipated them, Bone was able to dodge them all as he finally landed gracefully.

Bone no longer responded, he responded with his actions.

With a shake of his body, the soil briefly shook before metallic particles started rising from it. The next moment, metallic spikes were formed in the air.

Bone's beast affinity was metal which evolved from earth affinity.

The soil had metal elements such as Copper, Iron, Manganese, Nickel, and Zinc. In this mountain, by tapping at the metallic elements of the soil, Bone was able to create powerful metals that moved and fought following his will.


All the metals shot towards the 3 Direwolves but they were prepared.

Like usual when the 3 brothers were together, Bone simply used the metals to distract them, his intention was to escape. This shrewd Saber-toothed Tiger had no intentions of fighting an unrewarding 1 on 3 battle with the Direwolves.

This time was different though, he could not escape.


It barely turned to escape when a massive black beast pounced on it from its hiding spot, having bid his time, Predator's pounce was deadly.

Predator was fast and his timing was impeccable, but Bone dodged.

It barely dodged only to meet an artificially induced hurricane. Bone's eyes widened in horror as he wondered what sin that he committed to attract so many enemies, he wriggled his way out of the hurricane though.

​ He still could not escape, he wriggled his way out to meet Bran's Iron Feathers. The feathers injured him, pushing him back into the hurricane.

Once he was caught within the hurricane, it was over for him.

By the time that the hurricane was done with him, he was left in a pool of his own blood and when he opened his eyes, enemies surrounded him.

Akela looked down at this Saber-toothed Tiger intimidatingly. "Give up…"

Bone interrupted him. "Chill bro, you win".

"You really think I'm a stupid egocentric fool like Rogue? You got Rogue, and from what I just witnessed, I stand no chance against you lot".

"Tell me what to do, I surrender".


Not only Akela, despite hearing about Bone's personality from Rogue already, Legolas was still shocked at the swift decision of this beast.

Legolas was intimidated at this beast's decision making. Despite how powerful he was, Bone was able to analyze the strength of his enemies in mere seconds to arrive at the conclusion that he stood no chance.

This feat required courage and incredible decision-making speed and skills.

"Ummm…, join my wolf pack". Akela stammered.



[A Saber-toothed Tiger have been added to Akela's Wolf Pack!]


Legolas was stunned. "That…, that was too easy".