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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 588 Master Gustacus Dodomaniac; Training!
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Chapter 588 Master Gustacus Dodomaniac; Training!


You have been affected by a Passive Ability: Temporal Domain!

You have been affected by slow time!

[WARNING! Your perception of time is now different from reality, time will flow far slower than you are used to.]


Legolas saw first-hand the power of Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac.

No, now it was Master Gustacus Dodomaniac.

It was just his domain but, in this domain, like the Emperor said previously, everything indeed came under his control including time.

At this moment, Legolas was seated cross-legged before the corpse of the Titan Emperor even as the Emperor's consciousness floated before him.

Outside the shield, the 5 Titan Immortals prostrated respectfully without uttering a word as Legolas' training started.

"Time is change, or the interval over which change occurs".

This powerful Emperor rubbed his beard. "This is the basic definition of time but over my years of studying and mastering my affinity over time, I came to my own definition that I believe more".

"Time is the measurable period during which an action, process, or condition exists or continues".

"Time is the reason why every ability has a cooldown".

"There are some abilities that when activated, can only last a certain period of time and those that can only be used again after a certain period".

"The existence of this proves the existence of the power of time".

"Time is omnipresent".

"Time is everywhere, to harness its power is a different thing though". Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac stared at his student.

"To harness the power of time, one must have patient".

"Afterall, the two most powerful warriors are patience and time".

"You need to build your patience, you need to master the art of serenity and nothingness, the art of being unfazed in the face of moving time".

"Time waits for no one…, you have to adapt to it".

"Do not worry about time, I have control over it".

"All I want from you is to continue in your state of meditation. Forget about everything, even time and just observe the properties of the energy that is constantly being emitted by my corpse".

Legolas did just that, with his eyes closed he focused on the corpse.

Over his days of trying to find the true inheritance, he already honed his concentration to a horrifying level where he was able to sense temporal energy.

This helped his meditation and made his work easier at this moment.

Legolas' sole attention became focused on the temporal energy.

He observed as the red energy oozed out of the corpse.

He observed its properties.

He observed as it interacted with the atmosphere.

He observed as it interacted with the neutral mana in the atmosphere.

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In this state of observation, Legolas soon lost himself in it.

He forgot why he was here, he forgot who he was, he forgot why he was doing what he was doing, he just knew that he had to observe this special energy.

He lost perception of time and space.

At this moment, he had narrowed focus.

No distracting thoughts flowed through his mind, he was barely sentient at this moment as his sole existence seemed to be wired to observing temporal energy. It was almost like a robot.

Only the sporadic words of his master kept on echoing in his head at intervals.

"Time is the wisest counsellor of all".

"With more time, you can better refine your decisions".

"With more time, the good can become great".

"With more time, the great can become all-time greats".

"With more time, perhaps, I would have become one of the greatest Grade S Supers alive and may have even touched on the legendary tip of ascension".

"With less time, things can go wrong".

"With less time, perhaps I would have never been able to set up an inheritance to continue my legacy before dying".

"With less time, perhaps you would have died to my Titan Immortals before ever making it to my corpse".

"There are too many variations to time".

"That is why we are always a slave to time until we learn to control it".

"Feel it…"

"Live it…"

"Harness it…"

Legolas did not know how much time passed already, he just kept on observing the red temporal energy flowing out of this corpse.

After the words this time though, something changed in him.

'Feel it…' He repeated in his mind.

Suddenly, he could no longer observe the energy.

He could feel it!

He could feel the temporal energy moving round his body, he could feel it permeating into his skin, he could feel it affecting the universe itself.

At this moment, he seemed to gain x-ray eyes.

He was able to observe the subtle changes in his body.

He was able to observe the subtle differences as time slowly affected his body, bringing about change.

It was slow but with more time, this change would culminate with time which would result in his eventual old age and possibly, death.

This realization and feeling opened Legolas' eyes.

'Live it…' He thought.

Live it…, he did not know what this meant.

He thought to no avail so in the end, he simply decided to be patient.

He just kept on basking in the presence of this energy.

After what felt like a long time, he felt something change.

The temporal energy became slightly physical.

It touched his skin!

'What is this feeling?' He was amazed.


'Harness it…' He tried to harness it.

Molding his consciousness into what seemed like a hand, Legolas tried to grab a chunk of this temporal energy…, he almost succeeded.

But like a slippery eel, the temporal energy slipped out of his grasp.

Ignoring all the others, his consciousness went after this chunk of energy.

He pursued relentlessly but he seemed to never catch up.

This was when the voice reverberate again.

"Lost time is never found again".

"The past is the past".

"Move on from it and focus on the future, time…"

"Time is unlimited".

"There is always time".

Endrick's braincells geared on hearing these words.

'Lost time is never found again…'

'Time is unlimited…'

'There is always time…'


This realization changed something in his mind.


Legolas had another epiphany.

For the first time since his training started, Legolas opened his eyes again.

Even with his eyes open, his concentration was still sharp enough to feel the fluctuations and movement of the temporal energy.

Then, he tried to grab this energy with his mental power again.

This time, it was effortless.

Legolas was able to hold time energy.

Finally, he was able to harness time energy.


Suddenly, Legolas' mental energy space opened as a large chunk of the temporal energy being emitted by the corpse rushed into his head.

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He felt a resistance at first but his Titan bloodline stirred.

His head accepted it as temporal energy rushed in.

While this happened, his game interface lit up with notifications.


[Congratulations! You have mastered the essence of time energy!]

[You have understood the concept of Unlimited Time!]

[You have understood the concept of Degradation!]

[You have unlocked a Special Bloodline Ability: Rewind; Degradation!]

>Rewind; Degradation: When activated, across a region of 1 kilometer when target is confirmed, time rewinds on target object, degrading said object to more basic forms that were present during its creation<

[NOTE: This ability can only be used on objects like weapon and armor.]


Even as more temporal energy flooded into his head, Legolas felt his body and mind changing in a fundamental manner.

He could feel a hidden potential awakening in his mind.

And finally, he stopped.

Legolas looked at his hand, he opened his right fist and red energy gathered around it as the air stirred in the presence of this energy.

He accessed his inventory and brought out a basic knife.

He activated his new ability and used it on this knife.


Instantly, the knife started degrading.

In just 2 seconds, this knife turned into raw steel and 2 other materials.

Seeing this, Legolas' eyes shone brightly.

"Hehe…" Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac chuckled.

Legolas raised his head to look at him.

"You just mastered one of my greatest abilities ever".

"During my ultimate battle against Nico Guaguam, I used this specific ability to turn his infamous Armor of Annihilation into scrap metal".

"His famed forcefield defense became nothing before me after that". He said loudly as he glowed with pride.

"Hahaha…" This Emperor laughed heartily as he seemed to remember memories of his glory days in his prime.

"You know, the history of this ability of mine is interesting".

"When I was still a Calamity Grade, a team of World Controllers once kidnapped me and kept me in a hidden underground bunker".

"They threatened to use me as a bargaining chip to scam my race since I was seen as the most promising warrior of the Titan Race then".

"Of course, as a Titan, I hated to be used as a bargaining chip".

"I was desperate to get out".

"Desperation pushed me into creating this ability".

"Guess what?"

"You turned all their weapons to scrap metal". Legolas guessed.

"No". Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac grinned. "I turned their full underground metal bunker into scrap metal, all their prisoners escaped".

"Hahaha…, I was invincible then man". He laughed heartily.