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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 596 The concept of destruction
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Chapter 596 The concept of destruction

Deep in unexplored space outside the territories of Nak State.

Legolas was dead, this was concluded long ago.

Despite this conclusion though, a certain Nak Admiral still kept a battalion of mechanic soldiers on the ready inside a stealth Capital Ship through which he kept on observing the remnant phenomenon of the temporal storm that occurred.

It was a long time already since the temporal storm occurred yet its aftereffects remained, this region of space was still stuck in a loop.

Like usual, the mechanic soldiers remained diligent, observing and analyzing the data before them and sending it to their master who was far away from here.

It was while they went on with their activities that something happened.


A portal suddenly opened between the diamond formation of asteroids.

Wom! Wom! Wom!

The stealth Capital Ship instantly rang alarms, waking this battalion up.



The mechanical soldier captain of this mechanic battalion instantly gave warnings to his battalion as they were jolted to action.

Before they could understand what was happening or react though, the portal disappeared the next moment as something came out from it.

Not something, it was someone, a Nak warrior.

"Deploy restraint soldiers!" The mechanical captain ordered.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Shuttles were launched out of the stealth Capital Ship the next moment as thousands of mechanical soldiers were launched into space.

They surrounded the warrior that was rapidly moving through space.

They employed measures to restrain and capture him even as he felt dizzy.

This warrior did not keep spinning indefinitely though, the next moment, powerful Pugilist energy erupted from him as he forcefully opposed the force of inertia moving him forward and stopped himself in space.

Instantly, the radiation in space started affecting him but he did not die immediately to it. He was a powerful super.

Instantly after this Nak warrior stopped in space, his eyes darted left and right as he finally beheld his surroundings.

The first thing that he noticed was the eerie presence in this region, it was like it was a region where temporal energy was forbidden from existing.

'What happened here?!' He thought.

'Is this because of the space-pocket world crumbling?'

The next thing was the squad of mechanical soldiers that surrounded him.

'Enemies!' He concluded instantly.


This warrior's sword was unsheathed the next moment, leaving a bright silver streak in space as he was unleashed.

"Self-Created Ability: Sword Star!"

"Self-Created Ability: Sword Heart- Core of a thousand slashes!"

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This warrior swung his sword in space and the world seemed to move with it. Like Legolas, this warrior already mastered an ability that was similar to Nature Connection but instead with Pugilist properties, it was the sword star.

This warrior was truly the most talented of his era.

This warrior swung his sword and the world responded with it, augmenting it massively as destruction followed.


In just a second, he turned hundreds of mechanical soldiers into scrap metal as he tried to wriggle himself out of their tight formation to no avail.

These were powerful mechanic soldiers with state-of-the-art war A.Is.

Amid his struggle though, he suddenly felt a new presence arrive.


What appeared was teleported here through spatial energy.

What appeared was a gigantic canon launcher.

As soon as this canon launcher appeared, it morphed, developing thrusters that kept it in control in space even as mechanical hands appeared that supported it, enabling it to focus on the target.

Mechanical eyes also appeared at its front for it to see.

This monstrous mechanical construct aimed.

Its red eyes flickered as it's A.I calculated.

[Enemy found!]

[Analyzing enemy…]

[Face: Unknown!]

[Build: Familiar!]

[Pugilist Energy: Familiar!]



[Searching database…]

[Match Found: …]


This monstrous mechanical construct clearly moved faster than it calculated. Before it's A.I could finish its calculations, it already pulled the trigger as a gigantic red canon mixed with fire was launched out of the canon muzzle.

Yang Liu felt goosebumps as all his danger instincts tingled like crazy.

He felt in danger at this moment but this was when another existence arrived through another space portal.


Admiral Zhao appeared as his magnetic mechanical energy alone stopped the canon, stopping it in its tracks, he also stopped his mechanical army.

Then, this Admiral looked attentively at the fighting Pugilist.

His eyes squinted. "Yang Liu?"

The Pugilist paused, shocked, he turned his head to look as the bloodthirstiness of this battle slowly left him then his eyes widened.

"Master Zhao?!"

Both Nak warriors were shocked, but their reunion was interrupted.


Another portal opened between the diamond formation of asteroids.

'Every act of destruction is first an act of creation…,' Legolas' eyes glowed as he viewed the destruction before him, he got another epiphany.

Watching this world crumble, he learned an invaluable lesson.

'Time is infinite…'

'Time is forever but even time can be destroyed…'

He finally paid attention to the husk of a corpse of the emperor of the old Titan Empire, Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac.

He paid his last respects. "Thank you, teacher".

Legolas raised his right fist, red energy gathered on it and he clenched it even as the portal to leave opened before him.


This world finally crumbled.


Legolas returned to the real world after what felt like a millennium.

As soon as he arrived, what stole his attention first was the expected notification from his game interface that appeared.


[Congratulations! You have mastered the essence of time energy!]

[You have understood the concept of Destruction!]

[You have unlocked a Unique Bloodline Ability: Temporal Destruction-Temporal Bomb!]

[NOTE: This is the weakest version of your unique bloodline ability that even Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac did not have, the temporal bomb. With increased understanding of the concept of destruction, your power and destruction caused with the temporal bomb will increase.]

>When activated, you gain the ability to destroy time itself around a region of a kilometer around yourself. By destroying time, you induce a deadly temporal bomb that causes unstoppable destruction, leaving everything in your wake in a timeless loop<

[Congratulations! You have unlocked a new Title: Time Lord!]

[Time Lord: Your understanding of the concepts of temporal energy has grown beyond the apprenticeship stage, you are now a master of time energy. You can now be referred to as a Time Lord!]

[As a Time Lord, you gain +50% time energy recovery speed and +50% time energy storage capacity.]



Unlike when he called Yang Liu, this Admiral's voice was emotional at this moment as he called on the name of the individual now before him.

He could barely believe his eyes.

It seemed so long ago already.

Legolas opened his eyes and he laid it on the Nak Admiral. "Admiral Zhao". He called as a slight grin crept up his face.

Admiral Zhao took a deep breath to calm his raging emotions.

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He looked at the 2 warriors that were before him, he had a lot of questions and curiosities that were on his mind but in the end, he only asked.

"How did you survive?"

"What took you so long?"

Legolas chuckled. "It's a long story".

He looked at all the mechanical soldiers that were fighting Yang Liu previously, he felt that with just one temporal pause and a wide-area slash with his Obsidian Spear, he could eradicate them all in one blow.

Legolas felt so different from before, his perception of the world was now changed, he was now a warrior of a far higher existence than he was before.

Despite all his changes, returning to reality, Legolas felt happy.

He sighed in relief as he remembered all the challenges and incredible adventures that he just went through just in his quest for more training.

He chuckled slightly in the end then he looked at Admiral Zhao. "How long did I spend in there?"

Admiral Zhao looked at him as the expression on his face became complicated and unnatural. "It's been 3 years since you entered the Titan Emperor's space pocket".


For a few seconds, Legolas just hovered in space as he processed these words.

He expected to take a long time but this was still shocking to him.

3 years?!

Converting this time to the accelerated time of Emperor Gustacus Dodomaniac's inheritance world, and also adding the roughly 100+ years that the Titan Emperor helped him train in, his eyes widened even further.

Without him knowing, he already spent so much time training.

At this moment, Legolas' body did not look so much different but after coming to this realization, in his mind, he felt like an old man already.

'Damn…!' He exclaimed in his mind.

'Well, it's finally over'.

'Its time to go home'.

'I wonder how the Nak State is now'.

'I wonder what the current state of the Beast Coalition is?'

'Is it exactly as in my previous world or did my interventions already bring another plot twist?'

'Did an all-out war already start between the Nak, Ackermanns, and the beasts of the Beast Coalition?'

'What of Blade, Uranus, Christensen, and the others, are they ok?'

'Is my mercenary army still alive?'

'With me disappearing for 3 years, did they keep on receiving the privileges that I got when I was alive, did the Nak State forsake them?'

At this moment, Legolas had so many speculations and thoughts in his mind but he knew that he could not get the answer to all of them at this moment.

First, he needed to go back into the world.

He needed to reacquaint himself with society.

'It's been so long…' He sighed.

Admiral Zhao created a portal and all 3 of them jumped in.

They all finally left.

This unexplored region of space was quiet and peaceful again.