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Reborn: Rise of the Greatest Summoner

Chapter 92 Mind Game
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It was already 3 days since Legolas came to the beast plane.

After leaving Predator and Akela to their own devices, on top the Chefron, Legolas traveled the beast plane looking for his lost pet.

Through their telepathic connection and through kiddo's outrageous speed, he estimated that he would find Lucky in at most 6 hours.

To his shock though, this was his 3rd day still looking for the freaking fox.

"That little devil". Legolas cursed. "She's deliberately avoiding me, I know it, I just wonder how she is able to do it".

Every time that the telepathic connection indicated that they were really close, something happened and the distance ended up elongating again.

"That fox really needs some disciplinary lessons when I find her".

Legolas was becoming slightly frustrated by his lack of progress but as he vent his anger, a special signal alert that he bought some time ago rang.

Beep! Beep!

Legolas looked at the red alert and was shocked. 'Christensen is in danger?'

Without hesitation, Legolas turned the Chefron around as he ordered it to go make sure that Predator and Akela where in one location.


You have activated active ability: Beast Plane Summoning


As soon as the rainbow bridge opened, Rex jumped through it. On returning back to the island, he pressed the same button on his vest and waited.

"You just want to negotiate?" The Shadow Hound scoffed. "Human, do you take me for a fool or what?"

"First, I want to know how you were able to track me?"

Christensen smiled. "Actually, I'm the one that should be asking the questions here since I cornered you but ok, I'll answer you if you insist".

"I'm a special one, that's just the truth".

The Shadow Hound's eyes narrowed as they flicked left and right, trying to detect any danger ahead of time before it came close to harming him.

On seeing no danger, the Hound closed his eyes before opening them again as they regained their arrogance. "Young human, if you love your life, escape while I'm still giving you the chance or…"

Beep! Beep!

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"Ah…, I finally got my signal".

The Shadow Hound's eyes narrowed as it raised its guard.

"Phew…" Christensen heaved a sigh of relief. "I almost suffocated playing such an intelligent persona, don't worry, he's coming, he'll speak to you".

Without hesitation, Christensen activated the beast plane summoning active ability as the rainbow bridge appeared. Through the bridge, he saw Legolas on the other side and waved at him.

Legolas stepped through the bridge the next moment. On seeing the Hound, he raised his guard before smiling. "You've found your target?"

"Yes and no, the situation is peculiar". Christensen forced a smile.

Christensen summarized the story and explained everything to Legolas in a minute while the Hound watched, this angered it even more.

"Petty humans, you dare ignore me?"

Legolas finally turned to face the Shadow Hound with a smile. "What an interesting backstory you have dog, I bet it'll make a huge blockbuster".

"I dare you to call me a dog again…"

"It's not good to act so arrogant when you're cornered". Legolas chuckled. "You must be really intelligent to fool such a powerful beast but that's all, you're just intelligent, you're not really that powerful, are you?"

"Before stealing the fruit, you made preparations that here would be your hideout in the case that things didn't pan out as you planned".

"After being injured by the Frost Wolf, your power got degraded to the Grade E realm and you were left extremely weak so like you planned, you hid here".

"Normally, a wild Hound like you can survive a long time without food using darkness alone as sustenance but the fruit you ate is a powerful one".

"To not die from its powerful effects, you need food but you are too weak to take on any of the beasts remaining in this ice field on a fair battle".

"For the past 2 weeks, you've tried to no avail to kill to get food. Also, you can't spend too long on the surface in fear of your smell being discovered by the Grade C Frost Wolf right?"

"Despite your predicament, you remained hopeful and you saw my student, thinking he was easy food. He shocked you right?" Legolas laughed before patting Christensen. "You did a good job".

"Well, I already exposed you completely".

"Now, you have only 2 choices before you".

"First, you decide to fight us and die".

"Second, you decide to live and see the effects of that miraculous fruit by becoming my humble student's contracted beast. It's not slavery nor a death sentence, you'll still retain all your memories, loyalty is the only price".

"You dare…!"

"Shhhh!" Legolas placed his hands to his lips. "Before you bark your lungs out, if you don't know, I know the effects of the Samsara Ice Fruit".

"It's the only miraculous fruit that grows in this region so I guessed".

"With it, you are able to break your previous Shadow Hound bloodline limits, unlocking your potential to the Grade B realm".

"If the Frost Wolf ate it, it would have a chance of leveling up to the Grade B realm so think of what you're missing before you make your choice".

This time, the Hound could no longer hide its astonishment as it looked at Legolas in shock. "Who are you?"

"Just a normal Shepherd looking for sheep to guide". Legolas smiled amiably.

"Make your decision now…"

"NO!" The Shadow Hound protested. "I will never be a slave to a human".

"I wound rather die and protect the dignity of my bloodline".

"Is that dignity as dignified as the dignity of a Grade B Shadow Hound?" Legolas raised his eyebrows.

"Don't you want to be remembered as the great Shadow Hound? Don't you wanna be a legend?"


"Don't you wannna be the super Hound?"

The Shadow Hound closed its eyes. "Stop!"


You have activated active ability: Beast Plane Summoning

You have activated active ability: Combat Master

Passive ability has been triggered: Jungle Cruise



Having received secret signals from his master ahead of time, Christensen reacted at the same time that Legolas moved as they rushed at the Shadow Hound who finally opened its eyes again with fury blazing inside it.

"Human! You dare trick me?!"

"Yeah dog". Legolas laughed as he led the charge.

"You shall regret this!" The Shadow Hound's eyes turned arrogant again as its eyes turned grey, the shadow powers in the cave came under its control.

Strange screams like those of souls trapped in hell reverberated the next moment as its enemies were affected with a mental attack.

In their brief moment of disorientation, the clever Hound turned invisible again as it tried to escape but it was already too late.

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"Roar!" Predator announced his presence in a loud manner like always.

With one of its legs, it smacked the Shadow Hound to the ground, the clever beast was not so clever anymore when strength was involved.

"Akela, prevent its escape with the wolves".

"Predator, tie it down".

"Leo, freeze it's legs".

"Christensen, go do the deed".

"Woof!" The Shadow Hound barked angrily to no avail.

Under Legolas's meticulous orders, all the beasts and his students executed them perfectly as the Shadow Hound was completely cornered in no time.

Closing its eyes was a mistake that it should have never made.

With it incapacitated, Christensen was finally free as he placed a hand on its head before activating the Beast Contract active ability.

As the Shadow Hound felt a foreign soul lash into its weak soul and start overpowering it, its eyes turned red in craziness and anger.

"Woof…, I shall never be a human's slave!"

"I'd rather die together with you and fight it out in hell!"

The next moment, the Shadow Hound gathered all the shadow energy that was in this cave before converging it all in its mouth.

Legolas was alarmed. "Stop him!"

Akela acted fast but it was already too late.

The Shadow Hound used all its energy to release one last desperate bark.


The barking sound was like thunder as it reverberated across the ice field before dying down. The next moment, the Shadow Hound calmed down as a joyful look clouded Christensen's face.

"I did it master, I got my 2nd contracted beast!"

Legolas did not pay attention to him though as he turned to look outside with a look of worry on his face. "We need to leave".

Under the mountain of ice slumbered a mighty beast.

As soon as the loud barking sound reverberated, its eyes snapped open as rage and revenge clouded them in an instant.

"ROAR!" The Frost Wolf expressed its anger and burst out of its ice home.