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Reborn: The Return of the Villainous Mr. Liu

Chapter 18 Book Signing Event
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Chapter 18 Book Signing Event

Ai took a knife and a bell pepper. She carefully chopped it into pieces as Jun instructed.

He observed her. "You are not bad. You just lack practice."

Ai was taken aback.

Was this the first time he had complimented her?


"Nothing. Indeed, I know some basics, but I usually don't cook for myself. So, I have lost touch."

He frowned. "Then what do you eat?"

"Outside food mostly."

He glared at her. "Idiot! That's why you look like such a pushover. You ain't eating what you should be."

Ai guiltily averted her gaze. Her life as a writer was filled with deadlines, so healthy food wasn't really top of the list.

She avoided him and continued chopping vegetables.

"Thank you."

It was out of the blue, and she looked at him, surprised. "Thank you for what?"

Jun stared ahead in a daze. His voice was mellow and quiet.

"For dropping the water on me and waking me up. If you hadn't then…"

I hate you, Jin! If only you hadn't bo- would have thought of something outrageous about someone precious to me. I would have completed a sentence I would have regretted saying for the rest of my life."

He clenched his fists. Coming back to his senses, he thought how horrible he was to think about Jin not being born. He was his brother, his family. How could he think of him not being a part of his life?

If Ai hadn't splashed water on him that moment, Jun wouldn't have been able to forgive himself. Wishing for Jin not to be born…

Wasn't it enough already that I killed him once?

Seeing his solemn countenance, she wondered if it was related to Jin or his nightmare of last night. Ai softly said, "Welcome."

Jun pushed the plate with the steak on it towards her. He poured himself some juice and sat at the breakfast table.

Ai rapidly blinked her eyes. "Why are you giving it to me?"

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"It's your breakfast. Obviously, I will give it to you," he said without much emotion. "Sit over there and eat," he pointed at a chair opposite him.

But she remained standing at the same place in confusion.

Jun coldly scowled at her. "Do I need to give you a written invitation?"

Ai cleared her throat and sat opposite him. "Why did you make breakfast for me? I was going to leave anyway. You still need rest."

"You talk too much. Just eat."

"What about you?"

"Not hungry."

Then there was silence. The conversation came to a halt.

Jun's phone buzzed with a chat message from Reading Point. At the same point, Ai saw a notification too. Her phone was on silent so it didn't ding or vibrate.

[Warlord - Behoooooold! I got good news!!]

[XY13 - Why so excited early in the morning?]

[LumiosZ - He is always in a hyper mode. LOL.]

[Ringmaster - Get lost. You woke me up.]

[Warlord - Shut up! You will be excited too once you know the news I got!]

[LumiosZ - Out with it already. Is it about your Goddess CherryBlossom?]

[Warlord - Ding Ding! Correct answer. Hahaha! There is gonna be a book signing event! My Goddess has finally decided to reveal herself aaaaaand we will get signed copies of her books! Isn't it awesome!?]

Jun sipped on his juice.

Book signing event?

He remembered this same event from past life too. But he hadn't attended it at that time because he had planned a date with Shui the same day.

[Ringmaster - Oooo. I heard from the rumors that she is beautiful.]

[XY13 - Women are pieces of art.]

[Warlord - Of course my Goddess is beautiful! @MrPerfect Oi! Where are you? ]

Jun's brow twitched. ?

[MrPerfect - Shut up.]

[Warlord - Hah! Lurker! Why didn't you say anything? Aren't you excited? You like her books too, don't you?]

[MrPerfect - She writes well.]

[Warlord - I know right? So, so! Will you be there at the event? We bros can finally meet!]

Jun tilted his head.

The event…

[MrPerfect - Is only CherryBlossom gonna do the book signing?]

[Warlord - What do you mean?

[MrPerfect - @MissImperfectlyFine What about you?]

Ai choked on her steak, seeing the sudden direct ping at her. Jun looked up and frowned. "What?"

She coughed. "I am sorry. I gulped the bite quickly."

"The steak isn't going anywhere. Eat slowly or you will get sick this time."


Ai quickly typed back.

[MissImperfectlyFine - @MrPerfect About?]

[MrPerfect - Are you gonna be signing books too?]

She blinked her eyes.

Why would he ask about me? Doesn't he dislike my books?

Ai slightly lowered her head, thinking about the event. She silently clenched her phone.

[MissImperfectlyFine - No…]

Jun raised his brow.

Didn't she win the Best Newcomer Writer award for My time with you? How was she never chosen?

[MrPerfect - I see.]

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Jun tilted his head. He remembered that in his past life, there was some scene that had occurred during the event. He didn't delve into the details but as far as he remembered, MissImperfectlyFine was accused of ruining the event somehow.

Was it tearing apart CherryBlossom's books?

CherryBlossom and MissImperfectlyFine were authors belonging to the same publishing company - Dream High Publishing. Apparently, she was accused of getting jealous that CherryBlossom got selected for the book signing event while she was left out.

Jun narrowed his eyes.

It doesn't match the image of her I have in my mind…

Ai expectantly typed. [Do you want my signed books?]

Jun smiled in disdain.

[MrPerfect - No.]


Ai looked up at Jun and asked him, "I…"

He stared back at her from his phone.

"When I was checking your bookshelf, I saw books from a particular author. MissImperfectlyFine."


"Nothing. I was just surprised to see her books since you dislike those types of endings."

Jun's gaze darkened.

Don't remind me why I am not able to throw those books away. They shouldn't have any place in my bookshelf at all.

"If you ever meet that author, would you want her to sign your books?"



But they are clearly a part of your collection.

"Why would you keep them if they hate it?"

"No," his voice turned a notch icier.


Jun and MrPerfect are too similar, she pursed her lips as she concluded.

Ai lowered her head and put a piece of meat in her mouth.

To think that I practiced my signature yesterday. So embarrassing...