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Reincarnated Princess Wishes To Avoid Death-Novel

Chapter 96
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Do It in the Name of Princess Mia!

“Let me see if I get this right. In the event that I have to distribute wheat to the people, you want me to declare that I am doing it under your instruction. And that I can use your banner?”

Outcount Rudolvon said while his voice trembles with an excitement that he hadn’t felt for awhile.

“That’s right. I really want you to do it in my name. Use my banner and shout my name while doing it if you want.”

“I am impressed, Your Highness.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

He couldn’t help marvelling at the wisdom of the little princess that is the same age as his daughter. Outcount Rudolvon has a large territory, and most of his people are farmers. Therefore, when food was scarce due to poor crops, the central nobles came and robbed their wheat. They do it in the pretence that they are giving to the imperial family. Although in reality, they hoard it for themselves. They do not care about the starving of the common people. The nobles would not even think of the starving people if they were at risk of starving themselves.

While it is true that nobles do live luxurious lives, it isn’t the want to maintain such luxurious lifestyles that they hoard wheat. Rather, it stems from a simple reason. Fear. Nobody could know when a famine would last. With the risk of starvation, nobles would hoard up wheat as much as possible. They are looking for a relief from their anxiety from future starvation while burdening the people with real current starvation.

These nobles would come knocking on the territories with lots of farming, like the Rudolvons. They would ask food under the pretence that it was for the imperial family and refusing them would almost be treason.

But what if the Rudolvons could say no these nobles and distribute the food instead to the common people who were really hungry. Surely these nobles will be angry. But this is where the genius of Princess Mia truly shows.

Use her name in distributing food. Display the Princess banners while doing it. If they do so, the central nobles, or any nobles, can’s say anything. It would be them who will be guilty of treason. The Rudolvons have the backing of the imperial family.

“I’m afraid to admit it to you, Your Highness. I am a timid man. Would you be willing to have what you said written down?”

“Written down? I don’t mind if it brings your concerns to rest.”

Mia answers while tilting her head, with a figurative question mark over her head. The Outcount’s reaction has baffled her. Her proposal, is after all, letting the Rudolvons do all the hard work, while all she does is to accept the credit. She was wondering why her one-sided proposal seems to be accepted readily and happily. Beforehand, she was afraid if Cyril’s higher education was enough for a bargaining chip. Now, it seems for her that it was more than enough?

Mia observes Outcount Rudolvon with a suspicious look.

Mia certainly wants the knowledge of Cyril Rudolvon, but that doesn’t mean she wants to be chummy with him. He is after all, still a Rudolvon. She still has a grudge against them, which is not surprising. One does not simply chop off a girl’s head and expect her to forget about it.

Mia turned her chip up and blew a cocky puff of air.

“Don’t get me wrong, this school won’t be like the luxurious ones that nobles attend. Of course, I’ve planned so that the level of instruction isn’t inferior to St. Noel. However, I am thinking of accepting a wide range of students; like from the neighboring Lulu tribe and the common people.”

What Mia was trying to imply to the outcount was that Cyril was not that special. That for her, the Rudolvons were like the common people. And so, she will be putting Cyril to study with the common people. It was her way of saying “Know you place, peasant

Hearing Mia’s words, the outcount was silent for a while. Then his hands started to tremble.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

“I see… This is… I… don’t have any words that I can convey to express my gratitude for such a consideration.”

Outcount Rudolvon said earnestly. He was so moved that tears started flowing.

To be honest, Outcount Rudolvon didn’t like the imperial family very much. But …

The joy from the depths of his heart overflowed that tears flowed out of his eyes. These were tears of pure joy.

…… Mia who saw it …………, pulled back a little.

Was he enjoying her disdain? Mia gets creeped out upon seeing this older man who seemed to be in pleasure.

In any case, she was able to get Cyril Rudolvon. And the Rudolvon’s wheat was effectively all hers. She accomplished what she came for.

She smiled happy with satisfaction while being softly rocked by the shaking of the carriage returning to the capital.

…… Thus, everything is ready. The final piece was finally in place. Fate has finally started to flow in a different direction…