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Reincarnated as the Demon King's Son-Novel

Chapter 777 Strange Transformation
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777  Chapter 777 Strange Transformation

The Quantum Shadow, now a silent sentinel in the vastness of space, continued its watch over the enigmatic Shadow Forge. Weeks turned into months, and the war across the galaxy progressed at a painstakingly slow pace, with neither side able to claim a decisive advantage. Yet, under Captain Ilsa's command, the ship and its crew played a crucial role in shedding light on the darkness that veiled the war.

The intelligence gathered by the Quantum Shadow proved invaluable. "We've never had this much insight into the demons' operations before," Captain Ilsa remarked during a strategy meeting with her senior crew. "Every bit of data we collect brings us closer to understanding our enemy."

Emboldened by their success, Captain Ilsa made a bold decision. "It's time to take a more active approach. We'll deploy small vessels to intercept unassuming demon ships. Dr. Ren, prepare the brain reading technology. We need to know what they know."

Dr. Ren, his enthusiasm reignited by the prospect of new discoveries, quickly set to work. "We'll have everything ready, Captain. This could give us the edge we've been looking for."

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The mission was a success, with several demon ships captured and their occupants subjected to the Celestial Platoon's advanced interrogation techniques. The information gleaned from these operations provided a deeper understanding of the demons' strategies and weaknesses.

However, an unexpected consequence of their proximity to the Shadow Forge began to manifest among the crew. Several members started exhibiting alarming symptoms: their nails grew long, sharp, and appeared rotten, their behavior became erratic, and they refused all food and drink, throwing their meals across the room in fits of rage.

Captain Ilsa, faced with a situation spiraling out of control, ordered the affected crew members to be confined. "Lock them in their quarters. We need to understand what's happening before it spreads further," she commanded, her voice steady but tinged with concern.

Dr. Ren, tasked with investigating the affliction, poured over the data. "It's as if the Dark Waves from the Shadow Forge have altered them, Captain. There's a pattern to the madness."

Captain Ilsa frowned. "We're dealing with something beyond our understanding," she began, her gaze sweeping across the room. "The Shadow Forge, the Dark Waves, they're affecting us, changing us. We need a solution, and fast."

Lieutenant Kira, always the pragmatist, suggested, "Perhaps it's time to call for reinforcements, Captain. We need more resources to tackle this." Follow current s on Noᴠᴇlꜰire.nᴇt

But Captain Ilsa knew that wasn't an option. "No, we can't risk exposing the fleet to whatever has affected our crew. This is on us to solve."

In a secluded research facility far from the front lines of the war, Aldred, Shinari, and Salamander were deeply engrossed in a demonstration that could potentially change the course of their battle against the demonic forces. The subject of their attention was an advanced form of nanotechnology, microscopic particles with the potential to revolutionize warfare.

Currently, their focus was on a live test of these nanoparticles. A smaller aircraft, remotely piloted, hovered near an old, decommissioned ship that served as the target for this experiment. The nanoparticles, invisible to the naked eye, were released from the aircraft, drifting towards the ship like a cloud of unseen locusts.

Even as Aldred activated the enhanced radar system, the swarm of nanoparticles barely registered, a testament to their stealth capabilities. "If we use smaller numbers, it will be even harder to detect," Salamander noted, his eyes not leaving the screen that displayed the ongoing test.

The assembled group watched in silence as the nanoparticles reached the ship, beginning their work on the external armor. It was a slow process, almost gentle, as if the particles were meticulously peeling away the layers of the ship's defenses, revealing its vulnerable skeleton beneath.

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Aldred and Shinari exchanged satisfied glances, recognizing the potential these particles held for bypassing enemy defenses unnoticed. "This could be the key to penetrating the demonic strongholds," Shinari mused, her strategic mind already running through the possibilities.

Aldred nodded in agreement, but before he could voice his thoughts, the room's calm was shattered by the urgent blare of an incoming communication. The screen flickered, and Captain Ilsa's face appeared, her expression grave.

"Captain Ilsa, report," Aldred commanded, his voice steady despite the sudden interruption.

"Sir, we've encountered something… troubling," Ilsa began, her usual composure frayed at the edges. "We believe the demons have developed a new weapon. It's a form of wave or signal emanating from what we've termed the Shadow Forge. It's affecting our crew, changing them."

The revelation sent a chill through the room, the implications of her words clear to all present. "Changing them how?" Salamander asked, his curiosity piqued despite the dire news.

"Physically, psychologically. They're becoming aggressive, almost feral. We've had to confine several crew members already," Ilsa explained, her gaze flickering with the strain of command under such circumstances.

Aldred's mind raced, the pieces falling into place. "This weapon, it bypasses conventional defenses, targets the individual directly. Like your nanoparticles, Salamander, but instead of targeting ships, this weapon target the humans inside it."