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Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 335 It’s All Right
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As Kaizen watched the glitch of the Guardians returning and advancing at the same time, he felt a wave of heat run through his body. Something was wrong, he was sure of it, this could not be normal. He looked down at his right arm and saw it disintegrating into pixels. Kaizen panicked, felt a sharp pain in his head, and fell to his knees. He tried to concentrate on his breathing, but it was as if the air was getting thinner. He could hear the screams of his group mingled with the agonized cries of the creatures. He just wanted it to be over soon.

Kaizen lifted the Guardians higher and higher until they were pinned to the ceiling, then began to push them away from the group. The Watchers struggled and tried to break free, but Kaizen was relentless. At the same time, dozens of notification screens appeared for Psyker.

[Error detected.]

[Calibrating data...]

[Unable to calibrate data.]

[Error detected.]

[Calibrating data...]

[Unable to calibrate data.]

It was as if his system was stuck in an infinite loop.

Kaizen felt a strange sensation in his chest and looked up. He saw his life bar flashing red. He didn't understand what was happening. He had taken no damage from the Guardians.

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The mysterious man looked at Kaizen with admiration. "This is amazing," he said, surprised by Kaizen's ability. "I've never seen anyone use telekinesis so roughly and easily."

But while the man was fascinating, all the players were worried about what was about to happen. They had never seen anything like this before, even though they were experienced.

As Kaizen struggled to control his power, the woman with the black dress and white hair calmly walked toward him. She placed a hand on his shoulder and whispered:

"It's all right, Kaizen. You can rest and leave this to us," Korgrak said with a gentle smile.

Kaizen looked over her shoulder with a frightened and anxious expression that surprised Korgrak. It was the first time she had seen that expression on his face, so she looked at him affectionately, knelt down and hugged him. Her hug was warm, her body was warm, and even though she wore those men's clothes, her body was very soft. Gradually, the purple energy and black rays on Kaizen's arm began to fade, and the Guardians began to disintegrate from the damage they had received.

Feeling Korgrak's soft body pressed against his back and watching the Watchers disintegrate, Kaizen felt the pressure on his head increase until everything went dark and he passed out.

While Kaizen was unconscious, he began to have strange and vivid dreams. He found himself lying in a dark, empty room surrounded by small bright points of light that looked like distant stars. He didn't know where he was or what was happening, but he felt an inexplicable peace. After a few seconds, he began to hear a soft, calm, familiar voice calling him by name.

"Klaus, Klaus, Klaus, wake up..."

This voice was unfamiliar to him, but it made him try to wake up. When he awoke, he found himself lying on a comfortable bed in an unfamiliar room. There was a vase of flowers next to the bed, and the window was open, letting in the morning sun.

Kaizen blinked a few times, trying to adjust to the bright light in the room he was in. The room he was in was white and spacious. The air smelled slightly of antiseptic, and when he looked over, he saw Korgrak sitting in an armchair, going through his inventory.

He tried to get up, but a voice stopped him:

"Don't do that, you still need to rest."

Kaizen looked over and saw that the one speaking to him was Korgrak. She looked tired, but relieved to see him awake.

Kaizen tried to get up anyway, but felt a pain in his right arm and realized that it was bandaged. So he looked at her and asked:please visit

"What happened to me? Where are we?"

Korgrak closed his inventory and got to his feet. "We don't know for sure. I only saw a player faint once, and that was a player who used too much mana. You probably used too much energy with your skill at the time, Kaizen. Your MP bar must have reached its limit and you fainted. We used teleportation crystals to bring you back to our base of operations to treat your injuries as quickly as possible. We were worried that you might go into anaphylactic shock in real life, but since you didn't automatically disconnect, you're fine.

Kaizen took a deep breath and tried to absorb everything Korgrak told him. He remembered the glitch scene, the various screens, and how he had lost control of his powers. The feeling of panic and pain was still fresh in his mind.

"The other players, are they okay?" he asked worriedly.

Korgrak nodded. "Yes, everyone is fine. You were a great asset in this battle, Kaizen. Your skill was instrumental in our victory."

Kaizen felt a certain pride at hearing that, but also a bit of regret. "What about the man we found?"

"Huh. That's a strange NPC. Even I can't see who he really is, and since we left this place, he refuses to change clothes and take a shower to make himself less smelly, he just keeps asking about you."

"Do you think he could be dangerous? He smiled when the Guardians attacked us."

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"I don't know for sure, but he's certainly not just any NPC. But changing the subject, you scared everyone, you know," Korgrak said, smiling and sitting down on his bed.

"Sorry for worrying them." Kaizen replied, still a little embarrassed that he missed the headache. "I didn't mean to cause any trouble."

Korgrak put a hand on his shoulder. "Don't worry about it. We've all had problems before. It's how we learn and grow."

Then she leaned forward and kissed his forehead, which made her blush and look at him with even more interest.

Soon after, she got up from the bed and said:

"I will let everyone know that you are awake and well. When you feel better, come to the lobby and say hello to the others, we still have to decide what to do with the loot from the monsters and the strange man".

"Okay, I'll be right there."

After Korgrak left the room, Kaizen immediately raised his right index finger, ready to open his system, but for an obvious reason, he was cautious now.


Edited by: DrHitsuji

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