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Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 447 Fishing
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A fish swam gracefully in the calm, shallow waters of a section of the winding river, its scales glistening in the sunlight that penetrated the crystal clear surface of the water. It moved with elegant grace, gliding smoothly with its school.

Klaus watched the fish carefully, calculating the exact moment to act. His focused eyes followed the animal's every move as it prepared to attack. In an instant, Klaus launched the spear at full speed, slicing through the air, breaking the surface tension of the water, and landing on the fish.

The other members of Klaus' group and some students on the other side of the river kept their eyes on the scene, holding their breath in anticipation. Everyone was waiting for the outcome of the daring action. Some doubted that Klaus would actually catch any fish with such a rudimentary technique. But others didn't say anything until they saw the final result.

The stake hit the water with a big splash, and then the tip of the stake hit the fish with precision.

A moment of silence followed. The air seemed to hang in the air as everyone took in Klaus' impressive display of skill and reflexes. And then a few observers exclaimed in admiration.

"Wow, he really hit a fish!"

"He did? That's not possible!"

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Klaus' friends, who were close by, couldn't contain their excitement either. They cheered the spectacular catch.

"Wow, Klaus, that was impressive!" Emily exclaimed.

"Yeah, it was really amazing." Andrew replied with a proud smile on his face, in awe of Klaus' skill. "Well, he commented on your reflexes."

While some of the students on the riverbank were dumbfounded by Klaus' feat and exclaimed in amazement, others muttered among themselves, sharing their surprise and admiration.

"Did you see that? He hit the fish for the first time!"

"He's terrifying. I've never seen anyone so skilled!"

"I wouldn't believe it if I hadn't seen it with my own eyes!"

Most people didn't even realize what was happening, only that Klaus kept catching more fish with the same technique, which quickly made the buzz even bigger. Word of Klaus' accomplishment spread quickly, and soon other students were approaching to get a closer look at the fish he had caught. Everyone wanted to witness the amazing technique and be inspired by Klaus' audacity and skill.

Amidst the hustle and bustle, Klaus wore a focused expression as he worked.

"I knew he could do it!" said Emily, beaming as she caught the fish Klaus tossed to their shore.

The scene of Klaus' impressive catches left an indelible mark on the memories of everyone present. His unusual ability to fish in such a primitive way piqued the curiosity and enthusiasm of others, creating an atmosphere of excitement. Inspired by Klaus' success, others began to venture into the shallow part of the river.

"Klaus, I think that's more than enough for us!" Andrew shouted from the shore, and when Klaus turned to them, he realized that he had already caught more than a dozen big fish.

Klaus nodded and left the river.

Andrew, holding the fish Klaus had caught, added:

"And to think we were worried about not catching anything. You saved the day for us."

Klaus was a little shy at the compliment, but he smiled and thanked them. Then they decided to move on to find a place to camp and build a fire, and Klaus' group ventured deeper into the wilderness. The woods were dense, but they kept to the narrow trails and paths, following the flow of the river in search of a quiet place to spend the night, but where they would also have easy access to food, water and bathing, as well as a way to locate themselves beyond the compass.

As they progressed, the sunlight gradually faded, giving way to a soft twilight that tinted the sky with shades of orange and pink. They had left the outskirts of Woodbury in the morning, but the trip to the tour site was a bit long.

The surrounding woods were filled with the sounds of nature. The rustling of leaves, the singing of birds, and the soft murmur of running water nearby.

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After nearly two hours of walking, the group found a small clearing in the woods where the sun was shining most of the day, but it was getting dark. Since they had to leave their cell phones in their lockers, there was no way of knowing the exact time, but it would soon be dark. Klaus and his colleagues were drawn to the serenity of the place and decided that this would be the ideal place to camp and become their base. They quickly divided up into activities, so while one tried to build a fire, another cleaned fish, and two others searched for sticks and logs, both to build their tent and to feed the fire.

While Klaus and Emily were looking for wood, they noticed something strange. Along the river, small blue lights were dancing on the surface of the water, giving off a soft, mysterious glow. Intrigued, they cautiously approached to take a closer look, only to discover that the glow was the stars in the sky, which made them laugh as they tensed for a few seconds.

Finally, as night fell, they sat around the fire, surrounded by the magical aura that the forest emanated. It was a new experience for all of them, but they did well because it was their first time, as was expected of the "geniuses" selected for the special program.

As the flames crackled and the starry sky rose above them, Klaus felt a restlessness in his heart. He knew that this trip had a greater purpose than they imagined, it couldn't be a simple search for the Golden Tickets, otherwise it would only last a few hours or a day at most, not three days like the professor. Certainly, finding the Golden Ticket was only the first step.


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