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Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 557 Legendary Spiral Dragon
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The temple courtyard was enveloped in an intense, icy atmosphere. The surrounding snowy mountains seemed silent witnesses to the epic battle unfolding between Kaizen and the dragon.

The air was imbued with the adrenaline of the two combatants.

Despite exhaustion and injuries, Kaizen would not allow himself to falter. He felt a mixture of respect and awe for the creature before him, recognizing its imposing presence and unparalleled power. He knew he was facing a truly unique challenge and that was exactly what was making him so excited.

The King's Sword glowed in his hands, pulsing with the divine power that flowed through him. Kaizen felt the intensity of the mana drain with each stroke exchanged, but his resolve was unwavering. He knew he had to make the most of this holy weapon's potential to overcome the formidable dragon.

Using his <Giant's Lungs> skill, Kaizen reserved an exceptional amount of mana to increase his attributes.

Finally, the intense glow of the divine blade cut through the air once more, meeting the dragon's tough scales.

The impact of the blow again reverberated through the temple courtyard, causing a powerful shockwave that made even the sky tremble. However, the dragon's fierce response was swift and merciless. Its tail accidentally struck Kaizen, sending him to the ground once more. He got up, wounded and covered in snow. With a mixture of exasperation and resolve, Kaizen shouted at the dragon:

"Come with everything you've got! You know, it's like that old saying, the bigger you are, the more fucked up I'll look when I beat you!"

His voice echoed through the temple courtyard as he invited his opponent to a direct confrontation. He was willing to face everything head on, showing his ruthless determination.

The dragon, enraged by Kaizen's defiant words, let out a deafening roar that reverberated through the snow-capped mountains, and the sky seemed to tremble at the dragon's wrath as it charged towards Kaizen, creating a powerful current of air that shook the temple courtyard.

Kaizen kept his gaze fixed on the towering dragon, his eyes filled with courage and determination. He knew he was facing a creature of unparalleled power, but that only increased his will to defeat it.

The Psyker warrior prepared for the final clash, exuding all his willpower.

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With a nimble movement, Kaizen launched himself towards the dragon as well, his divine sword glowing brightly. He deftly deflected the dragon's attempted attack with his putrid fire. Then he charged at the creature's scales in a sequence where each blow delivered by Kaizen's sword was as precise as it could be, seeking to find the gaps in the dragon's tough scales.

The battle unfolded like a deadly dance in the sky as the two adversaries clashed with stunning ferocity.

The temple courtyard was witness to this epic struggle, with snow flying through the air and the sound of metal against scales echoing throughout the room.

Kaizen did not allow exhaustion to overwhelm him. He fed off the adrenaline pulsing through his veins. He knew that victory would not be easy, but he was determined to overcome all odds.

With each blow exchanged, Kaizen felt his power grow. His connection to the King's Sword grew stronger, allowing him to channel more and more divine energy into his attacks. He became an unstoppable force, a storm of power that defied the dragon itself. As the battle intensified, Kaizen felt a wave of confidence wash over his being. He believed in himself and his purpose.

With a war cry, Kaizen charged into the air against the dragon, using the air itself as a platform.

The dragon, now aware of Kaizen's unusual strength, fought with fury and desperation. His thrusts were powerful, but no match for the Psyker's tenacity.

The temple courtyard was the scene of a battle of epic proportions, where the will of a man clashed with the ferocity of a dragon.

As the fight continued, Kaizen sensed a change in the air. The wind calmed and snow began to fall softly around him. A sense of serenity and triumph enveloped him, as if the environment itself recognized his courage, and everything slowed down.

'This is the time. Kaizen thought.

Amidst the stillness that enveloped the temple courtyard, Kaizen concentrated all his mana and focus into a single blow. With the King's Sword in hand, he channeled the divine power that flowed through it, feeling it pulse intensely. With a swift and precise movement, Kaizen unleashed a powerful blow against the dragon.

The divine blade sliced through the air with astonishing speed, meeting the dragon's scales with overwhelming force and tearing through its skin without any mercy. The sounds of the blow reverberated throughout their surroundings, creating a shockwave that made even the sky itself tremble. A burst of divine energy lit up the room, enveloping the dragon in a blinding glow.

The dragon let out a deafening roar, its form beginning to dissipate, and then a warning window appeared before Kaizen.

[You have slain the Legendary Spiral Dragon. You have gained +300000 EXP.].

[You obtained 'Legendary Dragon Scales' (50x)].

[You obtained 'Ring of the Spiral Dragon' (1x)].

[You obtained 'Legendary Dragon Fangs' (5x).]I think you should take a look at

[You obtained 'Eye of the Spiral Dragon' (2x).]

[Congratulations! You have just risen to level 122!].

[Congratulations! You have just risen to level 123!].


[Congratulations! You have just risen to level 130!]

Kaizen watched in awe as the dragon turned into a mystical mist, disappearing before his eyes. The temple courtyard fell silent as the serenity of falling snow enveloped the place once more.


[Statistics Screen

Nickname: Kaizen  | Class: Psych 

Current Title: The descendant of the Ironstones; Talented; Mestre dos Idiomas; Marcado pelos Magos.

Profession: Intermediate Blacksmith.

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Alignment: Chaotic Neutral | Fame: 10300.]


Level: 130

HP: 400 | Vitality: 240

Intelligence: 230 | Luck: 170

Attack: 281 | Agility: 257

Charisma: 152

Defense: 300 (+120)

Magic Resistance: 175 | MP: 2000

PR: 120.]

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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