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Rise Online: Return of the Legendary Player

Chapter 562 Blizzard
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As Kaizen rode through the frozen landscape of Mibothen, the snowstorm seemed to give no respite.

The blizzard made visibility even more difficult, and the biting wind prevented Kaizen from feeling the warmth of his horse's body under the many layers of clothing. Nevertheless, he persevered, guiding the horse carefully through the winding trail between the trees.

After what seemed like an eternity, the outlines of the trees began to fade, and Kaizen spotted something in the distance: a series of wooden houses, their roofs covered in snow. A small village had sprung up amid the relentless white.

Kaizen's heart filled with hope, for he had finally found a place of shelter, possibly some answers, and perhaps a teleportation crystal to return to Tretidian. He quickened his horse's pace, eager to reach the village.

As he approached, Kaizen noticed that the village was surrounded by a wooden fence, probably to protect the inhabitants from the dangers of the area, which did not seem to be few.

When he reached the entrance, he saw a small wooden sign with letters almost erased by time. The name of the village was "Dämmerung", which meant "twilight" in an ancient language.

Kaizen passed through the gates, his eyes fixed on the snow-covered houses. The silence was almost deafening, and he could see no one in the streets. The blizzard seemed to have driven the villagers away from their usual activities.

He got off his tired horse and began to lead it by the small rope. Walking through the empty streets, the muffled sound of their footsteps echoed through the sleeping village. He could see smoke coming from the chimneys, indicating that at least some houses were inhabited, but the feeling of desolation remained.

After exploring a bit, Kaizen found a larger establishment, from which came some sounds of mugs and music, namely a tavern. The awning swayed with the force of the wind, and the sign hanging on the door showed the name of the place: "Traveler's Inn". So Kaizen tied his horse's rope to the entrance, pushed open the door and stepped inside, welcomed by the comforting warmth of the room. Inside, a few residents were gathered around a fireplace, seeking comfort amidst the storm.

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All eyes turned to Kaizen, a stranger with unusual clothes and appearance for the region.

However, he was not intimidated and approached the counter, where the tavernkeeper greeted him with a friendly smile.

"Good evening, stranger." said the tavernkeeper, drying a glass with a cloth. "Welcome to the Traveler's Inn. You seem to have braved the blizzard. Would you like something to drink or eat?"

"Good evening...," Kaizen replied, enjoying the warmth emanating from the fireplace. "Some food and a hot drink would be nice."

As the tavernkeeper prepared the meal, Kaizen asked:

"Where exactly are we?"

The man explained that Dämmerung was a remote village in the mountains, where snow and cold made life difficult. According to him, the nearest town was many kilometers away

Hearing this, Kaizen's countenance showed his disappointment, for such a remote and poor place would certainly not sell teleportation crystals. Kaizen's expression forced another man standing near the counter to question him:

"Are you lost, man?"

"A little. Would you have a map of the area or a route to indicate?"

The tavernkeeper denied with his head as he placed a plate of food before Kaizen. "No, we basically didn't get out of here because of this snow. Astru, the store owner's son, is the one who goes to Pokkir for supplies."

Kaizen arched his eyebrows in surprise. "You knew Astru?"

"Yes, of course. But unfortunately, he hasn't returned from his last trip yet." the man at the counter said, his face slightly flushed.I think you should take a look at

Kaizen nodded thoughtfully. "Astru is dead..." He muttered and took a sip of the wine served to him

The moment Kaizen's voice echoed through the tavern, the wind howled louder, as if nature itself was manifesting, and it blew open one of the tavern's wooden windows.

"What?!" The tavernkeeper inquired, startled. "What do you mean 'Astru is dead'?" the tavernkeeper asked, his eyes wide with an expression of apprehension.

Kaizen realized he had said something that perhaps he should not have revealed so bluntly. He decided it was best to explain the situation to the villagers, after all, they were already involved in it.

"I found Astru in the mountains. First, he asked me to find his horses. One of the horses was already dead and the other I found on top of a hill. When I returned, his carriage was overturned, and unfortunately, he was dead, being devoured by a white wolf." Kaizen answered, choosing his words carefully. "I was too late."

The innkeepers looked at each other, with looks of shock and grief.

Astru was an acquaintance and an important figure to the village, responsible for bringing the supplies they needed to survive the harsh winter that lasted 9 months in the nation of Mibothen. His death would leave a significant void in the community.

"This news is devastating..." said the tavernkeeper, his voice breaking. 'Astru was a good man and a friend to us all.

The innkeepers were silent, absorbing Kaizen's words. The wind continued to howl outside, as if to reinforce the sadness of the situation.

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"But why were you in the mountains during the snowstorm?" one of the men asked, frowning.

Kaizen briefly explained that he was lost and trying to find any warm place when he came across Astru's carriage. He decided to withhold the details about the fight at the temple.

The tavernkeeper nodded, understanding the situation. "Since you are lost and stuck here during the storm, stay here with us until the storm passes. We have rooms available at the inn. Besides, someone go get Pedro!"

"Who is Pedro?" inquired Kaizen.

"Astru's father. But don't worry, he should know the way to the nearest town, Pokkir." The man at the counter replied.

Edited by: DrHitsuji

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