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Chapter 206 New Members
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Chapter 206 New Members

Moonlight shone over a city while two teens were standing on the rooftop of a building.

"Hahahaha, it took time to make them. Now, we are ready," said Batlan, who was holding a bag. He took a cloth from the bag and gave it to another teen.

Robin held the cloth with an ugly face. He threw the cloth to the floor and shouted.

"How can I wear a damn cloth that looks like a bat?!"

He pointed his finger at Batlan.

"You! You wanted to complete the wish of your father! But why do I need to wear that damn cloth? You should have at least removed those two pointed ears!" Shouted Robin.

Batlan laughed while scratching his head. Their bickering was interrupted by a loud scream.

"Kyaaaa!" A woman's scream reached their ears. They looked at each other, then hurried to wear their outfits.

"Fuck!" cursed Robin as he wore the cloth.

They stood at the edge of the rooftop and looked at the scene below them.

"Did you learn gliding before?" asked Robin.

"N-No," answered Batlan with a sweat on his face.

"Me too. Fufufufu, this will be exciting. On the count of three, we will jump," said Robin.

"3-2-1 JUMP!"

Robin laughed while Batlan gritted his teeth. They used their capes and glided, but they couldn't control the direction very well.

"Shit!" Cursed by both of them, they collided with each other. They screamed while falling.

"It's time to use it," said Batlan. His face turned serious. He put his hand on the belt and pressed a button.


A cable string is shot from his belt. Its top has something pointed and sharp. It went to a metal staircase and its hooks were released.

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Batlan stopped falling,then swung in the air while laughing. Fire jets appeared on Robin's feet, then he landed on a stair.

"That was dangerous! I should just use my magic," thought Robin. He looked at Batlan, who was happily swinging in the air.

"The bastard is really enjoying it," he thought with a chuckle.

"Come on! Let's keep going!" Shouted Robin.

Batlan put a thumb up with a grin, then he pressed a button on his belt. He kept pressing the button, but the cable string was not pulled back. Sweat appeared on his face.

Robin looked at Batlan, who was still swinging in the air.

"What are you doing?!" he shouted.

"I-I'm stuck," answered Batlan. The two of them turned silent.

"Fuck!" Cursed Robin, then he pointed his finger at the string.


The fireball hit the string, but it was not even scratched. Robin was speechless.

"Why is it so tough?!" he asked.

"I-Its materials are made from high-level beasts," said Batlan.

Robin cursed, then jumped on top of the railing. He jumped into the air and pushed himself up with fire jets. He lifted the metal that was hooked to the stair.

"Ahhh!" screamed Batlan while falling.

"Idiot! Use your magic!" Shouted Robin.

"O-Oh, right! I forgot. I was too excited to use the outfit," thought Batlan, then he rotated his body in mid-air and cast earth magic.

Both of them landed on the ground with ease,then they rushed to the alley where the scream came from.

"Wait! We haven't thought of our names," said Robin.

"Y-Your right," replied Batlan.

Robin touched his chin, then his eyes lit up.

"I will be called Jet. How about you?"

lightsnοvεl "I-It's Bat," answered Batlan while scratching his head.

"Isn't that the same as telling your true name?"

"How about Batearthman?"

"That is so lousy!"


"Why can't you remove the word bat?!"

Sweats appeared on Batlan's face while thinking of a name.

Robin's face looked helpless, and he said,"Let's save the woman first."

Batlan nodded his head and felt relieved. They entered the alley and shouted.

"Evil scum! Your time has come!"

They looked around in the alley. There was a woman who looked scared.

"Where are the scum?" asked Robin.

The woman pointed her finger. A white cat was biting on the neck of a rat.

"M-My cat bit a rat. I-I'm scared she will eat it," said the woman.

Robin and Batlan stared at the cat and rat. They were speechless.

"Hmm?" Batlan noticed the rat. Its eyes seemed watery while looking at them. The rat seemed to be pleading.

"Is it just me, or do you also notice the pleading of the rat?" whispered Batlan to Robin.

Robin stared at the rat and also noticed it.

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"Y-Your right," he answered.

"I heard that some animals have developed higher intelligence. It rarely happens, but we might have encountered it. We are lucky! If we can train it, we will have a king of rats that can command millions of rats. They will be our secret army and spy!" said Batlan with excitement.

"Bat, you are a genius!" said Robin.

Batlan laughed while scratching his head. He felt flattered by the compliment.

"We should give it a name that is appropriate for a king of its kind," he said while touching his chin.


"You should remove the word bat."

"Ratking? That is too common. How about doberbat?"

"Why do you insist on adding the word bat?!"

The woman looked at the weird men, who continued bickering. She was getting scared of them.

"Candy! Let's go. I will give you your favorite salmon," said the woman to the cat.

The white cat heard the word salmon. It can't help but tighten its jaw when it heard its favorite food.

"Nooo! Rotterbat!" screamed Batlan. He rushed to the rat that was bleeding from its neck.

"Rotter! Hold on! Our adventure has not even begun!" shouted Robin.

The rat had tears in its eyes.

"Damn idiots," was probably the last thought of the rat.

The woman felt more scared of the two weird men. She carried her cat and quickly ran away.

Batlan touched a wooden plaque. They buried the rat in a park.

"Rotterbat, you will forever be part of our memory. We could have formed a great team together," he said with teary eyes. Robin also had teary eyes.

A sudden chuckle catched their attention. They looked up and saw a red-haired man floating in the air.

"It will be difficult for the two of you to find scum. I can help you find them, but they are not the true threat. I can make you more powerful, but are you willing to bear the price?"