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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 163 Want To Protect
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Erwin's face twisted into a comical expression of shock and disbelief, resembling someone who had accidentally bitten into a lemon-flavored pickle. He stumbled backward, his eyes resembling saucers that had been stretched to their limits. "Oh, my word! That was an unexpected twist!" he blurted out, his words tumbling out in a flustered manner.

The tables had turned on him, leaving him feeling like he had been caught in his own pun-filled trap. The realization hit him like a slapstick comedy routine gone awry. He couldn't help but feel a strange mixture of amusement and hurt by the woman's pun, especially considering she didn't even possess the very appendage she had referred to.

Erwin's face contorted further, resembling a pretzel attempting yoga poses it was never meant to attempt. His brows furrowed, mirroring the expression of someone who had accidentally stumbled upon a jar of expired pickles. "Why does it feel so disrespectful to hear my own pun thrown back at me?" he mumbled to himself, his voice tinged with a mix of confusion and self-reflection.

With the shock gradually wearing off, Erwin's gaze fixated on the retreating woman, realizing he didn't want their encounter to end on such a sour note. Determined to make amends, he hastily ran after her, calling out, "Miss, please wait! Let's not part ways like this... We both disrespected each other, but let's consider ourselves even."

As Erwin caught up to her, he took a moment to catch his breath and reflect on his words. Suddenly, in his attempt to balance the scales, an ill-advised suggestion tumbled out of his mouth without a moment's hesitation. "And 'You said suck your dick' and you don't even have that, but if you so desire, I can... erm... perform some culinary exploration in the southern region, if you catch my drift."

Erwin's words escaped his lips, inadvertently reaching the ears of both Frejya and those nearby. As the sound registered in her ears, Frejya's expression transformed into one of sheer terror, her eyes ablaze with fear. Her face turned a shade of red reminiscent of a ripe tomato, creating a visual display that matched the intensity of her embarrassment.

Meanwhile, Erwin's attention was promptly diverted by the sudden appearance of a woman blessed with ample assets, strolling by him with a confident sway in her stride. His gaze fixated on her, seemingly entranced by the sight before him.

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Erwin's pulse quickened as he felt Frejya's grip tighten around his hand, pulling him forcefully into the shadowy alley. Memories of Adelaide's naked form intertwined with his own surged through his mind, igniting a familiar desire within him. But his arousal swiftly dissolved as Frejya's piercing gaze locked onto him, her fury emanating like a raging inferno.

"You thought you could fucking get away with it, didn't you? Because you are a kid." Frejya's voice dripped with venom as she tightened her grip on the sword hilt, her eyes burning with a mixture of rage and betrayal. "Well, guess what, you shitty kid? I don't mind killing child and more if they are like you."

Erwin's growing excitement came to an abrupt halt as he recoiled from the formidable woman before him. "Hey, miss, I was just kidding. Don't be like that," he stammered, attempting to backtrack.

"Yeah, everyone says the same," she retorted with a menacing smirk. "Didn't you want me to suck your dick? Show me what 'piqsuqqeki' you wanted me to suck."

As she leaned forward, her hand casually resting on her sword, Erwin swallowed hard, catching his reflection in the unsheathed blade. Frejya continued, her smile widening, "Don't want to show it anymore? Is it because it's so small you can't even call it a penis? Or are you afraid that I will cut it?"

Erwin nodded, fear gripping him as he continued to back away, desperately seeking an escape route. The consequences of his foolish actions were looming just within reach.

"If you were afraid..." Frejya paused, moving closer, as Erwin instinctively stepped back, "then why were you shamelessly soliciting women to sexual acts, telling them to suck your dick? I'm certain that if it weren't me, someone else would have eventually taken matters into their own hands..." She grinned sinisterly. "...But now they don't need to, because the thing you wanted them to suck won't exist anymore," Frejya declared with a sinister grin.

Her words hung in the air, a chilling reminder of the consequences Erwin was about to face. His foolish desires had led him down a dangerous path, and now he stood on the precipice of losing more than just his dignity.

"Well," Erwin quipped nervously, "I guess I won't be needing that 'Little Erwin' merchandise line anymore. No more autographed replicas, no more marketing slogans. What a blow to my entrepreneurial spirit!"

"Frejya," Erwin muttered under his breath. As he spoke her name, a glowing circle materialized in his right hand. Suddenly, a familiar voice whispered into Erwin's ear, disturbing his spell circle to break. He turned to locate the source of the voice, only to find a white-haired, muscular woman standing outside the alley, gazing at him in shock.

Erwin's purple, shocked eyes locked with the piercing yellow eyes of the newcomer. He opened his mouth to speak, but before he could utter a word, Frejya intervened. "Captain, what are you doing here? Who's protecting the princess?"

Agda, taken aback by Frejya's presence, turned his shocked gaze towards her. His expression grew colder as he replied, "They're safe, but the younger princess is asking for you."

Frejya cast a fleeting glance at Erwin, signaling him to remain in his place. He complied, keeping his gaze fixed as the conversation unfolded. "What does she want from me?" Frejya inquired.

"You'll have to ask her that. But what were you doing with that child?" Agda questioned, his tone laced with suspicion.

With a smile, Frejya gently squeezed Erwin's cheek. "Oh, this child. I was just imparting some essential life lessons to him. Things he'll need to survive in this world. I believe he learned quite well."

Erwin nodded in agreement.

"Is that so?" Agda questioned with a hint of doubt, his gaze shifting between Frejya and Erwin. Both of them nodded in affirmation, their expressions reflecting a shared understanding.

"Kid, from now on, don't be so naïve and go around sharing your story. Someone might take advantage of it," Frejya warned, her voice laced with a threatening undertone. Erwin swallowed hard, comprehending the gravity of her words, and nodded in agreement.

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"Good kid," Frejya praised, her hand tenderly caressing his cheeks. She shifted her focus to Agda and spoke with determination. "Captain, let's go."

Agda shook her head, indicating a divergence in their paths. "I have some unfinished business to attend to. You go ahead, I'll meet you there." Frejya nodded in understanding, acknowledging Agda's decision.

As Frejya walked away, both Agda and Erwin watched her depart. Erwin couldn't help but smile as he looked at Agda, who returned the gesture.

"How are you, my prince?" Agda inquired, concern evident in his voice.

"Not good, but now that I've reunited with my 'dirty maid,' I think I'll get better soon," Erwin replied, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he walked closer to Agda.

Agda approached him with quick strides, her hands reaching out to hold his face gently. She examined him closely, scanning for any signs of injury, all the while bombarding him with questions. "Where have you been, my prince? How did you end up here? Did anyone harm you?"

Erwin flashed a playful smile and placed his hands on top of hers. "Hehe, I'm perfectly fine, Agda. As for how I found myself in this situation, why don't we talk about it in somewhere alone?" And looked around.

Agda nodded and made her way towards an inn as instructed by the princess. She was tasked with finding Frejya, as the princess had something important to discuss with her. As Agda scanned her surroundings, her eyes caught sight of Frejya walking with a child who had black hair. A flicker of recognition crossed her mind, as if she had seen the child before. Curiosity piqued, she decided to follow them, eventually coming face to face with Erwin.

Shock surged through her veins, as she thought she would never encounter him again in this lifetime. Anger welled up inside her, directed towards herself for failing to protect Erwin. The desire to punish herself gnawed at her, but knowing that he was safe from his mother brought a semblance of solace.

As Agda's gaze locked onto Erwin, a whirlwind of emotions consumed her. Memories of their past experiences flooded her mind, and a mixture of anger, regret, and longing washed over her. She couldn't help but feel a surge of frustration for not being able to protect him as she had wished.

Yet, there he stood, alive and before her eyes. A bittersweet sensation swelled within her, torn between the desire to embrace him and the urge to lash out. The complexity of their shared history danced in her thoughts, fueling a storm of conflicting emotions.

Agda's fists tightened, her heart pounding with a surge of love that consumed her. It felt as if destiny itself had orchestrated their reunion, compelling them to face the unresolved matters of their past. In that pivotal moment, Agda made a solemn promise to herself: she would seize this opportunity and protect Erwin with all her strength. Nothing and no one would be allowed to inflict harm upon him.

'Ah, if only he were a bit younger... then engaging in activities with him wouldn't have made me feel quite so risqué.' Agda pondered, imagining the myriad of daring endeavors he would now coax her into, causing her cheeks to flush with a rosy hue.