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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 172 Freedom
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Upon seeing Agda and Frejya in his room, Erwin was taken aback by the unexpected intrusion. Agda's actions were unusual, as she typically consulted him before making such decisions. He quickly realized the potential complications that could arise from Valara witnessing Agda's presence, especially considering Valara's role as his sisters' companion. To prevent any suspicion, Erwin bid Valara goodbye, discreetly signaling for her to leave the room.

Once Valara had departed, Erwin turned his attention to Agda, a perplexed expression on his face. "Agda, may I inquire as to the reason for your unannounced appearance in my new room?" he asked, his tone carrying a mix of curiosity and concern.

Agda, her initial confidence wavering, mustered up the courage to explain her actions to Erwin. Her voice quivered slightly as she recounted the events that led to Frejya becoming her slave.

"So, you're saying your daughter-in-law is your slave now?" Erwin asked, his expression a mix of astonishment and concern, as Agda admitted to blackmailing and enslaving Frejya.

"Yes, Prince, I have made her my slave," Agda responded, firmly grasping Frejya's arms and revealing the mark of slavery on her wrist.

Erwin's excitement turned into a wide smile as he noticed the mark, his enthusiasm overriding any other emotions. Meanwhile, Frejya appeared dejected, her face displaying a dull and sorrowful expression, trapped in a state of despair as Agda attempted to impress Erwin with her control.

Erwin's gaze fixated on Agda as his excited smile twisted into a sinister smirk. He confidently strutted toward her, his eyes tracing her curves, deliberately invading her personal space. Frejya felt a surge of unease as his actions reeked of entitlement.

"What do you mean, I want her? She was never yours. You were nothing more than a maid and only thing you gave me is a good head." Erwin sneered, his voice dripping with arrogance and superiority. "I used you as a means to claim what rightfully belongs to me."

Agda's face fell, her expression a mix of sadness and resignation. "Prince, I didn't mean it like that... I just wanted to bring you happiness," she whispered, her voice tinged with vulnerability.

Erwin let out a cold, mocking laugh, his arrogance unabated. "Oh, my dirty maid, your feeble attempts to please me are laughable. I don't require your pitiful efforts to find happiness. I am destined for greatness, and you are nothing more than a pawn in my game." Erwin realised in act he getting to much cringe.

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With a callous touch, he brushed his hand against her buttocks, asserting his dominance. "Remember your place, for you exist solely for my pleasure and amusement."

"But by presenting her to me, you demonstrated your unwavering devotion," Erwin stated, his voice dripping with self-assuredness. Agda's lips curled into a smile, captivated by his words.

"You deserve a reward," Erwin continued, his tone laced with a mix of authority and seduction. "A special token to acknowledge your loyalty and dedication to me."

Agda's eyes shimmered with anticipation, her heart pounding in her chest. She couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and excitement at the prospect of being rewarded by the one she served.

The woman they were discussing looked at them with a mixture of shock and disgust. Seeing the woman she admired, someone she considered one of the most powerful individuals she knew, acting like a submissive and demeaning herself in front of a weakling, filled her with profound disgust and shame.

The disdain on her face was palpable as she observed the spectacle, unable to comprehend how her admired figure could stoop so low. The woman's illusion of strength and influence shattered, replaced by the revulsion of witnessing her idol behaving like a submissive and degrading herself for the sake of someone unworthy.

Erwin noticed her disgusted gaze and met it with a twisted, amused smile. "Didn't you once desire to castrate me?" he taunted, his voice dripping with a mix of amusement and malice. "why don't I use her to give you a reward."

"Why did I say that? Shit," she muttered, her mind replaying the events of the previous night when she confronted this child who had spoken vulgarly to her. but at time she didn't knew that he was a prince.

The memory flooded her thoughts as she recalled the fiery exchange, her anger fueling her words of threat and retaliation. In that heated moment, she unleashed her frustration without considering the consequences.

Frejya looked at him, fear gripping her heart. Thoughts of potential torture flooded her mind. Despite her resilient nature as a knight, capable of enduring pain beyond that of an average human, she still harbored a deep fear of suffering.

She stared at Erwin's unsettling grin, perceiving him as a monster ready to subject her to unimaginable torment with needles, clamps, or other unfathomable tools. The overwhelming terror surged within her, making her long for escape, even if it meant death.

Erwin savored her terrified expression, relishing in her fear. "Fear not, my dear," he sneered, addressing her apprehension. "I am not that kind of sadist. You need not worry about any physical harm."

Frejya exhaled, finding a fleeting sense of relief, thinking she might be safe from sadistic harm. However, her security quickly dissolved as Erwin's words hung in the air. "But do not indulge in too much relief just yet. While I may not fit into that specific sadist archetype, I never claimed that I am not a sadist."

As his words sank in, Frejya's fear intensified, her mind racing with the possibilities of what kind of torment he had in store for her. The unknown nature of his sadistic inclinations sent shivers down her spine, amplifying her desire to escape or find release from the situation.

"Strip your clothes off," Erwin ordered Frejya, his voice commanding and demanding.

Frejya glared at Erwin, her anger burning within her, and defiantly refused to move or comply with his command. Erwin, undeterred, looked at her and smiled, delivering a sharp slap to Agda's buttocks before speaking.

"See, your gift isn't following my orders," he remarked with a twisted satisfaction in his voice.

Agda, surprised and pained, turned her gaze towards Frejya, her anger evident as she spoke with a furious tone. "Didn't you hear what the prince said? Take off your clothes!"

Frejya stood her ground, her anger intensifying at Erwin's demeaning command. She locked eyes with Agda, her gaze filled with determination and defiance.

"No," Frejya declared firmly, her voice resolute. "I will not strip my clothes off at your command. I am not an object for your amusement."

"Ahhh," Anger blazed in Agda's eyes as she approached her, their faces in close proximity. "I said take your clothes off," she commanded, her tone dripping with authority.

Erwin's smile widened, relishing in Agda's display of dominance.

Frejya, unwilling to comply, looked deep into Agda's eyes and defiantly uttered, "Kill me."

Agda scoffed, mocking amusement gleaming in her eyes, as she leaned in closer to Frejya's ear. "I'm not so petty as to kill you for such a trivial reason. Rest assured, I have other means to make you strip."

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Frejya retorted with a mocking laugh, meeting Agda's gaze. "Are you threatening me with that crystal? You can expose it to the world for all I care. I will not subject myself to his lecherous eyes."

Agda's eyes filled with warning as she prepared to persuade Frejya. However, Erwin interjected before she had the chance, his voice cutting through the tension. "You don't want to show your body to me?" he asked, his tone laced with curiosity.

Frejya responded with a mocking smile, her gaze steady. "Are you really asking me that question?"

Agda's face tightened as she pressed Frejya for an answer. "Answer the question," she demanded, her expression intense.

Frejya, containing her anger but with a blaze in her eyes, nodded in response to Erwin's inquiry.

Erwin, smirking with amusement, continued to taunt Frejya. "Then what about her? Can you show your body to her?"

A sudden desire flashed in Frejya's eyes, a moment of temptation before she quickly shook her head, attempting to regain control.

Erwin's smile widened, finding amusement in the situation as he approached Frejya. "So, you really don't want it?"

Erwin sighed at her response and said. "then it can't be helped Agda take her away."

"But, Prince..." Agda's shock was evident as she attempted to voice her concerns, but Erwin interrupted her, asserting his decision. "I said take her away."

Agda's concern deepened as she persisted, "But Prince, what if she tells everyone about you?"

Frejya observed the sudden shift in the situation with a mix of surprise and satisfaction. She couldn't help but smile happily and smirk at Agda, knowing she had no choice but to follow Erwin's orders. Despite not being his slave, there were no visible signs of enslavement on her body, as she had inspected herself the previous night.

Frejya understood the dynamics of the slave mark. It didn't strip away one's freedom entirely but compelled them to submit their freedom willingly to their master. The mark possessed powerful control over the slaves, preventing them from taking their own lives and revealing their master's secrets. However, it didn't enforce blind obedience to every order. Frejya had weighed the consequences and made a calculated decision, accepting the role of a slave to secure her own objectives.

"I am saying take her away not telling you to released her from being you're slave." Erwin said and sat on bed.

With Erwin's order, Agda reluctantly grabbed Frejya by the arm and began walking toward the door. However, Erwin suddenly stopped them, causing Agda to pause. He looked directly at Frejya and asked, "Stop... Frejya, do you want to be free?"

Frejya, taken aback by the unexpected question, looked at Erwin and nodded cautiously. Curiosity piqued, she remained silent, waiting to hear the conditions he had in mind. Erwin raised his finger and continued, "I can grant you freedom and ensure you're never blackmailed by her, but only on two conditions."