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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 61 Surprise Marriage
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"Oh, look, your peepee got dirty. Let me clean it." Emma grabbed Erwin's hard on.

*tap tap tap* footstep sounded in empty halfway, making Erwin curse in his mind, 'I am going to kill that son of bitch…. she was just about suck my dick.'

Erwin was just angry, but Emma her face was furious. She looked where the sound was coming from, still holding Erwin's dick in her hand. "Aunty, someone is coming?"

Emma smiled, seeing Erwin worried. "Don't be afraid, honey. If they find us here, aunty is gonna kill them."

'is fucking mental? who kills people for these things?' Erwin dumbfoundedly looked at her easygoing smile with. "No, aunty don't, what's if she is my mother?" Erwin said, releasing his third leg from her hands.

Emma looked hurt by this and said with an almost crying voice. "But I want..."

"Oh, what we got here?" this voice shocked Erwin and Emma and looked at the handsome blonde man. Erwin fastly pulled up his pants, not letting any man take a glimpse of his secret weapon.

Alex stared at Erwin's crotch.'What was that in his pants? Is that his dick? No, it can't be. How can this cute child have that big dick? There is the only way to find it.'

Alex looked at Emma suspiciously. "What were you doing with this child, my lady?"

Emma looked at him with a murderous gaze and was just about to raise her hand, but a small hand tugging her dress. "Mama Let's go. Father is waiting for us." Erwin said, looking at her with his big silver eyes.

"Huh…" Emma looked at Erwin with surprise but soon smiled and said, "yes honey."

"Mister, is there something you want from us?" Emma held Erwin's hand and asked the man with an unfriendly face.

"No, No I was just looking for someone. Did you see any red eyed child around here?" Alex asked, looking around.

"No, we haven't. Now if you excuse us." Emma said and left the scene.

Alex looked at Erwin, walking with Emma with lust in his dark eyes. 'So that was the silver-eyed child James was talking about? He is also cute. Well, l if didn't get that Nightling I can always have fun with him.'

Alex stayed there for sometime and soon vanished into the darkness.

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"Honey, why did you call me mama?" Emma asked, staring at Erwin with an unusual gaze.

He blushed hearing and saturated. "I….I….just… did…."

Seeing his troubled face, she squatted again, caressing his crotch over his pants. Showing Erwin her deep cleavage with little saliva shining on it. "Don't make that face. I am not scolding you."

Erwin's leg felt weak, so he had to lean on her soft tits to save himself from falling. "Aunty, can we go there?" Erwin said slowly, pointing at the dark corner.

"Why?" Emma asked curiously. "I have to show you something."

"What is this cutie pie gonna show me now?" Emma said, and walked toward the dark corner with him.

'I am gonna show you heaven.'


[1 hour before their event started ]

"Why isn't that fucker not here yet? Ask them to come fast. The event is going to start in an hour, for fuck's sake, and they are still not here." A thin man wearing a dark vest yelled at servants readying for tonight's event. His old bony face had a thin mustache for facial hair, making him look professional and a big bald spot in the center of his head.

"They are here, Butler Giles." A servant informed the butler Giles, while a dozen people standing behind him. Butler Giles stared at a dozen men and women with his wrinkled eyes. His thin mustached and bald spot on his head gave a professional feeling of being a butler.

"Where is Sebastian?" Giles questioned with a suspicious voice.

A muscular looking man came forward and bowed. "Butler Giles. Sebastian had to take care of his sick wife today, so he sent me instead."

Giles looked at him for some time, examining his body language.

"Butler let them work. I know that fella. He is not suspicious."

Giles looks toward a slightly fat person wearing a white cooking robe with a kitchen knife in his hands. "You know them, Biagio?"

Butler Giles turned his attention towards Biagio, the head chef of the Duke's kitchen. Biagio had been working in the mansion for over a decade, and he was the one person who knew everything about everyone who worked there.

Biagio nodded his head and replied confidently, "Yes, Butler Giles. I know them well. They are a part of Sebastian's team and have been working in the kitchen for a while now. I can vouch for their reliability and trustworthiness."

Butler Giles narrowed his eyes, looking at Biagio with a skeptical expression. "Are you sure about this? We cannot afford any mishaps during tonight's event."

Biagio nodded his head reassuringly. "I am positive, Butler Giles. They have been working in the kitchen for a long time, and I have never had any reason to doubt their loyalty or their intentions."

"Then assign them their duties." Giles instructed and moved his focus to other things.

Biagio walked toward the muscular man and patted on his back. "So Ghanso, why didn't that fucker come today? Is he fucking again in the brothel?" Biagio's round, cherubic face smiled at Ghanso with rosy cheeks.

Ghanso was a man with lean and athletic build. His muscular frame was not overly bulky, but instead suggests that he was someone who takes care of his physical health through exercise. He stood at around 6 feet tall, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist that gave him a V-shaped torso.

Ghanso's face was chiseled and angular, with prominent cheekbones and a strong, squared jawline. His eyebrows were thick and dark, framing his deep-set of piercing hazel eyes. His nose was straight and slightly prominent, adding to his rugged and masculine appearance.

"No, no, uncle, this time he is really taking care of his wife." Ghanso nodded his head, trying to hide a smirk. Biagio chuckled and shook his head. His laugh lines crinkling at the corners when he smiles.

"You know, Ghanso, sometimes I wonder if Sebastian is really married or if it's just an excuse for him to go to the brothel," Biagio said with a mischievous grin.

Ghanso chuckled. "I wouldn't be surprised if that were the case, uncle. Sebastian has always been a bit of a ladies' man."

Biagio rolled his dark, friendly eyes. "Well, let's hope he's actually taking care of his wife this time. We can't afford any distractions tonight."

Biagio leaned over with a serious face and whispered. "Did you make sure that she is coming here tonight?"

Ghanso's cheekbones lowered and a dark glint flashed in his eyes. "Yeah, and I will make sure that she leaves dead."

Biagio's face turned brutal and added. "I will also make sure that people who left this event alive are the supporter of our lord." his hand clinching something in his robe's pocket.


'Prince, where are you?' Agda was searching for Erwin when suddenly a voice called her.

"Lady Agda, why are you alone?" A heavy voice called her from the back.

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"Oh, Count William, how come you're here?" Agda Asked the brown bearded man.

"I am fine, lady Agda, and how're you?" William said, bowing slightly.

William was a towering man, standing at 6 feet, 7 inches tall. He had a broad, muscular build and his brown beard framed his face in a way that gave him a rugged, almost intimidating appearance. His hair was kept short and neat, and his brown eyes sparkled with intelligence and wit. Despite his imposing stature, he moved with a certain grace and ease, as if he were always aware of his surroundings. His deep, booming voice was always sure to command attention, and he carried himself with a confidence that could not be ignored.

Agda blushed at hearing him and said, "I am fine as well, count William."

"So what is lady Agda doing here?" William asked with a friendly smile.

"I am here as the prince's escort." Agda said and realized she had said something wrong.

William looked at her with confusion and said. "Which Prince lady Agda? The one who is commoner now"

'Everyone knows about that. Why has no one informed us about this?' Agda nodded. "And what about you, Count William?"

"Don't be so formal. You can call me William. Soon we are going to be in-laws." William smiled.

Confusion appeared on her face. "In-laws?"

"you didn't know my daughter and your son are to be wed. Your husband didn't tell you?" William also looked surprised.

Agda's face turned pale as she realized that her husband, the count, had not informed her of this news. She struggled to compose herself and said in a monotone, "No, he did not. This is quite a surprise to me."

William's expression softened as he noticed Agda's distress. "I apologize for surprising you with this news, Lady Agda. I thought you already knew. But please, do not worry. Our families will be joined together in marriage, and it will be a joyous occasion."

Agda managed a weak smile and said, "Thank you, William. I am sure it will be a joyous occasion indeed."

William nodded. "Indeed, it will be. Well, I must be going now. I have to meet some acquaintances here. It was good to see you, Lady Agda. Are you staying in Meceium after this event?"

Agda nodded, still in shock at hearing about her son's surprise marriage.

"Then let's meet afterward." With that, they bid each other farewell, and Agda went in search of Prince Erwin, her mind still reeling from the news she had just received.

'Why didn't they inform me? They didn't even ask me about marriage. Why? Why? Am I not his mother?' Agda's heart hurt, hearing about her own son's marriage plans. She couldn't shake off the feeling of betrayal from her family.

As she continued her search for Prince Erwin, her mind raced with questions and doubts. She couldn't help but wonder why her husband had kept her in the dark about something as significant as their son's marriage.
