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Saga of The Night God

Chapter 78 Night-Ling Hating Kingdom
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Duke inquired, "Have you located her?" The warrior became agitated when the knight shook his head in response.

"Did you find her?" Duke barked at the warrior, his tone filled with anger and impatience. The knight recoiled slightly at the intensity of the Duke's voice and shook his head in response.

"What do you mean you haven't found her?" Duke's voice rose even higher, his frustration boiling over. "We've been searching for hours! This is unacceptable!"

The warrior remained stoic despite the Duke's outburst. "We have searched every inch of the surrounding area, my Lord. There is still no sign of her."

Duke slammed his fist onto the table beside him. "Then keep searching! I want her found and brought back here, no matter what it takes!"

The knight and the warrior exchanged a brief glance before nodding in unison.

A sudden gust of wind filled the room, and a figure with vibrant purple hair came flying in, hovering a few inches above the ground.

Everyone in the room turned to face the unexpected visitor, surprised and bewildered by her sudden appearance. The warrior drew his sword and took a defensive stance, ready to protect the Duke in case of danger.

The purple-haired woman's gaze swept across the room, her eyes narrowed in fury. Her piercing stare locked onto the Duke, and she demanded in a furious tone, "Where is my son?"

Her sudden appearance took aback the Duke, and he trembled involuntarily under the weight of her furious gaze.

His voice shook as he spoke, his tone trembling with fear. "Welcome, my queen," he managed to choke out, barely able to meet her gaze.

'what the fuck is she doing here? Stay calm, Richard. Don't let her see your fear.'

The queen's eyes flickered with anger as she heard the Duke's trembling voice. "Don't try to placate me with your hollow pleasantries," she spat. "My son was last seen in this area, and I demand to know his whereabouts!"

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The warrior and the knight exchanged nervous glances, unsure of how to react to the woman's outburst. They stood ready to defend the Duke, but her rage was palpable, and they knew better than to provoke her further.

The queen demanded to know the whereabouts of her son. Duke's heart pounded in his chest. 'Think, Duke, think. We have to find him, or there will be consequences.' he thought, desperately trying to come up with a solution.

The Duke swallowed hard, trying to maintain his composure under the woman's intense scrutiny. "I swear I have no knowledge of your son's whereabouts. Your majesty," he said, his voice shaking slightly.

Jiona narrowed her eyes even further, studying the Duke's face for a long moment before finally nodding in reluctant acceptance. "Very well," she said through gritted teeth. "But mark my words, if any harm has come to my son, there will be consequences." And left the venue.

When the queen finally relented and left the room, Duke let out a sigh of relief. 'Thank the gods we made it through that. But we can't let our guard down. We need to find her son as soon as possible.'

The Duke's eyes filled with fear as he turned to the warrior and the knight. "Cease the search for the masked warrior and redirect your efforts towards finding the prince," he commanded.

The warrior and the knight nodded in agreement, ready to carry out the Duke's orders. They quickly left the room, determined to find the missing prince before the queen's wrath descended upon them.

A guard rushed in, his body slick with sweat, and gasped out, "My Lord, Agda, the prince's maid, is killing anyone who stands in her way."

The Duke's eyes widened in shock and horror. "What do you mean she's killing people?" he demanded.

The guard took a deep breath, trying to steady himself before speaking. "I don't know how to explain it, my Lord," he said, his voice shaking. "But she's gone mad. She's wielding a sword and attacking anyone who gets in her way."

The Duke's mind raced as he tried to make sense of the situation. "where is prince?" he asked urgently.

"I don't know, my Lord," the guard replied. "I was sent to find you as soon as the chaos started."

The Duke wasted no time in giving orders. "Gather as many guards as you can and follow me. We must stop her before she harms anyone else and find out what's happened to the prince."

He turned to the warrior and the knight. "You two, come with me. We may need to use force to subdue her."

Without hesitation, the three men followed the guard out of the room and rushed towards the sound of the commotion.

As they approached, the sounds of screams and clashing metal grew louder. The Duke could see figures moving around in the chaos ahead, but the dim lighting made it difficult to make out who was who.

As they got closer, the Duke could see Agda, the prince's maid, standing in the center of the room. She was covered in blood, and her eyes were wild with a manic energy.

The Duke motioned for his men to fan out and surround her, keeping a safe distance. "Lady Agda, stop this madness!" he shouted.

Agda's eyes quickly scanned the room, and the Duke tensed, anticipating an attack. "You will never find him." She hissed, but then she crumpled to the floor.


Jiona stormed out of the castle in the jungle, determined to find her son Erwin.

The forest was vast and ominous, but Jiona was fearless. Nothing could stop her from finding her son. She marched through the dense foliage, her eyes scanning the trees for any sign of her son.

"Erwin!" she shouted, her voice echoing through the forest. "Erwin, where are you?"

There was no answer, only the sound of the rustling leaves and the chirping birds. Jiona pressed on, her heart pounding with anxiety. She couldn't bear the thought of losing her son, not after everything she had gone through to bring him into the world.

"Erwin!" Jiona shouted again, her voice echoing through the forest. "Erwin, baby, come to your mama?" Her words were met with silence, but she refused to give up. "He has to be here somewhere," she thought, pushing herself to keep going.

As Jiona wandered deeper into the forest, her heart pounded with anxiety. "What if I never find him?" she worried. The thought of losing Erwin was unbearable, and she refused to let it happen.

She entered into the forest, Jiona noticed something out of the corner of her eye. A flicker of movement, a flash of color. She turned towards it, her heart racing with hope.

There she saw three people running. As she landed on the grounds, Jiona saw the wounded golden masked warrior with the child in her arms, making a run for the jungle. Without a moment's hesitation, she raced towards them, her heart pounding with concern.

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"Stop!" she shouted, drawing the attention of the trio. They turned towards her, their expressions filled with malice and suspicion.

Disregarding the group, the woman with purple hair strode confidently towards the warrior holding her child. With her hand outstretched, she spoke softly but firmly, "give me my son back." Suddenly, a powerful golden aura emanated from her body, causing the group to quake with fear.

The fat man, struggling to maintain his composure, spoke up, "Who are you?"

Without missing a beat, the woman replied with a cold and deadly calmness, "I am his mother. Hand him over to me, or face the consequences."

The fat man hesitated for a moment, sizing up the woman before him. He could feel the immense power radiating from her and knew that she was not to be trifled with. Slowly, he nodded and motioned for the warrior to hand over the child.

The woman took her son in her arms, holding him tightly as she gazed down at him with a mixture of relief and concern. "Erwin, my son!" she cried, holding him tightly in her embrace.

"Thank you," Jiona said to the group with a softening voice, wiping away her tears. "I am grateful for your help in keeping him safe."

As she spoke, Jiona held Erwin close to her chest, feeling the rise and fall of his breathing against her skin. She gazed down at his unconscious face, tears threatening to spill down her cheeks again. But she refused to let them. Not now, not when her son needed her the most.

Jiona took a deep breath before turning towards the group of three, her face softening. "May I ask who you are? Actually, don't tell me..." she trailed off as she reached into her space ring and produced a small white bottle. "Inside this bottle are three terra pills, one for each of you."

The trio looked taken aback upon hearing the name of the pills, and the warrior with the golden mask quickly snatched the bottle from her grasp. Jiona smiled at their reaction and spoke again. "Consider it a reward for safeguarding my son."

Jiona's voice quivered with sadness and desperation as she spoke, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. With a heavy heart, she reached into her space ring once more and pulled out a bottle of six mind-shining pills.

Jiona's heart was breaking as she spoke to her unconscious son. "Baby, you have to go now. It's not safe for you here anymore," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Please forgive your mama for not loving you enough to keep you safe."

She looked down at her child with a pained expression before turning to face the group of three. Her hands shook as she held out the bottle of six mind-shining pills, her voice barely audible above a whisper. "This bottle contains the Mind clearing pills. I'll give them to you if you can help me get my son out of this kingdom safely."

Her sadness was palpable, and tears streamed down her face as she thought about the danger her son was in. Jiona's world was collapsing around her, and she clung to the hope that these strangers would be able to help her son escape before this Night-ling hating kingdom.


Announcement :- I need gifts worth 20000 coin within 5 days. If the goal is reached, I will release 15 extra chapters in the first week of April. from 25 march to 30 march