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Secretly The Billionaire Boss by Debbie chocolate

Chapter 199
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Chapter 199: Hidden truth

“Boss, I’m sorry! ” Don said quickly and took some paces backward in fright.

Grey tried to pull back but he was so angry. “She has been kidnapped, you fool! ” He yelled at him.

Don's eyes widened, as realization eventually dawned on him. “I didn’t know, I swear boss! I didn’t know!” He pleaded earnestly

“Boss, please calm down,” Richard interjected.

Grey muscles contracted as he turned away from them quickly, instead, hitting the wall beside him. He was so angry that he

could actually hit Hattie if she was standing in front of him at that moment.

"Boss, we have to do something about it. Please, talk to US," Richard probed, while Don stood still, still afraid to utter a word.

Grey went silent for a while, as he brood the matter over. His head was really calculating and contemplating on what to do.

His fists clenched even harder, and he let loose his anger again by punching the wall. He wondered what Caramel was going

through at that moment and what she had been made to go through.

He had never felt so annoyed in his entire life.

"Grey, I've called her," Beatrice said suddenly, pulling Grey out of his thoughts for the second time that day. Grey turned to look at

her, but he didn't talk and instead raised skeptical brows at her. " She wants me to meet her in two hours." She announced.

Grey nodded once." Prepare to depart, then," he looked at Don. " You guys will accompany her to see Hattie."

"Yes Boss," Richard and Don responded at the same time.

Grey stared at Don for a moment." I want you to get your boys to scout the area for Caramel."

Don nodded briefly. " I will do all I can to make sure she returns safely," he promised.

Grey managed to smile. " Good, I'm counting on you."

Don felt happiness slip into him at Grey's words. He thought Grey was still angry at him. And he knew

the consequences of staying on Hercules’ bad side.

But it turned out that Hercules was a kind Boss.

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Grey wanted to go with them but he had to force himself to stay back with every ounce of strength in

him. Appearing before Hattie as Hercules wouldn’t save Caramel, it would only be putting him into


But he knew he needed to do something.

He placed a call to Jimmy and he picked up immediately.

“Hello, boss.”

“We need to get somewhere, right now! Meet me at my house as fast as possible! ” He ordered and

hung up. Then, he sent a message asking Beatrice where the location was.

They were going to meet in two hours. So, there was still time for him to catch up and watch out for

everything by himself.

He couldn’t just stay in the house and anticipate feedback. His blood would boil while he waited.

He went upstairs and changed into all-black clothes.

If Hattie was really the one that killed his mother, she might try her worst but he was going to be

prepared for her.

The doorbell rang the moment Grey walked into the living room. Grey took his car keys and walked to

the door.

“Follow me,” Grey informed and walked past Jimmy to his car. He got inside and waited for Jimmy to

enter before he drove out into the street.

“Is something wrong? Where are we going?” Jimmy stared at him confusingly.

Hattie laughed as Don walked inside with Beatrice. Beatrice arrived earlier with the hope that she and

Don would wait for Hattie but it turned out that Hattie was inside all along. They were ushered in the

moment they entered the huge yard.

There were a lot of guys in black attire in the room and guarding the door. They were all wearing dark

frowns as if they were upset with the world.

It was only Hattie that Don recognized. None of the men with her were closer to Giovanni. It was as if

She was hiding them somewhere.

"You came so early. I didn't expect you so soon," Hattie said with sarcasm.

Beatrice frowned. " I will like to get this done with, as early as possible."

Hattie ignored her remark. “I didn’t know you are indirectly working with Hercules. Isn’t Don one of his

men?” she stated and gestured for them to sit on the chairs in front of her.

The room wall was black and it looked like the whole place was rubbed off the light. The only decent

thing was the chairs and the table in front of Hattie.

If Hattie really took Caramel, then she should be somewhere around.

Beatrice managed a smirk, “what do you want this time? why have you kidnapped Caramel?”

Hattie looked away for a moment, at the men and they adjusted. Two of them moved to the door as if to

guard it against an intruder.

Beatrice expressed shock, “what? You are keeping US here?”

Hattie smiled softly. “Why would I do that when you still need to get me the recipe.”

“You can’t do anything now, Hattie. Hercules is back and you don’t even know what he looks like,”

Beatrice taunted.

“For all we know, he might be among these men. He could be one of them,” Don added and laughed

out. “Funnily, we uncovered the truth behind Giovanni’s son but You can never know ours because we

are not as stupid as Giovanni’s son.”

One of the men, obviously annoyed by Don’s remarks, launched forward angrily but Hattie raised a hand and stopped him in his

track. It looked like he worked for Giovanni afterward.

“I can do this the easiest way, Beatrice. You won’t have a choice but to do this. You won’t be able to run like you did years back,”

Hattie expressed.

Beatrice raised skeptical brows. “ what are you talking about? You should release Caramel. I don’t even know her. whatever

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plans you are cooking with her in mind should be pulled to a stop,” she warned.

Hattie laughed but it only lasted a few seconds. “You don't understand, Beatrice but I will take my time to explain to you,” she

sucked in a deep breath and stretched out her hand in the air.

One of the men quickly placed a file in her palm. Hattie took it and pushed it towards Beatrice.

“It’s the DNA result. To make you believe, I had to make a DNA,” she announced.

Beatrice tore the cover and carefully pulled out some papers. Her hand shook as she read through them.

“You went into labor at the same time. You and Caramel fake mother. Her daughter died and we replaced hers with yours. Well,

she was a very obedient friend of mine until she changed and I had to kill her,” Hattie explained, with zero sign of regret.

Don's eyes went wide with shock. He couldn’t imagine that Caramel could ever be Beatrice’s daughter.

When Beatrice looked up again, she couldn’t stop the tears from dropping from her eyes. “You killed my son and you want to kill

my daughter? You're evil! ” she yelled in anger.

Hattie made a short laugh. “I will kill whoever stands in my way,

Beatrice. I’m not at all bothered about that. But you don’t have to involve Grey this time, his fight is with Giovanni. Just get me the

recipe and I will release your daughter,” she declared.

Don looked at Hattie, with shock written all over. “How did you know his real name?”

Hattie laughed again, somehow feeling so proud of herself. “I know my way of getting information. Well, I know he’s Grey Fox.

Just so you know we still have spies around and it’s only a matter of time before we uncover the face behind Hercules,” she


Don's eyes went wide, his heart almost stopped breathing. Indeed, Giovanni was doing a great job of finding out who Hercules

really was.

“With that,” Hattie crossed a leg over the other. “You have just till tomorrow night or Caramel dies,” she announced in a

threatening manner, an evil smile found its way to her lips.

Beatrice almost stopped breathing. “You said three days! ”

Hattie stared at her for a moment. “Well, I just changed my mind. Who knows, I might do the same tomorrow morning. You better

hurry up!”