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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 178
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“What?” Sebastian was momentarily stunned.

“I want you to see if I have a talent for acupuncture,” Winnie repeated sincerely. “If possible, I would like

to learn acupuncture from you, Old Mr. Xander.”

“You want to learn acupuncture?” The shock in Sebastian’s eyes was quickly replaced by calmness as

he explained patiently, “Young lady, acupuncture isn’t as easy as you think it is. It isn’t like how you see

it on television. You can’t just randomly inject acupuncture needles. You have to be familiar with all the

acupoints in the body, and you have to know them by heart. You also need a lot of practice. Prior to

that, you also have to study traditional medicine. Acupuncture is a part of traditional medicine. It does

not exist independently outside of traditional medicine.”

He went on, “You must know that most of the doctors you see now, be it in traditional or modern

medicine, gained their medical knowledge when they were in university. Generally, they have to study

for five consecutive years for their master’s, and if they wish to continue to get a Ph.D., the

housemanship at hospitals would take a few years at least. It is definitely not an easy task. If it really is

as easy as you think it is, then my grandchildren wouldn’t be so against me. Isn’t that right?”

Sebastian advised her earnestly. Winnie also listened to him sincerely.

“Old Mr. Xander, I understand everything that you just said. However, there is no limit to learning, and

I’m not that old yet. If you’re willing to teach me, I’m sure that with my diligence, time won’t be an issue.

I understand your concerns, but we’ve just met. We don’t know much about each other, so you might

think that I’m just being impulsive, but I don’t usually make decisions in the spur of the moment, and

this definitely isn’t a joke. You do have a point though. It takes a great effort, a huge amount of

resources, and time to nurture an outstanding traditional medicine practitioner. As someone who has

no experience in the field of traditional medicine, I don’t wish to waste your time and effort either. That’s

why I want you to test me to see if I have talent in this field. If it’s proven that I’m not cut out for this,

then I won’t have to waste my efforts.”

Winnie was extremely eloquent, concise, and sincere when she said that. It genuinely seemed that she

wasn’t making this decision rashly.

When Sebastian noted the sincerity in her eyes, he was reminded of his talented but reluctant


All of a sudden, he had a slight change of heart. He asked solemnly, “Then, why do you want to learn

acupuncture from me? Is it because of your husband?”

Winnie nodded. She admitted, “Yes. I want to save my husband, but that is not the only reason why I

want to learn acupuncture from you. My husband is in his current state only because he tried to save

me. Now, he’s going through something that he shouldn’t have to go through at all. There are many

others like him in the world. Perhaps they are even more kindhearted than him, and maybe they lead

tougher lives. To be frank, I have sufficient economic means myself, and I’m definitely not learning

acupuncture from you to feed my family. I hope that one day in the future, I can apply my knowledge

when it’s truly needed to save lives, just like those who have saved and helped me when I needed it

the most back then. I once went to look for them, but they told me that they didn’t need me to repay

them. If I could help the kind and needy, it would be considered a way of repaying them. I remembered

their words.”

“Saving lives and helping the kind and needy!” Sebastian nodded his head in approval. When he

looked at Winnie again, he was already quite impressed.

“In modern society, many young people are stressed out. There aren’t many like you who yearn for

spiritual advancement. It’s rare that you even want to repay others for their kindness. People like you

are truly hard to find!”

“Then, are you willing to give me a chance?” Winnie wasn’t proud after Sebastian praised her. Instead,

she maintained a sincere attitude toward him.

“Well, we have to see if you have the talent. When your husband comes over later, you can observe by

the side while I perform a check-up on him. Now, I have to see my granddaughter.”

“Thank you for the opportunity, Old Mr. Xander. Go ahead and meet Ms. Xenhall. I’ll wait in the


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Sebastian nodded. “All right.”

After watching Sebastian enter the room, Winnie immediately whipped out her phone and searched for

the basics of traditional medicine.

She was a fast reader and had an almost photographic memory. In less than an hour, she had

completely memorized the entire “Basics of Contemporary Traditional Medicine.”

Because she was extremely focused on her task, she was completely unaware of how much time had

passed. She didn’t even notice when Sebastian stood right behind her.

Sebastian was surprised by Winnie’s actions.

He thought that she would be playing mobile games, watching videos, or reading s on her phone.

He did not expect that she would be reading the “Basics of Contemporary Traditional Medicine.”

“How is it? Can you understand it?”

Winnie was shocked when she suddenly heard Sebastian’s voice.

However, she quickly regained her composure, stood up, and answered honestly, “It’s all right. The

version that I found was one that was easiest to comprehend, so it’s not too difficult to understand it.”

“Is that so?” A smile finally appeared on Sebastian’s face. “Then, why don’t I test you?”

“Please do.”

“Okay. Let me ask you: how would you summarize the basic theories of traditional medicine?”

Before Sebastian began, Winnie had already put her phone away. At that moment, she gave him the

correct answer without hesitation.

“The basic theories of traditional medicine include the theoretical generalization of the changing

patterns of life activities and diseases. These include yin and yang energy, the five elements, evolutive

and climatic factors, visceral manifestations, meridians, and others…”

“Very good. It seems that you have a thorough understanding. It is precisely this that you’re able to

memorize it easily. However, this is just the surface level. You’re not even considered a beginner. Now,

let me ask you: what are evolutive and climatic factors?”

“The theory of evolutive and climatic factors is also known as the doctrine of the five evolutive phases

and six climatic factors. It is the study of the natural world, including how astrology, meteorology, and

climatic changes affect one’s health and diseases. The five evolutive phases include… The six climatic

factors include…”

“Very good!” Winnie’s answer was spot-on. Sebastian was impressed and astonished by her good

memory. “How much of the book have you read? Could it be that you just happened to read the few

pages that I tested you on?”

“I was already on the last page by the time you came here.”

Sebastian was taken aback. “You finished the entire book?”

“Yes. I have a decent memory, so I have already memorized most of the content.”

“You aren’t bragging, are you?” Sebastian was in disbelief.

“You can pick any portion to test me,” Winnie replied. She then opened the e-book on her phone and

passed it to Sebastian.

Sebastian selected a random page to test her on. He asked her about the relationship between energy,

blood, body, and fluids.

To his surprise, she had perfectly memorized and recited the content that was at least a thousand


“My goodness!” Sebastian exclaimed. “My child, you really have a photographic memory.”

Sebastian was extremely fascinated by Winnie. “Come with me. Let me—”

However, before Sebastian could finish his words, the sound of a car braking to a halt could be heard

coming from outside.

Soon after, Josiah’s voice sounded.

Sebastian still remembered Josiah’s voice. “Your friend must have brought your husband over. Why

don’t you open the door for them?”

“Sure. I’ll do that right away,” Winnie responded. Then, she quickly headed to the door.

At that moment, Xavier, Josiah, and Louis had already gotten out of the car and were waiting at the


From the moment Winnie walked toward the door, Xavier’s gaze hadn’t left her face for even one


The moment the door was opened, Xavier immediately embraced her. He wrapped her in his arms,

completely ignoring the fact that there were others around them.

“My Dumbo, I missed you!”

Winnie was torn between amusement and exasperation. “Hasn’t it only been a few hours since we last

met? Hurry up. Let go of me. This is Old Mr. Xander’s house.”

“I won’t. I don’t care whose house this is. You will always be my woman!”

Winnie was rendered speechless. She stepped on his foot.

She did that so forcefully that Xavier relented and heeded her words. It was just a short walk, but he

still insisted on holding Winnie’s hand.

Since Winnie couldn’t shrug him off, she had no choice but to let him hold her hand as they

approached Sebastian.

“Old Mr. Xander, this is my husband, Xavier Fairchild.”

Sebastian glanced at Xavier before smiling at the couple. “What a fine, young man. He seems to be the

perfect fit for you.”

Xavier was satisfied with Winnie’s introduction of him. He was also extremely pleased with Sebastian’s


Even though he was used to being a domineering CEO, he was still courteous to Sebastian at that


“Nice to meet you, Old Mr. Xander. I guess I will have to trouble you to help me now.”

“Come with me to the consultation room.”

Soon, Sebastian led the group to his consultation room.

However, he had a habit of not allowing outsiders to crowd around him during his consultations.

As a doctor, Josiah was naturally understanding of this. He even thoughtfully advised Winnie, who was

a family member of the patient, “Let’s just wait outside. We might affect Old Mr. Xander’s consultation if

we stay in the room. It shouldn’t take too long, so you don’t have to worry.”

“I’m not worried,” Winnie replied.

“Really?” Josiah asked.

Winnie responded, “Because I’m going in. You can wait outside with Louis.”

“Come in, child.” Sebastian beckoned.


As he watched the doors to the consultation room being shut in front of him, Josiah couldn’t help but

ask Louis, “What’s going on?”

Louis shook his head.

Josiah became even more curious. “I’ve just gone back to fetch Xavier, and it didn’t even take an hour!

Why do I feel that Old Mr. Xander’s relationship with Winnie has suddenly progressed so rapidly?”

Louis still shook his head.

Adjusting his glasses, Josiah continued, “There must be something up with Winnie!”

Could it be that she’s even managed to win over an eighty-year-old man?

In the consultation room, Sebastian carefully checked Xavier’s pulse and asked him about his

condition, making sure not to miss out on any detail.

“Your palms are warm. You have a ruddy complexion. There is redness on your tongue with teeth

marks at the side. Your pulse is weak. This is a sign of outward dispersion of deficient yang energy.

You have to take a cold extremities decoction with turtle shells, cinnamon, and amomom. Take five

doses of it first before complementing it with acupuncture to see the effects.”

After Sebastian finished speaking, he methodically wrote down the prescription on his computer.

When he got to the last dose, he then asked Winnie, “Has he been taking other medications lately?”

“Yes. I’ve brought them along with me,” Winnie replied as she handed a small medicine bottle to


Looking at the components of the modern medication in the bottle, Sebastian told Winnie, “Get your

friend to come in for a while. He’s also a doctor. There are some things that I require clarification from

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“All right.” Soon, Winnie brought Josiah in.

The two doctors had a conversation. After that, Sebastian planned to perform acupuncture on Xavier.

At the same time, he had to brew the medication for Xavier so that it would be ready by the time he

finished the acupuncture treatment.

Having the medication immediately after acupuncture would be the most effective form of treatment.

Sebastian had his own method of brewing medication. He liked to use natural water from the well to

brew traditional herbs.

As an experienced traditional medicine practitioner, he didn’t reject modern medicine. Instead, he did

constant research in an attempt to combine both traditional and modern medicine to better treat his


Therefore, he explained to Winnie and Josiah, “Natural water from the well contains a high amount of

minerals. I think it’s best to use that to brew the herbs. I have a well in my backyard.”

“I’ll fetch the water.” Winnie volunteered.

“No. You’ll help me get the herbs. Initially, my granddaughter was supposed to help me with this, but we

had a small disagreement just now. So, I don’t think I can get her to help at the moment. We’ll have to

trouble your friend to fetch the water. I can also teach you the technique to brew the herbs later.”

As Sebastian spoke, he turned to Josiah. “Dr. Houghton, are my arrangements fine with you?”

“No problem. I’ll get it right away.” With that, Josiah left.

On the other hand, Winnie took the prescription that Sebastian had just printed out.

“The medicine cabinet is over there. You can take the herbs according to the prescription and, once

you’re done, bring them over to let me check.”

Winnie understood that this was one of the tests that Sebastian had for her, so she readily accepted

the challenge.

Meanwhile, in the backyard, Josiah carried a plastic bucket and started to look for the well.

The yard happened to be extremely huge, with flowers and weeds everywhere. Josiah couldn’t find the

well even after searching for some time.

Just as he was about to take a detour, he suddenly heard a woman’s voice.

It sounded familiar, and it turned out to be Yolanda.

She sounded emotional, as if she was on the verge on crying.

“I can’t do this anymore. I was only forced to come back to him after Harrison’s death. I don’t like

traditional medicine. I hate it! Why can’t anyone care about my feelings? This is so upsetting. I’m going

to have a breakdown soon.”

She sobbed. “Why? Why do you always have to be so cold toward me? I just want to express my

feelings. I’m not interested in what others do. Can’t you just talk to me about something other than


She went on, “I said that I would prevent my grandpa from treating Xavier, but you can’t do this to me!

It’s not fair!”

Josiah knitted his brows when he heard that. Prevent Old Mr. Xander from treating Xavier? What’s

going on? I knew that there was something going on with Yolanda! But who is she calling?

Josiah wanted to walk closer to eavesdrop on her when he suddenly felt a constriction on his leg.

When he looked, he saw that a snake had wrapped itself around his leg!

That explained the constriction!

He almost let out a scream, but fortunately, he held it in.

He grabbed the snake on its weak spot and was about to fling it away.

Just then, he felt that the world had gone silent.

Even the wind seemed to have stopped, and so did the sound of Yolanda’s voice.

At that moment, a shadow loomed over him.

When he looked up, he realized that Yolanda was standing in front of him.

Yolanda had a silver needle between her fingers. The needle glistened with blood. She looked at

Josiah with a cold smirk.

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