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Silly Bride novel (Winnie and Xavier)

Chapter 191
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The next day, Winnie was woken up by Jacinta and Rachel’s conversation.

Both of them slept early last night. Hence, they woke up early in the morning.

Winnie’s drowsiness disappeared after she was woken by them. Thus, she decided to get out of bed

and have breakfast with them.

When Winnie was having her oatmeal, she realized that Jacinta’s countenance seemed pale.

“Granny, did you not sleep well last night? You have dark circles under your eyes,” she asked in



As soon as Jacinta spoke, Rachel chimed in and cut her off, “I know. Hehe, Granny sleepwalked last

night, so she didn’t sleep well.”

Winnie subconsciously glanced at Jacinta and asked, “Sleepwalk? I didn’t know you sleepwalked last

night, Granny. I was sleeping soundly, so I didn’t realize anything.”

“Don’t listen to Rach’s nonsense. I don’t have the habit of sleepwalking,” Jacinta flatly denied it.

She then looked at Rachel and asked, “Why would you say that? A good girl should never lie.”

“I’m not lying!” Rachel frowned and continued, “I woke up in the middle of the night last night to pee and

walked to the balcony by mistake.”

Jacinta widened her eyes in shock. “What? Did you pee on the balcony?” she asked.

Rachel chuckled and said, “Hehe, just a little. I couldn’t hold it in anymore.”

“Oh my, why didn’t you say so earlier? I’m going to check on it!”

“You should finish your breakfast first, Granny. It was already there the whole night anyway,” Winnie

advised when she saw Jacinta standing up from her seat.

Jacinta thought Winnie was right. Hence, she sat back down.

Rachel was frightened when she saw Jacinta stand up.

She knew she had done something wrong and that it was not right to pee anywhere she wanted.

Thus, Rachel lowered her head and apologized softly, “Granny, Winnie, I’m sorry. I will never do it


“It’s good that you know your mistake. You shouldn’t do it again, got it? I shouldn’t let you drink milk

tonight before you sleep. It must be the milk.”

“Yes, it was because of the milk!” Rachel nodded, blaming the milk.

Winnie looked at Rachel and found her behavior amusing. However, at the same time, she felt sorry for

the latter.

They quickly moved on from what Rachel did. However, Winnie remembered what Rachel said about

Jacinta sleepwalking.

If what Rachel said was true, she would need to take Jacinta to the hospital.

Winnie smiled and looked at Rachel, asking “Rach, what were you saying just now? You said you went

to the balcony to pee, and what did you see? Did you see Granny sleepwalking?”

“Yes!” Rachel nodded without hesitation. “I saw Granny, and she was on her phone on the balcony,”

she added.

Jacinta’s expression changed immediately when she heard what Rachel said.

“Rach, were you dreaming? I went to bed early last night. Why would I be on my phone on the


“No, I saw it. Granny was on her phone.”

Jacinta shook her head and denied it. “That’s impossible! It must be your imagination. Who could I

have called in the middle of the night?”

Subsequently, she turned to Winnie, “If you don’t believe me, you can check my call history. I’m sure I

didn’t call anyone last night.”

Winnie also wanted to know if Jacinta was sleepwalking. After all, sleepwalkers usually wouldn’t

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remember what they did while they were sleepwalking.

She took the phone from Jacinta and checked the call history. As expected, there was no phone call

recorded in the call history.

“Rach must’ve been dreaming last night,” Winnie concluded.

Jacinta agreed, “Exactly. I think she was in a daze last night. She even peed on the balcony.”

As Jacinta spoke, she put a piece of fried egg on Rachel’s plate. She warned, “You’re a good girl and

have to be responsible for what you said. The bad witch will come and capture you if you talk


Rachel blinked innocently. She didn’t think that she was lying. However, she felt that Jacinta’s gaze

was scary when the latter warned her about the bad witch.

She was so frightened that she even forgot to eat her oatmeal.

Winnie lowered her head and chewed on her bagel. She didn’t pay attention to the look on both of their

faces and merely said cursorily, “Granny, stop scaring her.”

As she spoke, she hastily finished her oatmeal and added, “I’m done. I’ll take my leave now, Granny.

Call me if you need anything.”

Winnie took the elevator, and to her surprise, she bumped into Xavier as she entered the elevator.

Xavier was looking at his phone when she entered the elevator.

Winnie accidentally saw Xavier’s phone screen from the corner of her eyes.

She thought Xavier was replying to a message on his phone in the elevator, and she certainly didn’t

expect him to be looking at the photo they had taken together last night.

In the photo, both of them were sitting on the couch, and there was some distance between them.

After taking the photo, Winnie edited the image and added the caption “Xavier Fairchild, the patient”

beside him and another caption “Winnie Garland, the doctor” next to herself.

He even wanted to change my contact name on his phone. Why would he keep this photo?

Winnie retracted her gaze from Xavier’s phone screen and asked, “Mr. Fairchild, do you still remember


“Of course, Dr. Garland,” Xavier enunciated each word slowly.

“Not bad. How is it? You look handsome in the photo, right? Is that why you are admiring it?”

“Admiring the photo? Not really,” Xavier replied. He subconsciously stroked Winnie’s face in the photo

with his thumb, then continued, “I was just about to delete the photo.”

With that, he deleted the photo right before Winnie’s eyes.

She felt a tightness in her chest when she saw what Xavier did. However, she managed to calm herself

down quickly.

“It’s okay. We can take another one next time.”

Xavier parted his lips, but he didn’t say anything and ignored Winnie.

In fact, he was excited when he woke up this morning, realizing that he still had memories of what had

happened the previous day.

However, when he looked at the redness in his eyes in the mirror, he knew that his condition was still

not stable enough.

Therefore, he still had to hide the truth before his condition was completely stable.

Honestly, Xavier felt uncomfortable in an enclosed space like the elevator. He was afraid that he would

go mad and attack himself or Winnie.

He felt it was necessary for him to go and see Josiah and get some sedatives from the latter.

And by “some,” he meant a ton of sedatives.

Therefore, Xavier darted out of the elevator once the door opened, as if someone was chasing him

from behind.

Looking at Xavier’s behavior, Winnie couldn’t help but furrow her brows.

Why is he avoiding me as if I am a plague?

Winnie had a grim expression on her face on her way to the Xander residence. It was only until she

saw Sebastian at the Xander residence that a smile bloomed on her face.

Winnie stayed at the Xander residence not only to learn from Sebastian, but also to monitor Yolanda.

However, Yolanda had been busy with her thesis. She didn’t do anything else, let alone go out to meet


Moreover, she didn’t do anything and didn’t even look at Xavier when he came by for his acupuncture

treatment that afternoon.

The situation remained the same for the following three days.

Yolanda didn’t do anything suspicious and had been extremely cautious as if someone had alerted her.

She also avoided spending alone time with Xavier.

The situation frustrated Winnie so much that she complained to Josiah in the café, “Don’t you think

we’re in a passive position right now? It doesn’t feel good to be a sitting duck.”

Josiah stirred his coffee as he consoled her, “Don’t be disheartened. Actually, there’s still good news in

these three days.”

Winnie added four sugar cubes into her coffee, which was too bitter. “Huh? What is the good news?

Tell me. If it’s not good news to me, I will beat you to a pulp,” she joked.

“Hey, you’re too much! You can’t beat me to a pulp even if I lied to you with fake news.”

Winnie sighed. She was just messing with him just now. “Just spill it and stop wasting time,” she urged.

“Fine,” Josiah said. He adjusted his glasses and smiled as he continued, “I was going to say that

Xavier’s condition has been improving after three days of acupuncture sessions.”

Winnie arched a brow. “Did you bring him to the hospital for a check-up? Isn’t it difficult to run tests on

the nerves?”

“Yes. But the dosage of sedatives he’s been getting from me has decreased by the day.”

“What? He’s been getting sedatives from you for the past three days?” Winnie immediately put down

her cup of coffee.


“Why didn’t you tell me then? Don’t you know sedatives are bad for his health?”

Josiah frowned. “I know. Calm down. I’m his doctor. Of course I’m aware of how serious the situation is.

But currently, we have no choice. Moreover, since the acupuncture sessions are proved to be effective

for his condition, he would be fully recovered if he continued his acupuncture sessions. Perhaps, soon,

he won’t need any sedatives anymore,” he explained.

“I understand. But why didn’t you tell me?” Winnie leaned back against her seat as she spoke.

“I didn’t want you to be worried. I heard from Old Mr. Xander that you were studying traditional

medicine hard these days. As you know, I grew up with Xavier. He’s my best friend. And you, Winnie,

you are the one he risked his life to protect. Not only that, but you are also my friend. I don’t want to

see both of you crumble under pressure.”

“I know.” Winnie raised the cup of coffee to her lips and took a sip. “I’m going to call the toxicology

laboratory in Yartran tonight to urge them. Hopefully, the result will be released soon,” she said.

“Didn’t I tell you not to urge them? Let’s wait patiently. They told you that the result will be released in

the coming days, right? It should be released soon,” Josiah advised Winnie.

Winnie nodded, “I know. But I still think it’s better to give them a call and tell them to hurry up.”

“Oh, by the way.” Josiah suddenly recalled something. “Did you notice Yolanda’s habit when she goes

in and out of her room?” he asked.

“What habit?”

“It’s strange. She doesn’t step out of the Xander residence and only moves around in the house. But, I

happened to notice her peculiar behavior one time. She was only going to the study last time, but even

so, she locked the door of her room and carried the key in her pocket. It’s like there’s a shocking secret

hidden in her room.”

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“That happened?” Winnie sat up straight when she heard what Josiah said. “I didn’t notice that detail.

But if everything you said was true, a secret must be hidden in her room. We have to devise a plan to

get into her room,” she said.

Josiah thought the same thing. “I agree. However, we must first devise a plan and get Old Mr. Xander

and Yolanda out of the house. After all, we can’t break into the room right before their eyes like a

robber, can we?”

Winnie frowned. “But Yolanda is cautious. I wanted to bring them out for a meal last time, but she

declined. Since she didn’t want to go, Master also declined my invitation.”

“Hmph, looks like…” Josiah narrowed his eyes and dragged his voice deliberately before he continued,

“Looks like I’ll have to take matters into my own hands. Let me devise a plan.”

“What plan?”

“I haven’t devised one yet. I’ll let you know when I’ve come up with a plan. Don’t worry, leave the matter

to me. No matter what, you should still bring Xavier over for his acupuncture session tomorrow as


“Fine.” Winnie raised her cup of coffee and toasted with Josiah before she teased, “It’s your time to

shine. Do it well, and don’t make me laugh at you.”

The next day, Josiah had everything prepared.

Xavier also went to get his acupuncture treatment as usual.

By then, Winnie could already perform acupuncture on him without the help of others.

Before she was making preparations for the session, Josiah had told her that he had prepared

everything and would get Yolanda out of the house after twenty minutes.

On the other hand, Winnie spent around ten minutes performing acupuncture on Xavier.

When she walked out of the room, she looked through the window and saw Yolanda leaving the house

in her car.

Right then, Josiah was standing beside her.

“Did your plan begin ten minutes earlier than expected?” Winnie asked casually.

Josiah’s furrowed his brows and murmured, “It’s impossible. It’s not time yet. They won’t begin the plan

without my instructions.”

“Then go find out what happened!”

“All right. I’ll go find out now.”

Half a minute later, Josiah’s face fell as he spoke. “It was not my men. She went out on her own.”

Winnie consoled Josiah when she saw the latter’s darkened expression, “It’s okay. I have asked people

to follow her, and I’m sure they won’t lose her. It’s rare for her to leave the house. So, I wanted to follow

her personally. As for you, you’ll stick to the plan and go into her room and have a look.”

“No way!” Josiah declined without hesitation. “I’m sure Yolanda has accomplices. You could be in

danger if you follow her alone. As a man, I can’t let you take such a risk!”

“Okay then!” Winnie quickly pondered and said, “Two heads are better than one. You should wait for

me in the car. I’ll meet you after bidding goodbye to Master.”

Then, Winnie approached Sebastian and told him she had to leave as something urgent had come up.

After that, she entered the doctor’s office.

By then, Xavier had fallen asleep.

Though he exuded a strong aura when he was awake, he looked like a docile puppy when he was


The dark and thick lashes above his eyes cast a shadow on his face like an embellishment, which

would leave anyone jealous of his charming face.

“Xavier, oh, Xavier.” Winnie gently caressed Xavier’s cheek. “I must’ve owed you in my past life.”

With that, she lowered her head to plant a kiss on his lips.

Once Winnie left the room, Xavier opened his eyes.

He raised his hand to touch his lips and then sat up from the bed.

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