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Stronger by Ang Chris

Chapter 106
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Chapter 106 Simon POV Another day to get through. Marcus made the stupid decision to go and see Annette in his current state. He's way too impulsive to be an effective Alpha, he took one look at Annette and said that he had to plunge us into the dark mess we're in.

He thought for himself and not the good of the pack as any sane ALha would do, but of course, that’s the keyword Sane, and Marcus most definitely was not. If a man were sane he would court a woman with pretty words and beautiful gifts not locking her up and trying to in her soulmate.

| could only imagine what the goddess thought of him for trying to break apart a match she’d built. She probably crafted Grayson just for him, she also probably had a horrible fate in store foras well. | had too much of a hand in all of this. | was far too involved, my hands covered in the blood of Annette’s wolf, | was severing their bond with my silver acetate.

If she endured this for more than three months she'd probably be stripped of her wolf for the rest of her life. It worked the sway silver bullets did, wolves can’t stand the touch of silver so they shy away from it and when a werewolf is stuck with a bullet the wolf will step back from it leaving the werewolf vulnerable. More than one bullet into your average wolf would put them down for good.

Your average wolf, according to the official reports Grayson had taken five rounds and still hadn't shifted back taking outa dozen men before going to find his wife. Marcus wasn’t just insane he was downright masochistic taking on a demon wolf just to have a pretty wife and a little more land, | put on my button-up and the sold black tie before | fixed my face into place and covered up my guilt and agony.

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“Si!” My sister bound into our kitchen “Today were not doing any school work were just setting up for the blood moon party!” She cheered, like many 13-year-olds school work was the greatest of her worries.

Our mother died when Ashely was three and our father passed in the war this past fall, he wasn’t a good father and to say life had been a little better for us when he passed was an understatement. He ruled his household with an iron fist and to a pack that valued muscle and might a son who worked better with pen and paper was disgraceful. He'd toldso every day, and for Ash, she looked too much like mom he wouldn't speak to her at all if she spoke to him she was met with a sour face and angry scream reminding her girls are not supposed to speak unless allowed in this house.

She'd cout of her shell so much since he died and | was so grateful for that. | had very recently been grateful for Marcus promoting intelligence in the pack and makinghis new Delta, It gave Ashley anda good life and a bigger house. She now had respect and envy from her schoolmates instead of snide remarks and harassment.

Then he tookand weaponized my mind forcingto drug an innocent woman or else he’d kill Ashley or worse. | did what | had to do | wouldn't let my sister suffer anymore i hadn’t been able to protect her from our foul father but 1 would protect her from Marcus and to be honest | didn’t care if it cat Annette’s expense, sooner or later her husband would cfor her and kill Marcus.

So | looked in the mirror daily swallowed what was left of my consciousness and went to work, seeing Ashley bound down our steps with a bright smile on her face was an easy decision. What good was morality when it cost you the people you loved anyway? 1/3 Chapter 106 | sent her off to school to do absolutely nothing as she made paper crafts and sipped raspberry punch all day as they made Red Moon garlands for the party tonight. Was | looking the other way at the terrifying omen of a blood moon as we strayed further from the goddess, oh entirely.

No, if | wanted to get through the day without dying or having my sister ripped out of her classroom and thrown in the cell next to Annette | had to ignore a lot of things. Like Annette for one. She would greetevery morning and | would ignore the fact that | had to throw away the milk she was supposed to be feeding her newborn child that was out there in the world.

| would catch her sometimes almost choking on the word baby and the way she would turn her head every morning. refusing to look atthrow away her child's food. She had forced herself to ignore it too. I'm sure if she did think of son she'd probably collapse on the spot. She seemed like she'd be a good mother and a fierce protector and that was a fact.

She'd gutted and cut up two of our strongest warriors in the blink of an eye the day we captured her | had barely been able to make out the pieces. | may have thrown up too.

| threw away the breastmilk and she turned away and then Marcus cdown for his daily round of gloating or as he referred to it flirting. | rolled my eyes as he cup the bars.

“Good Morning Annette, how was your sleep?” He smirked.

He'd hadput her to sleep after she pointed out his blatant status of the loser in this scenaone round with her husband and he he was minced meat.

“Wonderful,” Annette almost sang back to him.

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| put my clipboard in front of my face to hide my singer from him. | had to admit my alpha wasn’t just underestimating Grayson if | wasn’t injecting her with silver every day she would have him carved up like a lamb roast.

“It's a blood moon tonight Annette, we're celebrating. I'd ask you to joinif | didn’t know you;d try and escape,” He offered her.

Annette cup to the bars again but didn’t touch them today. “If you were a smart man you'd take that as a sign to surrender,” “I will never my love,” he leaned in closer, it madegag the way he fed into his delusion this was a romance.

“Wanna bet,” Annette then punched him through the bars and | had to choke back an outright laugh. His nose started bleeding and | grabbed the needle and the guards held her as | entered the cage.

The entire tshe was laughing like a mad woman as he cursed and marched out of the room. “So worth it,” she piggled as she slumped over from the drug.

| knew we were on the losing side, and | didn’t enjoy doing this to her. | got no pleasure keeping her from her newborn son, and when she went to sleep like that my skin crawled. The way she never gave in to him made the part of my brain that hated myself vie forto do something anything to help her, but then | thought of Ashley and what would happen to my sister if | was caught.

“then don’t get caught.

Chapter 106 | almost squeaked at myself. No, no | will get caught | am watched day in and day out there was no way | wouldn't get caught. | couldn't pull that off not in the position | was in | had no doubt Marcus didn’t trustand if I did anything out line Ashley would pay the price. No, | couldn't. | couldn't...