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Substitutee Marriage: Fallingg For My Ugly Wifee

Chapter 1080
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Following Nancy’s injection, the needle’s intrusion into her neck, Millie’s consciousness ebbed like a fading tide, surrendering to a deep coma’s embrace.

Nancy deliberately induced dizziness and must have taken her to a grim destination.

Millie’s head stirred, her gaze sweeping the scene-an expanse of cold cement flooring encircled by somber gray walls.

Struggling against her confinement, she endeavored to rise, her efforts pivoting towards the iron door. However, her attempts were thwarted by its inaccessibility, locked firmly from the exterior.

Peering through the iron door’s latticed gaps, she gleaned an empty expanse that signaled her elevation to the second floor. Beyond the threshold stretched a corridor, its iron plating underfoot, accompanied by the telltale creak of footsteps in motion.

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Amidst this unsettling scenathat reminded her of a chilling underground prison, Millie’s heart raced.

A man strode by the door, a tray in his hands, trailed by a slight, diminutive figure.

Millie’s discerning gaze seized upon the tray’s contents-forceps, pliers, and scissors-alluding to a disconcerting purpose.

“Are your implements sterilized?”

“Indeed, the tools have been meticulously sterilized, and the doctor is seasoned in countless procedures. Rest assured, your well-being is our priority,” the man reassured.


“If my kidney is extracted, I’ll be left with just one. Can you truly guarantee my safety?”

“Absolutely, you’ll be perfectly fine. Humans require just one kidney, while the other remains redundant and superfluous,” the man responded with an air of reassurance.


An unlawful organ harvesting ring unfolded before Millie’s eyes—a grim reminder of reported horrors. Dread pooled within her as realization hit. Nancy had consigned her to this abyss, a heartless act aimed at her kidney. Her ruthlessness knew no bounds.

“Never mind. I remain unsettled. I won’t proceed with the sale.”

Abruptly, a tumult erupted, the corridor quivering in response.

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Millie’s fists clenched in horror.

“Hey… What is happening… I’ve changed my mind-I won’t sell,” the voice rang out, a declaration infused with newfound determination.

“Now, choices evade you. As circumstances dictate your presence, this exchange must conclude. Escort him to the surgical table and secure his restraints,” a voice commanded, the tone unwavering in its authority.

“You despicable fiends! Release me. I will not sell..

Fear dripped from the person’s words, tinging Millie’s visage with pallor. Despite his unequivocal refusal, they clung to him, relentless in their grip. In what realm could such a place boast of hygiene? Millie’s mind raced, envisioning a future rife with affliction. Even if their surroundings and implements exhibited cleanliness, and the procedure went off without a hitch, the absence of a kidney would inevitably precipitate a cascade of bodily struggles, a challenge her frwould grapple to surmount.

A hostile figure approached, and the door Millie clung to bore the brunt of a forceful kick.

“What’s your staring supposed to achieve? Your turn’s next.” The intruder’s voice dripped with animosity.

Millie’s heart skipped a beat; her turn was imminent.