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Substitutee Marriage: Fallingg For My Ugly Wifee

Chapter 1206
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“Marcus,” Millie called softly.

He turned, his voice just above a whisper.


Examining his face, she couldn’t help but ask, “You seem out of sorts. What’s going on? Will you talk to me?”

Though Marcus attempted to mask his agitation, Millie wasn’t fooled.

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“The neighboring province land project is hitting ssnags. It’s getting under my skin,” Marcus admitted, regretting the crack in his usually unflappable demeanor.


Noticing Millie’s concern, Marcus suggested, “Why don’t you go take a shower first?”

Millie hesitated. She longed for him to find joy every day, and his current mood felt like a weight on her own heart.

Yet something still didn’t sit right. Her eyes settled on the scented candles in their bedroom-a habit he’d picked up after a temple visit.

“What’s on your mind?” Marcus asked, pulling her into an embrace and resting his chin atop her head.

“Don’t be too hard on yourself.” Millie Looked down and took hold of his wrist.

“The Thomas Group has a strong track record.”

“Alright,” he replied.

Just then, Marcus’s phone broke into a ring.

It persisted, unanswered. Finally, Millie had to ask, “Aren’t you going to pick that up?”

Grinning, he lightly pinched her nose.

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“It’s probably the project team. They could use a moment for sself-reflection.”

His playfulness was a reassuring sign for Millie.

“I’ll head downstairs and start dinner. Why don’t you rest for a bit?”

Once Millie was out of sight, Marcus retrieved his phone, staring at the caller ID. It was Shera.

A wave of surprise washed over him as he quickly dialed her back.

“Tfor dinner!” Millie called out forty minutes later.

Marcus shook off his thoughts and descended the staircase.

A sumptuous spread awaited him: beef, a medley of greens, and a hearty fish soup that promised comfort.