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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 465
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Chapter 465

“Yeah, she's gone. I have someone monitoring the Hoffman family at all times, so I can confirm that

they have left Hallsbay.”

Shirley clenched her teeth and suppressed her resentment. “All right, I'll take your word for it.”

“That's more like it!”

After leaving the resort, Artemis and Bailey were on their way back to the medical base when they

received a call from Felicity.

Bailey got so mad when she heard about the fire at Century Hotel that she nearly cursed on the spot.

There's no need for guesses or investigations. It's freaking obvious that Zayron did this!

“We're going to the hotel.”

Artemis kept one hand on the steering wheel and rubbed his forehead with the other. “Those kids

might've taken things a little too far, but they mean well. I don't think Shirley is worthy of being with

Zeke either.”

Bailey shot him an icy-cold glare, prompting him to keep his opinions to himself.

“All right, I'll take you to the hotel,” he said as he turned the car around and started driving toward the


Bailey shot him a glance and asked helplessly, “Artemis, your sons have gotten themselves into huge

trouble. Aren't you even the slightest bit mad at them? They could've gotten people killed! Who's going

to be held responsible if that happens?”

Artemis let out a wry chuckle when he heard that.

As if getting mad at them is going to do me any good! It's not like there's anything I can do about those

two brats! If I were to get mad at them every time they cause trouble, it wouldn't be long before I die of

a stroke!

“It's fine. They're still kids, so they should try to have fun while they can. One day, I won't be able to

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protect them anymore. When that time comes, they will have to handle everything on their own.

Besides, being a little haughty will give them an edge over the other kids.”

Bailey rolled her eyes at him when she heard that. “You know what? Forget it. Things are probably very

chaotic at the hotel right now, so I want you to drop me off at the Luther residence instead. You can

pick the kids up from the hotel and bring them over afterward.”

Meanwhile, Zoey sneakily made her way into a private room in a coffee shop.

“What the heck is wrong with you? Everyone is on high alert after the incident at the Shurmer family's

engagement party! Why would you ask to meet me at a time like this?” she exclaimed when she

opened the door and saw Sofie sitting on the couch.

Sofie simply flashed her a smile and pointed at the empty seat in front of her.

Zoey pursed her lips as she made her way over and sat down. “Well? Why did you want to see me?”

“Bailey's sons were the ones who set fire to Century Square. I trust you know what to do about it, yes?”

Sofie asked.

After taking a moment to process that information, Zoey came up with a bright idea.

“Shirley went through a lot of trouble just to get my brother to agree to the engagement party. She's still

mad about having her plans ruined by the fire. If I tell her that Bailey's sons were responsible for

sabotaging her engagement party, she'd think they were acting on her instructions and blame it all on


“You catch on quick. I always knew you were a smart woman, Zoey. Those who are truly capable

should always try to use others to accomplish their goals. That way, they'll be able to keep their hands

clean and conserve their energy as well as resources. Do you understand what I mean?” Sofie said

with a satisfied grin.

Zoey felt a chill down her spine when she heard that.

This elegant woman sitting before me would go as far as swapping her own daughter with that of the

Shurmer family... Good thing she's my biological mother. Otherwise...

Noticing the look of fear in Zoey's eyes, Sofie said with a chuckle, “Why are you afraid of me? I'm your

mother, Zoey. I would never set you up as I do with others. I swapped you with the Shurmer family's

daughter because I wanted you to live a successful life. However, I have recently come to realize that

being a part of the Shurmer family isn't all that great. Only by marrying into the Luther family and

gaining control over the household will you truly be successful.”

Meanwhile, at the Luther residence, Artemis saw Zayron and Maxton kneeling in the rain when he

carried Bailey into the house.

Bailey snorted coldly when she noticed what they were doing.

“They know you're mad at them for what they did, so they're doing penance by kneeling in the rain. Will

you forgive them?” Artemis said with an eyebrow arched.

“I'll believe they're truly repentant if they keep at it until nightfall!” Bailey replied with a sneer.

Artemis frowned worriedly when he heard that. “But it's only noon right now. They'll get sick if they stay

out in the rain for another few more hours!”

Hmm... How is she able to be so cruel to her kids?

Bailey shot him a cold glare and said, “If you're that worried about their health, then why don't you take

their place and kneel in the rain instead?”

“On second thought, they can kneel till nightfall. I think they need to be taught a lesson for pulling such

a crazy stunt.”

Felicity had a pained look on her face as she stood in the corridor and stared at her grandsons.

She knew they were the ones responsible for the fire at Century Hotel, but she had no idea why they

did it.

Although initially furious at them, Felicity's anger quickly subsided when she saw them kneeling in the

heavy rain.

“What happened? Why does Bay look so upset?” she asked anxiously when she saw Artemis walking

toward her with Bailey in his arms.

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As Artemis couldn't be bothered to explain it to her, he decided to blame it all on the boys. “It's because

of what those two did. Leave them be, Mom. They need to learn their lesson. Anyway, Bay got a little

drenched in the rain. Could you prepare something warm for her?”

“All right.” Felicity then had the butler follow her into the kitchen.

Bailey tried to get Artemis to put her down, but he insisted on carrying her in his arms.

After a few failed attempts at breaking out of his embrace, she gave up and turned to look at the boys,

who were still kneeling in the rain. “I'm surprised you boys didn't burn yourselves to death,” she said

with a sneer.

Zayron pouted as he snapped back at her, “I'm not stupid. So why would I choose to have my body

reduced to nothing but ashes when there are so many other ways to die?”

Infuriated, Bailey yelled, “Put me down, Artemis! I'm going to teach that brat a lesson!”

Artemis shot Zayron a cold glare and growled, “You'd better stop talking back to your mother or I'll have

you run laps around the house all night.”

Maxton went pale the moment he heard that. He tugged at the corner of his brother's shirt. “Cut it out,


Zayron let out a defiant snort. “So what? We'll just burn this house down if it comes to that!”

“You know what? I don't think you've learned your lesson. Keep kneeling there until tomorrow,” Artemis

said while carrying Bailey inside the house.

After making sure Bailey was well taken care of, Artemis left the Luther residence.

Meanwhile, in one of Tarragon's branches, Yvette was applying her makeup in the living room.

The leader of Tarragon would be visiting the branch shortly, so she wanted to present herself in the

best way possible.

“Lord Euchler is here, Ms. Sullivan.”

“Let him in.”

“M-Ms. Sullivan?” Daniel called out to her nervously as he entered the room.

Yvette slammed her eyeliner down on the dressing table and yelled angrily, “I told you to address me

as 'Your Royal Highness!' Make sure you do that when our leader arrives!”