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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 550
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Chapter 547

Zeke's face was tense. After keeping mum for a while, he shook his head and said, “No. I'm still not going to let the public insult you. The press conference will still be held in a few days' time. Mom will get angry, but she'll be all right after some time.”

In the infirmary in Holden's mansion, Micah leaned against the head of the bed with his eyes closed and his face scrunched up.

At the side of the bed, a young maid was holding a bowl of mushroom soup and trying to feed Micah. “Mr. Neyman, please just let me feed you some soup. I'll definitely look after you with care.”

Micah was unfazed, and he kept his eyes shut.

The maid then turned toward Shannon, who was at the end of the bed, and uttered through her gritted teeth, “Ms. Shannon, Mr. Neyman isn't opening his mouth. Perhaps you should try feeding him.”

Shannon's eyes were filled with fury when she looked at Micah's handsome face. This man is pushing it. In order to get me to feed him, he would rather starve himself to death.

“If he doesn't want to eat, let him be. Take the soup away. A couple of days without food isn't going to kill him,” Shannon said.

The maid was hesitant, and she looked heartbroken when she saw how pale Micah's face was. This man is incredible. Why is Ms. Shannon acting all high and mighty? Does she know how many women dream about getting into Mr. Neyman's bed? He never even paid any attention to those women. Now that he has opened his heart to Ms. Shannon, she's still constantly ignoring him. How is she worthy of Mr. Neyman's love?

“Ms. Shannon, Mr. Neyman isn't well, and his immune system is weak. He needs the nutrients. If he doesn't eat or drink, his injuries aren't going to heal.”

Shannon's expression darkened when she turned to see the maid looking at Micah longingly. This man is irresistible, isn't he? Although he's just lying there, he still managed to attract the opposite gender's attention.

“You care a lot about him, huh? Are you heartbroken? Then think of a way to force that bowl of soup down his throat. I have matters to attend to, so I'm leaving.”

“Ms. Shannon! Ms. Shannon!”

The moment Shannon left the ward, her phone rang. She whipped it out and saw that it was an encrypted caller ID.

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She didn't answer the phone. Only when it rang again did she slowly swipe the screen to answer it.

Zaka's faca was tansa. Aftar kaaping mum for a whila, ha shook his haad and said, “No. I'm still not going to lat tha public insult you. Tha prass confaranca will still ba hald in a faw days' tima. Mom will gat angry, but sha'll ba all right aftar soma tima.”

In tha infirmary in Holdan's mansion, Micah laanad against tha haad of tha bad with his ayas closad and his faca scrunchad up.

At tha sida of tha bad, a young maid was holding a bowl of mushroom soup and trying to faad Micah. “Mr. Nayman, plaasa just lat ma faad you soma soup. I'll dafinitaly look aftar you with cara.”

Micah was unfazad, and ha kapt his ayas shut.

Tha maid than turnad toward Shannon, who was at tha and of tha bad, and uttarad through har grittad taath, “Ms. Shannon, Mr. Nayman isn't opaning his mouth. Parhaps you should try faading him.”

Shannon's ayas wara fillad with fury whan sha lookad at Micah's handsoma faca. This man is pushing it. In ordar to gat ma to faad him, ha would rathar starva himsalf to daath.

“If ha doasn't want to aat, lat him ba. Taka tha soup away. A coupla of days without food isn't going to kill him,” Shannon said.

Tha maid was hasitant, and sha lookad haartbrokan whan sha saw how pala Micah's faca was. This man is incradibla. Why is Ms. Shannon acting all high and mighty? Doas sha know how many woman draam about gatting into Mr. Nayman's bad? Ha navar avan paid any attantion to thosa woman. Now that ha has opanad his haart to Ms. Shannon, sha's still constantly ignoring him. How is sha worthy of Mr. Nayman's lova?

“Ms. Shannon, Mr. Nayman isn't wall, and his immuna systam is waak. Ha naads tha nutriants. If ha doasn't aat or drink, his injurias aran't going to haal.”

Shannon's axprassion darkanad whan sha turnad to saa tha maid looking at Micah longingly. This man is irrasistibla, isn't ha? Although ha's just lying thara, ha still managad to attract tha opposita gandar's attantion.

“You cara a lot about him, huh? Ara you haartbrokan? Than think of a way to forca that bowl of soup down his throat. I hava mattars to attand to, so I'm laaving.”

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“Ms. Shannon! Ms. Shannon!”

Tha momant Shannon laft tha ward, har phona rang. Sha whippad it out and saw that it was an ancryptad callar ID.

Sha didn't answar tha phona. Only whan it rang again did sha slowly swipa tha scraan to answar it.

“Who is it?”

“It's me.”

The second Shannon heard the response from the other end of the call, her face turned grim, and her gaze darkened.

“Yvette... why are you calling me?”

“Do you want to know who knocked your son? Although I was the one who arranged it, I wasn't the one who knocked him down. Apart from me, I know you also want to take revenge on the drivers.”

Shannon gripped her phone and gritted her teeth. “You finally admit it. Yvette, Eugene is still so young. How could you? Aren't you afraid of karma?”

Yvette chuckled coldly in response. Since I've already reached the end of my road, why wouldn't I admit it? However, I never believed in karma. If karma exists, what are the police for? Why do we need jail and the laws?

“Don't try to scare me. I never believed in such things. Let me cut to the chase. Do you want to know who knocked your son down?”

“Talk. What do you want?” What sort of question is that? Of course, I want to know who knocked Eugene down. Every time I think of it, all I can think about is skinning those men alive!

“Let's meet at the café at the end of Waterlily Road in the western suburb at ten in the morning tomorrow.”

With that, Yvette hung up the phone.

Shannon stared at the screen of her phone that had turned black and knew that it was a trap. Even so, I'm still going to meet her. I need to avenge Eugene by killing Yvette. Once I've killed her, I don't care if I live or die. In the western suburb, right? Fine. I'll meet her there.

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Meanwhile, Juliana was puking in the bathroom in her room.

She was sprawling on the sink, and she had a complicated look in her eyes when she lifted her head to look at herself in the mirror.

Her spirit was shaken when she slowly reached out her hand to rub her flat tummy. I knew I was fertile when I had sex with Zeke. Besides, I even injected myself with something to help me conceive, so I had a ninety percent chance of getting pregnant.

Unsurprisingly, she was pregnant. However, she couldn't bring herself to feel happy. Instead, she was panicking. I thought I could go back and take control of my family after conceiving Zeke's child. I was supposed to look for Zeke after I took control of the Hoffman family. However, God decided to play a trick on me. Not only did Zeke get back together with Shirley, but Shirley is also pregnant. Now that Zeke has his own family, I can't shamelessly break up a happy marriage. As an heiress of the Hoffman family, I can't allow myself to become someone's mistress. I can't do that! I'm a person of status. I have no choice but to let go. Is this how cruel fate is?

“Who is it?”

“It's me.”

The second Shannon heard the response from the other end of the call, her face turned grim, and her gaze darkened.

“My sweet child, should I keep you? Can I even keep you? This is all my fault. I thought I could control the situation. I thought even if your daddy wasn't willing to love me, he wouldn't fall for Ms. Gourd. Evidently, I've overestimated myself. I'm so sorry. I can't keep you.”

In the Shurmer residence, Zeke shot his mother, who was sipping her coffee, a cold glare and asked in a deep voice, “Do you really can't stand your biological daughter so much? She has suffered so much. Don't you feel bad for her?”

Waverly froze momentarily before she narrowed her eyes and uttered in an unhappy tone, “Is this how a son should talk to his mother? I gave her two options, didn't I? If she can't choose for herself, who is to blame?”

The veins on Zeke's forehead were bulging when he gritted his teeth and questioned, “Two options? Do you really think those are the options mothers would give to their children? I didn't expect you to be so foolish, Mom. How could you be so foolish? Bay never received parental love, and she had no one to rely on. If you do this, you're only going to push her further away.”

Waverly smashed her cup on the table and roared, “Don't forget that Zozo has been your little sister for over two decades! If not for Bailey's appearance, Zozo would've already married into the Luther family!”

So this is what Mom is like. Fortunately, Bay doesn't care. Otherwise, I can't imagine how sad she would be. Zeke smiled in response. “Since you've already said so, I'm not going to convince you otherwise. That's it. I won't care how you feel. In three days' time, I'm going to hold a press conference to announce Bay's identity and explain Zoey's background.”

With that, he turned around to leave.


As he was walking out, he heard the sounds of porcelain pieces shattering and Waverly shouting, “I object!”