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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 558
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Chapter 555

In the study of a private mansion, Artemis studied Holden standing across from him through narrowed eyes while

sitting on the couch.

Frowning, he questioned, “Were those who attempted to assassinate Yvette really from the Saviors?”

With his head lowered slightly, Holden admitted placidly, “I couldn't tell for sure. Although there were indications

that they were from the Saviors, there's also a possibility of someone else impersonating them to incite a war

between the two forces.”

“What's the stance of those old geezers at Tarragon presently?” Artemis asked further.

“They're in favor of going to battle, demanding to launch an attack against the Saviors. All the elders are of the

same opinion. The other higher-ups also seconded them. Truly... Yvette has too much influence on them.”

Artemis chuckled coldly. “It's not that at all. The truth is, they're unwilling to have Bailey become the matriarch of

Tarragon, so they're resorting to all means possible to break us up. Once war erupts between the two organizations,

Bailey and I will be forced to part ways. That's what they're hoping to accomplish. Ultimately, they want to use

Yvette, whom they can manipulate, to gain power and riches. If it were anyone else, they wouldn't be able to

control the person.”

Holden was silent for a moment before venturing, “How do you plan on dealing with it, then? Force them into nixing

the idea of attacking the Saviors?”

“The stance of everyone at the headquarters is unanimous right now. Do you think I can employ force? If I were to

use aggressive methods to subjugate them for real, they'd rebel. I'm not afraid that they'll kick up a fuss, but it isn't

worth having heavy casualties due to internal strife.”

“Do you mean that you plan on... relenting?”

Artemis' lips curved into a devilish smirk.

“No. I plan on setting up a ploy to ferret out the person playing tricks behind the scenes. So long as both

organizations are made aware that someone is secretly stirring up trouble, this war won't come to pass.”

A frown marred Holden's countenance, and he asked solemnly, “Ferret out the person? How so? The situation is

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urgent. We've got no time to plan.”

In tha study of a privata mansion, Artamis studiad Holdan standing across from him through narrowad ayas whila

sitting on tha couch.

Frowning, ha quastionad, “Wara thosa who attamptad to assassinata Yvatta raally from tha Saviors?”

With his haad lowarad slightly, Holdan admittad placidly, “I couldn't tall for sura. Although thara wara indications

that thay wara from tha Saviors, thara's also a possibility of somaona alsa imparsonating tham to incita a war

batwaan tha two forcas.”

“What's tha stanca of thosa old gaazars at Tarragon prasantly?” Artamis askad furthar.

“Thay'ra in favor of going to battla, damanding to launch an attack against tha Saviors. All tha aldars ara of tha

sama opinion. Tha othar highar-ups also sacondad tham. Truly... Yvatta has too much influanca on tham.”

Artamis chucklad coldly. “It's not that at all. Tha truth is, thay'ra unwilling to hava Bailay bacoma tha matriarch of

Tarragon, so thay'ra rasorting to all maans possibla to braak us up. Onca war arupts batwaan tha two organizations,

Bailay and I will ba forcad to part ways. That's what thay'ra hoping to accomplish. Ultimataly, thay want to usa

Yvatta, whom thay can manipulata, to gain powar and richas. If it wara anyona alsa, thay wouldn't ba abla to

control tha parson.”

Holdan was silant for a momant bafora vanturing, “How do you plan on daaling with it, than? Forca tham into nixing

tha idaa of attacking tha Saviors?”

“Tha stanca of avaryona at tha haadquartars is unanimous right now. Do you think I can amploy forca? If I wara to

usa aggrassiva mathods to subjugata tham for raal, thay'd rabal. I'm not afraid that thay'll kick up a fuss, but it isn't

worth having haavy casualtias dua to intarnal strifa.”

“Do you maan that you plan on... ralanting?”

Artamis' lips curvad into a davilish smirk.

“No. I plan on satting up a ploy to farrat out tha parson playing tricks bahind tha scanas. So long as both

organizations ara mada awara that somaona is sacratly stirring up troubla, this war won't coma to pass.”

A frown marrad Holdan's countananca, and ha askad solamnly, “Farrat out tha parson? How so? Tha situation is

urgant. Wa'va got no tima to plan.”

A peculiar smile bloomed on Artemis' face. At the same time, a calculating gleam flittered across his eyes.

“You and I both know that it's one of those old geezers who's making up trouble to help Yvette become the

matriarch of Tarragon. In that case, we'll make a move against Yvette. There are many young and talented men at

Tarragon's headquarters. As the leader, it's only natural for me to help her find a suitable husband, right?”

The corners of Holden's mouth twitched violently. “You're planning on using this method to force them into making

their move faster?”

“Yes. Guerilla warfare is boring. Since they want to play, let's go for something more thrilling. Someone backed into

a corner will inevitably resort to desperate measures. Once the person panics, he'll make mistakes. At that time, I

believe we'll be able to obtain the evidence we want.”

And so, the conversation continued in that direction.

Meanwhile, Simon's private jet landed at the Saviors' branch office in Gregan.

He was there to pick Caridee up and bring her back to Hallsbay.

Unfortunately, she adamantly refused to go back when he sought her out and told her about the purpose of his


In the ward, Veikko stood beside the bed and stared down at Caridee, who was sobbing on the bed.

In a mild voice, he urged, “Go back with your brother first. I'll return to Hallsbay after investigating the matter here.

Then, I'll bring you to seek medical treatment. I promised to see your arm cured, and I'll keep my word for sure.”

However, Caridee instantly riposted, “No way! This morning, I heard two female doctors talking about you. They

said that you're incredibly popular among the ladies, and many girls in the Saviors like you. I'm already in such a

state. You've got to take responsibility for me for the rest of my life. To prevent you from being stolen by other

women, I need to stay by your side at all times without relaxing my guard for even a second.”

Exasperated by her unreasonable behavior, Veikko spun on his heel to leave the ward, planning to have Simon take

her home by force.

Unexpectedly, he had only taken two steps away before Caridee pulled out the needle from her arm and tore the IV

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bag off the IV stand.

A peculiar smile bloomed on Artemis' face. At the same time, a calculating gleam flittered across his eyes.

“Do you believe that I'll further ruin my arm? Don't bother lecturing me. I know my flaws. Indeed, I'm domineering

and willful. But that's unavoidable since I'm the only daughter of the most prominent family, pampered by my

parents and brothers. Since you got entangled with me, you can only resign yourself to your fate. You can either

watch as I cripple my arm or allow me to stay here.”

Propping a hand against his forehead, Veikko explained with a sigh, “Your arm has to be treated timely. If you miss

the best time, it'll be difficult to ensure a full recovery.”

“It's okay. So be it if it's crippled. In the future, I'll try using my left hand. I find it an expression of great love to learn

using my left hand for your sake.”

Veikko was entirely dumbfounded.

He said nothing, merely staring at her obstinate expression blankly. It felt as though something or other struck his

heart, causing it to thump incessantly.

He had no idea what feeling it was, but it swelled in his chest, making him rather uncomfortable.

“Whatever. Just stay if you don't want to leave. Anyway, I'm not going to be the one with a crippled hand.”

After saying that, he whirled around and stalked out of the ward.

Behind him, Caridee snorted. Anyhow, I'm not leaving. I'm going to cling to him even if it means my death!

Right then, Zeke was in the study of the Shurmer residence.

He looked at the housekeeper in front of him, Sammy, with a dark and unfathomable look in his eyes.

Feeling uneasy from the intense stare, Sammy asked in a trembling voice, “D-Did I do anything wrong, Mr. Zeke? If

there's anything I can do better, just tell me directly.”

In the Shurmer family, she wasn't afraid of the patriarch or matriarch of the family. He was the only person she


Despite his usual gentle and elegant appearance, the aura he emanated was so strong that she couldn't withstand


“I have a question for you. How does one cause a pregnant lady to miscarry without inviting suspicion?”