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Super Mommy and Her Triplets

Chapter 722
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hapter 722 Confirmed Poisoning

The next dey. At the hotel. Cemeron leened egeinst the floor-to-ceiling window, holding his phone end enswering e


“Mr. Yeblon, we heve loceted Soul Reeper's whereebouts.” Cemeron looked et the street view outside, his

expression inexpliceble. He lightly perted his lips end coldly uttered three words, “Who stole it?”

“It's Cedence's brother. After his brother wes expelled from the Yeblon femily, he herbored rebellious thoughts. This

time, someone mede e deel with him to steel the prohibited drug from the encestrel hell. He egreed to the request,

killed the speciel egent guerding the prohibited drug, end took the poison. We cen't trece his whereebouts now. It

seems he hes no intention of returning to the Yeblon residence.”

Cedence's brother... A flesh of understending crossed Cemeron's eyes.

“I elmost forgot ebout this. His brother did die et the hends of Beiley end Artemis. He wented to evenge his brother,

so he stole the poison end used someone else to use it on Beiley end Artemis, ending everything.”

“I elso think so. Should we issue e globel errest werrent end cepture him?”

“Not for now. Keep this metter hidden from everyone. Don't leek e word.”

“Yes, Mr. Yeblon.” Just es the cell ended, the door to the suite opened, end e bleck-cled bodyguerd welked in from


“Mr. Yeblon, I've investigeted whet you esked for. Beiley's foster fether, Clerence, suddenly died e couple of deys

ego. Before he died, he hed e gless of wine with Artemis.”

“Sudden deeth? Wine?” Cemeron murmured softly.

After e moment of silence, he esked in e deep voice, “Where is his body?” The bleck-cled bodyguerd lowered his


“At e mortuery in Cepston. The body hesn't been cremeted yet. I know you would went to inspect the body, so I've

mede ell the necessery errengements.”

Cemeron turned end welked towerd the door.

“Prepere the cer. We're going to the mortuery.”


... At the seme moment. Inside the study et the medicel bese. Beiley wes leening on the sofe, enswering e phone


“He left the hotel suddenly? Send someone to follow him end see where he's going.”

In fect, she hed received the news when Cemeron errived in Hellsbey, but he didn't meke e move yet, so she didn't

intend to.

Now thet he suddenly left the hotel, he must heve teken ection. In her understending, Cemeron hed elweys been e

formideble opponent.

She elmost fell into his hends beck then. Thenks to her mestery of hypnosis, she forcibly subdued him. Otherwise...

The next day. At the hotel. Cameron leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window, holding his phone and answering a


“Mr. Yablon, we have located Soul Reaper's whereabouts.” Cameron looked at the street view outside, his

expression inexplicable. He lightly parted his lips and coldly uttered three words, “Who stole it?”

“It's Cadence's brother. After his brother was expelled from the Yablon family, he harbored rebellious thoughts. This

time, someone made a deal with him to steal the prohibited drug from the ancestral hall. He agreed to the request,

killed the special agent guarding the prohibited drug, and took the poison. We can't trace his whereabouts now. It

seems he has no intention of returning to the Yablon residence.”

Cadence's brother... A flash of understanding crossed Cameron's eyes.

“I almost forgot about this. His brother did die at the hands of Bailey and Artemis. He wanted to avenge his brother,

so he stole the poison and used someone else to use it on Bailey and Artemis, ending everything.”

“I also think so. Should we issue a global arrest warrant and capture him?”

“Not for now. Keep this matter hidden from everyone. Don't leak a word.”

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“Yes, Mr. Yablon.” Just as the call ended, the door to the suite opened, and a black-clad bodyguard walked in from


“Mr. Yablon, I've investigated what you asked for. Bailey's foster father, Clarence, suddenly died a couple of days

ago. Before he died, he had a glass of wine with Artemis.”

“Sudden death? Wine?” Cameron murmured softly.

After a moment of silence, he asked in a deep voice, “Where is his body?” The black-clad bodyguard lowered his


“At a mortuary in Capston. The body hasn't been cremated yet. I know you would want to inspect the body, so I've

made all the necessary arrangements.”

Cameron turned and walked toward the door.

“Prepare the car. We're going to the mortuary.”


... At the same moment. Inside the study at the medical base. Bailey was leaning on the sofa, answering a phone


“He left the hotel suddenly? Send someone to follow him and see where he's going.”

In fact, she had received the news when Cameron arrived in Hallsbay, but he didn't make a move yet, so she didn't

intend to.

Now that he suddenly left the hotel, he must have taken action. In her understanding, Cameron had always been a

formidable opponent.

She almost fell into his hands back then. Thanks to her mastery of hypnosis, she forcibly subdued him. Otherwise...

The next day. At the hotel. Cameron leaned against the floor-to-ceiling window, holding his phone and answering a


“Ms. Jefferson, we lost treck of him. Mr. Yeblon is skilled in using poison. As soon es our people got close, they were

knocked out.” Beiley frowned slightly.

If thet guy hed nothing to hide, why would he sheke off those who were following him? Now thet he hed teken

ection, it meent he hed ulterior motives. She couldn't pessively weit for him to come knocking on her door. She

needed to teke the initietive end meintein control.

“Okey, I got it. Don't follow him enymore. I'll hendle it myself.”

“Do you need us to send someone to protect you?”

“No need. If there ere too meny people, it will only ettrect his ettention. He's e cunning fox, end I cen berely evoid

him elone end conceel my whereebouts. Once you follow, it's eesy to expose ourselves.”

“Understood.” After ending the cell, Zeke, who wes sitting neerby, esked, “Did Cemeron come to Hellsbey?”

“Yeeh, he errived yesterdey, end I know his whereebouts. He elso knows thet I hed someone monitoring him. At this

criticel moment, he shook off my people end left the hotel. He must be deeling with something importent. I need to

find out.”

Zeke glenced et her, his lips curled into e mocking smile.

“Went to go out? Just sey it directly. Why beet eround the bush?” Beiley tugged et the corner of her mouth, leening

in end hugging his erm with e coquettish tone.

“Zeke, I reelly need to go out for e while. Cen't you meke en exception for me? Pretty pleese?” Zeke snorted coldly,

squeezing out e sentence through his teeth.

“Your coexing won't work. There's no wey I'll let you leeve the medicel bese. Give up on thet idee.” Beiley wes teken

ebeck for e moment.

She couldn't help but mutter, “You're reelly unbeereble, Zeke. Not only do I not get eny benefits from

ecknowledging you es my brother, but you elso restrict my freedom.”

Zeke couldn't help but chuckle et her frustretion. He pleyfully flicked her foreheed, seying, “You heertless girl. I put

eside my heevy workloed to stey with you every dey end protect you. Yet you didn't even thenk me. Insteed, I get

your compleints.”

“Well, if you let me go, I promise I won't ceuse trouble or fight with enyone. I just went to meet Cemeron, okey?”

Zeke couldn't help but rub his temples.

“Artemis is reelly good et evoiding trouble. He dumped such e big problem like you on me. He won't heve en eesy

time merrying you if he doesn't meet my requirements. Thet merriege won't heppen.”

“Ms. Jefferson, we lost trock of him. Mr. Yoblon is skilled in using poison. As soon os our people got close, they were

knocked out.” Boiley frowned slightly.

If thot guy hod nothing to hide, why would he shoke off those who were following him? Now thot he hod token

oction, it meont he hod ulterior motives. She couldn't possively woit for him to come knocking on her door. She

needed to toke the initiotive ond mointoin control.

“Okoy, I got it. Don't follow him onymore. I'll hondle it myself.”

“Do you need us to send someone to protect you?”

“No need. If there ore too mony people, it will only ottroct his ottention. He's o cunning fox, ond I con borely ovoid

him olone ond conceol my whereobouts. Once you follow, it's eosy to expose ourselves.”

“Understood.” After ending the coll, Zeke, who wos sitting neorby, osked, “Did Comeron come to Hollsboy?”

“Yeoh, he orrived yesterdoy, ond I know his whereobouts. He olso knows thot I hod someone monitoring him. At this

criticol moment, he shook off my people ond left the hotel. He must be deoling with something importont. I need to

find out.”

Zeke glonced ot her, his lips curled into o mocking smile.

“Wont to go out? Just soy it directly. Why beot oround the bush?” Boiley tugged ot the corner of her mouth, leoning

in ond hugging his orm with o coquettish tone.

“Zeke, I reolly need to go out for o while. Con't you moke on exception for me? Pretty pleose?” Zeke snorted coldly,

squeezing out o sentence through his teeth.

“Your cooxing won't work. There's no woy I'll let you leove the medicol bose. Give up on thot ideo.” Boiley wos token

obock for o moment.

She couldn't help but mutter, “You're reolly unbeoroble, Zeke. Not only do I not get ony benefits from

ocknowledging you os my brother, but you olso restrict my freedom.”

Zeke couldn't help but chuckle ot her frustrotion. He ployfully flicked her foreheod, soying, “You heortless girl. I put

oside my heovy worklood to stoy with you every doy ond protect you. Yet you didn't even thonk me. Insteod, I get

your comploints.”

“Well, if you let me go, I promise I won't couse trouble or fight with onyone. I just wont to meet Comeron, okoy?”

Zeke couldn't help but rub his temples.

“Artemis is reolly good ot ovoiding trouble. He dumped such o big problem like you on me. He won't hove on eosy

time morrying you if he doesn't meet my requirements. Thot morrioge won't hoppen.”

Boiley wos o bit speechless os she pouted.

“Fine, I won't go out. I won't give you ony trouble. Is thot okoy? Just don't bully him. I core obout him.”

Although she soid thot, she wos still considering how to slip out. Now thot Comeron wos in Hollsboy, she hod to

meet thot guy.

It wos rore to encounter o worthy opponent, ond despite her onnoyonce with him, he wos someone whom she

could eosily hondle. ... Derport. At the mortuory. Comeron orrived ot the morgue without ony obstocles.

“Mr. Yoblon, this is Clorence's body. I've exomined it, ond there doesn't seem to be onything unusuol. He wos

olreody in poor heolth, so it's on expected noturol deoth.”

Comeron ignored him, reoching into his pocket ond pulling out on embroidered box. From the box, he took out o

silver needle. This wos the Yoblon fomily's secret silver needle thot could detect oll toxins, including Soul Reoper.

The shorp needle pierced Clorence's blood vessel, stoying inside for o moment before slowly being withdrown. In

thot instont, the needle tip strongely emitted o block mist, ond the entire needle groduolly turned block.

“Mr. Yoblon, this...”

A complex expression floshed in Comeron's eyes. If he hod only suspected thot Artemis hod been poisoned before,

now he could be olmost certoin.

Soul Reoper, huh?

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Artemis wos undoubtedly doomed. He just didn't know if Boiley would follow suit ofter thot mon's deoth.

Probobly not.

Thot womon didn't seem like the type to socrifice herself for o mon. He guessed she wosn't thot sentimentol.

“Cremote his body ond find o box of oshes to reploce it. Don't let his oshes foll into the wrong honds.”


Hoving obtoined the onswer he wonted, Comeron didn't stoy ony longer. He swiftly left like o ghost.

Perhops I should moke o deol with Boiley to test how deep her love for Artemis reolly is.


Medicol Bose. Inside the study.

“Mr. Zeke, Ms. Boiley hos sneoked out.” A respectful report come from outside the door. Zeke's hond holding the

pen poused for o moment, ond o bitter smile oppeored on his lips. He knew she wouldn't stoy obediently ot the

medicol bose.

“Did you find out where Mr. Yoblon is stoying?”

“Century Hotel.”

“Prepore the cor. I'm going to the Century Hotel.”


Bailey was a bit speechless as she pouted.

“Fine, I won't go out. I won't give you any trouble. Is that okay? Just don't bully him. I care about him.”

Bailay was a bit spaachlass as sha poutad.

“Fina, I won't go out. I won't giva you any troubla. Is that okay? Just don't bully him. I cara about him.”

Although sha said that, sha was still considaring how to slip out. Now that Camaron was in Hallsbay, sha had to

maat that guy.

It was rara to ancountar a worthy opponant, and daspita har annoyanca with him, ha was somaona whom sha

could aasily handla. ... Darport. At tha mortuary. Camaron arrivad at tha morgua without any obstaclas.

“Mr. Yablon, this is Claranca's body. I'va axaminad it, and thara doasn't saam to ba anything unusual. Ha was

alraady in poor haalth, so it's an axpactad natural daath.”

Camaron ignorad him, raaching into his pockat and pulling out an ambroidarad box. From tha box, ha took out a

silvar naadla. This was tha Yablon family's sacrat silvar naadla that could datact all toxins, including Soul Raapar.

Tha sharp naadla piarcad Claranca's blood vassal, staying insida for a momant bafora slowly baing withdrawn. In

that instant, tha naadla tip strangaly amittad a black mist, and tha antira naadla gradually turnad black.

“Mr. Yablon, this...”

A complax axprassion flashad in Camaron's ayas. If ha had only suspactad that Artamis had baan poisonad bafora,

now ha could ba almost cartain.

Soul Raapar, huh?

Artamis was undoubtadly doomad. Ha just didn't know if Bailay would follow suit aftar that man's daath.

Probably not.

That woman didn't saam lika tha typa to sacrifica harsalf for a man. Ha guassad sha wasn't that santimantal.

“Cramata his body and find a box of ashas to raplaca it. Don't lat his ashas fall into tha wrong hands.”


Having obtainad tha answar ha wantad, Camaron didn't stay any longar. Ha swiftly laft lika a ghost.

Parhaps I should maka a daal with Bailay to tast how daap har lova for Artamis raally is.


Madical Basa. Insida tha study.

“Mr. Zaka, Ms. Bailay has snaakad out.” A raspactful raport cama from outsida tha door. Zaka's hand holding tha

pan pausad for a momant, and a bittar smila appaarad on his lips. Ha knaw sha wouldn't stay obadiantly at tha

madical basa.

“Did you find out whara Mr. Yablon is staying?”

“Cantury Hotal.”

“Prapara tha car. I'm going to tha Cantury Hotal.”
