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Sweet Doting Husband: Sorry, my Wife is a little Crazy

Chapter 370 - Congrats To The New Couple!!
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'Cough! Cough!!'

Just when the couple were enjoying their sweet embrace, several cough was heard behind them.

When they turned their head, they saw several of their friends as well as doctor Lu grinning at them.

Together, all of them cried "Congratulations to our newly in love couple"

Embarrased, Xiao Li burried her head in Shen Yi's embrace and did not dare to look at them.

Several boos were heard from behind when she hugged Shen Yi but she did not dare to look at them.

Shen Yi on the other hand felt very happy seeing his friends, at the same time he felt proud when he saw Xiao Li bury in his embrace.

Tigthening his arms around her waist, he laughed loudly and thanked his friends happily "Thanks for the good wishes guys"

"Hoho....look at how proud a certain someone is" Lu Jin teased

"Sigh....I thought Xiao Li would be the bravest among us four but I guess I'm wrong?" Sia sighed

"Offcourse you are, look how embarrased a certain someone is. I can even see the blush on her ears" Su Yan joked

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Just as she finished her words, Xiao Li's ears turned further red and it looked like all the blood had rushed to her ears.

The few friends could not help but feel amused by this rare sight. Shen Yi on the other hand felt more and more happy as he laughed out loud like an old man.

Seeing the bunch of young ones teasing their friends, doctor Lu, who was Lu Jin's brother coughed and reminded them "Now-now...stop teasing them or Xiao Li might faint from embarrassement"

Though he was reprimending them, he was indirectly teasing Xiao Li.

Ignoring the few youngsters sneer, doctor Lu turned to Shen Yi and said "I have made all the arrangements. Stay inside the hospital for another day just in case. We will give you another round of checkup the next day to be rest assured"

"Hmm i understand" Shen Yi nodded his head

"Also..." glancing at Xiao Li who was still in her pajamas, doctor Lu suggested thoughtfully "It's not good for girls to be exposed to cold to much. Why don't you just stay in the hospital tonight? You can also help me take care of him"

Peeking at Shen Yi who looked at her expectantly, Xiao Li nodded her head and answered "Okay"

Saisfied with her answer, Shen Yi could not help but grin widely.

Without waiting for the doctors lead, Shen Yi grabbed Xiao Li's hand and brought her to the VIP ward he was arranged to.

Once inside the room, Shen Yi put her on bed and let her lean against the headboard before covering her exposed legs with thick bedsheet.

When the group of animals arrived, they happened to see the scene of certain wolf bundelling the little white rabbit with thick sheets.

"hoho- look how possesive a certain someone is. It hasn't been more than half and hour and someone has already become a possesive demon" Si Ming jocked

Not paying attention to his joke, Shen Yi made sure Xiao Li was warm and comfortabel before sitting down on the bed next to her. Pulling her into his embrace, he looked at his few friends who were making fun of them.

The whole ward filled with bunch of animals was very lively as laughter rang in every corner.

Just as the group were having fun teasing the new couple, the door to their ward was opened from outside and a boisterous voice was heard from the door "Yo! heard that you were injured so I come to visit yoooouuuuu....Ahhhh, ghost"

following the cheerful voice, a loud scream of horror was heard.

When everyone turned their head, they saw John standing at the door holding a fruit basket in his hand while looking at a certain direction with horror. Following his gaze, when they looked at the direction he was staring at in horror, they finally understood what was going on.

It seemed like John was still unaware that Sia had already woken up from coma.

Just as Si Ming wanted to reveal the good news, Su Yan suddenly clamped his mouth forcefully and pretended to ask John "Brother John, why are you screaming"

Pointing towards Sia, Johns stuttered "Gho-gho-ghost"

Seeing Sia the ghost look at his finger, Jhon looked at his outstretched finger and hurriedly retracted his hand behind, afraid that the ghost might cut his finger.

Trying to stiffle her laughter, Su Yan pretended to be cluless and asked "Brothter John, what are you talking about? What Ghost?"

"You can't you see? Sia has become a ghost and she is standing right next to Mu Jun"

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"huh? Is it? But why don't we see anything?" Yang Jie commented, going along with Su Yan's act

"How is it possible? She is standing right next to Mu Jun" John yelled

"Is it?" Lu Jin voiced out and looked at Sia but pretended not to see her and shook his head and answer "But I don't see anyone"

"Shit, how is it possible that only I can see her but you guys can't?" John yelled in frustration. Just then he saw Sia the ghost pick the knife from the fruit bowl and run her fingers on it before looking at him with an evil smile

Scared senseless, John cried "Shit, she actually picked a knife! She wants to kill me"

Trying her best to stiffle her smile, Su Yan asked doubtfully "Kill you? Why would the ghost kill you? Say brother John, have you ever did something wrong to the ghost?"

Shaking his head, John hurriedly denied "No, no...I have never mistreated her"

"Are you sure? Have you never commited wrong in secret? Brother John it is better to be honest or else I'm afraid the ghost might not let you off" Su Yan suggested him kindly

Initially, John had still wanted to deny but when he saw the ghost walk towards him holding a knife, he was scared senselles and hurriedly blurted his crime "I-i'll tell, please don't kill me. I once secretly took your favorite car for a ride and it was me who damaged it but I lied to you. Also, it was me who put the frog in your bag to take revege"

Seeing that ghost continue to walk towards him, John step back in hurry. He initially did not want to blurt the most important thing but now he could only blurt it out if he wanted to save his life "Also, It was me who drank your juice in the middle of the night everytime, whenever you had meat for lunch, I was the one who stoll it from your plate when you were distracted. I mixed water to your juice several times just to not be caught and and....I was also the one who stole your favorite chocolate but I only stoll little more than five everytime but I swear I did not finish the whole box"

A long silence followed after he finished his words before they heard a loud roar filled with rage.

"Fucking John, I'm going to kill you today"

"Ah! Ah!...hey, haven't I already spilt the beans? Why are you still after my life?"

"Fuck...I'm after your life because of that"

"Ahhh...Si-Sia, i'm sorry. Please let me off"