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Tempting Fate

Chapter 51
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51 Chapter 51: The Lust Princess

“Wow, you’re talented, aren’t you? You completely drained me.”

Eve climbed from the man’s body and sat down on the bed. While still panting, the man looked at her.

“Of course, I’m talented,” Eve bragged. Eve stood up and picked up her panty off the floor, handing it to the man as a “present.”

He chuckled softly. “Will I see you again?”

Eve put on her dress before answering the man’s question. “Of course, but when your resistance is strong, and you didn’t cum right away.”

Eve put on her shoes. “Because you’re good, any man may immediately explode if you ride them and suck them,” the man described.

“Oh, not just man, actually. I can make a woman cum.” Eve said, “Anyway, are humans like that? Easily cum?” Eve asked.

“Maybe. It all depends on how good you are.” The man said.

Eve frowned. “OK, I’m leaving. Please practice so I can get back to you. Bye. ”


Eve seems to be a model as she walks out of a hotel room. The man smiled while watching her walk away and smelled the panty she left behind.

Eve had checked out of the motel in the morning. She strolled over and had a look around. She distracted everyone her meets. Eve, unlike Reed or Devin, is lovely. That was one of her enticements to any man or woman to have sex with her. Yes, demons have intercourse with both men and women, and Eve is one of them. She can get everything she desires as the princess of lust, except Reed.

Employees greeted her as soon as she walked into a coffee shop, and she had a look around. Because there were only a few humans that morning, she sat down first. Everyone in the room was looking at her. They secretly photographed her.

“Haist, humans are so idiotic,” Eve whispered softly.

Later, one of the coffee shop staff approached her and placed her order of frapped coffee on the table. Eve smiled and looked at the woman.

‘5 feet 3 inches tall. 45 kg in weight, 32-23-30 body measurements. Not enticing.’ Eve thought.

Eve exhaled deeply as the woman walked away. She shifted her gaze to the glass wall. She glanced around when a man was seated on the other side of her table.

‘5 feet 6 inches tall. 55 kg in weight. Penis length: 4.5 in. Not enticing.’ Eve thought.

“Hi, Miss,” the man said. His hair is rather long, reaching his shoulders, and is simply pony-tailed to hide it. The attire is casual but sophisticated.

“Yes?” Eve asked.

“I’m sorry, but I’ve been keeping an eye on you. You’re stunning, sultry, and sophisticated.” The man said.

“I know,” Eve admitted. She sipped the straw of his frappe coffee.

The man never thinks that Eve was disparaging disparage or boasting herself out; instead, he simply chuckled. “I’m a Talent Manager,” the man explained, pulling his business card from his wallet.

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‘Too honest. Not enticing.’ Eve thought.

The man handed her the calling, which she accepted and then read.

“Are you interested in becoming an artist or a model?” The man asked.

“Dixon, correct?”

Eve asked, and the man nodded. “What will I gain by acting or modeling?”

Eve’s question surprised Dixson. “Oh, you’ll have a lot of money and you’ll shine. The entire world will know who you are. ”

“OK, I’m not interested,” Eve said as she sipped her frapped coffee again.

“Do you know prominent artists like Dingdong Dantes, Piolo Pascual...” The man continued, but Eve was lost.

“Stop,” Eve said. The man came to a halt and turned to face Eve. “Who are those humans you’re referring to?” Eve asked.

“You don’t know who they are? They are artists and models,” the man explained.

“What do I care about them?” Eve said. “I don’t know them, so go.”

The man took his phone and began to show her photographs. These are images of well-known models and actresses. Eve’s head is filled with numbers as she stares at the people in the photo. She believes she already understands what a creature’s bodily measurement, height, and weight are. Even though she can’t see it, with their looks, she will know the size of a man’s penis. He knows if the woman is still a virgin or not.

The man saw Eve’s interest in the photographs he showed her.

“What, miss? Do you want to be like them?” The man asked.

Eve stared at the man and nodded.


While Reed was working in his office, Avery, Jasmin, and Emy were whispering in the pantry. They spoke about what Avery taught Emy and did not lose the huge smile on Emy’s two friends’ lips when they found out Emy followed what Avery’s taught.

“Success?” Avery asked quietly.

Emy smiled sheepishly and nodded. Emy was astounded, as Jasmin and Avery were screaming. Her cheeks were flushed, but she couldn’t help but smile. She had succeeded, and Reed had confided to her that he enjoyed what she did.

“I’m thrilled,” Avery said.

“Me, too,” Jasmin admitted.

Emy smiled. Meanwhile, Reed came to a halt at the pantry door as he heard what Avery and Jasmin were discussing while Emy listened intently.

‘They both taught you, then. They are, after all, excellent educators.’ Reed thought.

The three women are still unconcerned about him. Jasmin and Emy are watching Avery as he writes on a scrap of paper. He couldn’t see what it was doing, so he just grabbed it, much to the amazement of the three women.

“Reed!” “Sir!”

“What is this?” Reed asked, looking at what they wrote on the paper, but Emy tried to grab it from him every time he tried to read it.

“Reed, give it to me...” Emy murmured.

Reed smiled slightly as he noticed Emy’s face was flushed. “Why are you blushing?”

Emy grabbed her cheek. She could feel the heat on her cheeks, so she knew he had reddened.

“I grew more and more inquisitive about what it was,” Reed explained.

“Reed, please give it to me,” Emy pleaded.

Reed shifted the paper in one of his hands and elevated it, but Emy still reached for it, and because Reed was tall and only up to Emy’s neck, he kissed her as he approached as Emy gazed up close to him and tried to reach for the paper.

It startled Emy, while Avery and Jasmin screamed. Her cheeks got very crimson. Reed chuckled.

“Do you truly want to take it or simply want to sneak a kiss?” Reed asked.

Emy fixed her gaze on Reed. “What are you saying? It’s embarrassing...” Emy said quietly.

“Why are you so shy?” They don’t care if we make out here since you’re my wife.” Reed said.

Reed grasped Emy’s two hands and elevated them, then moved his face closer to Emy’s and closer to her ear.

“Later, I want you to do what Avery taught you,” Reed said quietly to her.

Emy’s face seemed to catch fire at that moment. Reed let go of her and handed him the paper.

“Can you order pizza? Make it three... ” Reed told Jasmin.

“All right, sir,” Jasmin said.

Reed gave Emy a last glance before walking away. Jasmin and Avery approached Emy. She felt embarrassed by the time.

“What did Sir say to you? Is he enraged?” Jasmin asked.

“Did you see Sir’s reaction? Does he seem angry? Isn’t that right? “Avery said.

“Just order pizza. I’m starving,” Emy replied before hurrying out of the pantry.

Jasmin and Avery exchanged glances. “What did Sir whisper?” Jasmin asked.

Meanwhile, Emy was taken aback when she saw Eve walk into their shop. She’s both beautiful and smooth. Emy couldn’t figure out why Reed didn’t like her. She can’t even compete with her attractiveness.

“5 feet 6 inches tall. 45 kg in weight 34-26-34 body measurement. Reasonably seductive.” Eve stated as she approached Emy.

Emy merely stared at her. What she said has confused her. “Emy, you’re reasonably seductive. As for me, I’m perfect. 5 feet 8 inches tall 45 kg in weight 34-24-36 is the body measurement. Beautifully enticing. ”

“All OK,” Emy said. “You’re perfect.”

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Eve grabbed Emy’s hand and placed it on her breast, which astonished her. Avery and Jasmin see this and wonder what Eve is up to. Eve massaged her own breast with Emy’s hand. They’re the same size, Emy thought, but her breasts seem to be bigger than hers.

Emy stood there watching as Avery and Jasmin passed out and collapsed to the floor. Emy returned her gaze to Eve as she spoke.

“Would you like to make out?” Eve inquired, bringing her face closer to her.

Emy grew agitated. That was the first time a woman told her that and even tried to kiss her. When something leaned firmly on her back, she was surprised. Reed pushed Eve, and she flew away slightly, but she also ceased releasing dark power to support her.

“Haist, you’re pretty rude, Eve,” Reed said. “You can’t make out with her. She is mine; everything that is important to her is off-limits, as is your desire. Do you understand? ”

Reed asked again, since Eve didn’t respond and simply rolled her eyes at him. “Do you understand, Eve?” ”

Reed’s voice resonated within their office; it was frigid and appeared to emanate from deep under the earth. Reed grabbed Emy’s wrist and dragged her up to his office since she couldn’t talk. Eve followed the two of them. Avery and Jasmin awoke after some time.

“Did I become dizzy and fall?” Avery asked.

“What happened?” Jasmin asked.


Reed explained to Emy why Eve had unexpectedly invited her to make out. Despite her confusion, Reed’s explanation for her was clear.

“Is she a lesbian?” Emy asked.

“I’m not. We are not the same gender as low-level humans.” Eve said. “Aren’t you bored? When there are so many other cuisines around, you can only taste Reed.”

“Cease that, Eve. Emy is not like that.” Reed said.

“You’re simply selfish, Reed. Why not Emy? You, how many demons have you had? Maybe more than Devin or me...” Eve said.

“Wow, meeting,” Devin said as he walked into Reed’s office. “And why did you bring up my name?”

Emy gazed at Reed. “Have you ever had sexual relations with a man?” Emy said quietly.

“I’m not like them,” Reed said. Reed fixed his gaze on Eve. “Eve, you’re insane.”

Emy looked at Devin, who was looking at her. He gave her a kind smile. Emy turned her gaze away from Devin.

“What are you doing here? As you can see, I run a business here, thus I’m a busy person.” Reed said.

“In that case, give me the crown, and I’ll keep myself busy in the realm,” Devin said.

“In your wet dreams, Devin,” Reed said.

Devin chuckled, but didn’t say anything. Eve placed a business card on the table for Devin, Emy, and Reed to see. Devin read the paper.

“Are you planning on becoming an actor? Model?” Devin asked.

Eve smiled. “Yes. Actually, I have commercials lined up this week.”

“What?” Devin, Emy, and Reed asked a surprising response.

Eve smiled and sat on the sofa, staring at the three of them.