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The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 304 - Jin Rou VS. Dragon Emperor
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"Dragon Emperor, I suggest you stop this now." Jin Rou tried to give the emperor a warning and said, "As a respect for Xiu'er's clan, I am willing not to pursue this any further. But if you push your luck here, I'm telling you, you are just going to suffer."

Jin Rou didn't want to cause a ruckus here in the clan. So, he wanted to avoid fighting as much as possible. But if the Dragon Emperor would keep on thinning his patience, he also didn't mind pooling this place with dragon blood.

"Human, are you threatening me?" The Dragon Emperor laughed out loud and said, "I have lived my life under pressure and experienced millions of life and death battles. Your threat isn't going to work on me."

"Call it a threat or whatever, I don't care." Jin Rou said, "But you aren't my match. True, you are a powerful Progenitor at the Myriad level. But it isn't enough to match me."

It turned out that the emperor was a progenitor at the myriad level. And it was indeed powerful, especially those who got into this realm by hard work and talent.

Remember, the three realms of progenitor were eternal, myriad, and immortal. Eternal as the weakest, and immortal as the strongest.

"I am not your match?" The Dragon Emperor was enraged, yet still composed, "Then we will see about that."

"Whoosh!" The emperor dashed towards Jin Rou with barehands. It seemed that he was challenging Jin Rou into a fight without systems.

Jin Rou smiled and seemed to be welcoming this challenge.

"Boom!" The emperor threw a hard punch that consisted millions of stars. The land trembled in fear as the ground cracked.

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However, this punch was easily negated by Jin Rou by sliding his arm from the punch to slow and decrease its damage.

If not for this, the whole place might have been ruined already.

"Whoosh!" After the emperor's punch, Jin Rou decided to return the favor and also threw a punch. It devoided the time and space, with a massive momentum.

"Hah!" The emperor could feel the threat coming from this attack. Thus, he tried to find a way to dodge. However, since time was devoided along with space, he crossed his arms to protect his body from the punch, focusing all his qi into one place.

"Boom!" Upon contact, the emperor was thrown away like a kite with its strings snapped until he bumped into a large tree.

The emperor was surprised by this, but his composure was still the same. He got up immediately and stomped the ground. Then, large rocks jumped out of it, consisting thousand of it.

"Hmm!" The emperor stomp his foot once again to charge momentum and kicked the air. Because of this, the air accumulated by the kick change its direction and the rocks were fired towards Jin Rou.

The thousands of rocks appeared like a heavy rain as it gave Jin Rou a barrage of attacks.

Jin Rou used his bare hands to destroy the rocks incoming without difficulty.

Seeing this, the emperor saw an opportunity to attack and jumped to the air. He pulled his arm to his back to charge power and aimed it at Jin Rou.

"Whoosh!" Then he became a streak of light going down to Jin Rou with a terrifying bare power!

Of course, Jin Rou saw this and leaped to meet the emperor. He also gestured a punch, clearly wanting to topple the emperor's punch.

"You want to compete with me in terms of raw power?" The emperor could clearly see the intent of Jin Rou, "Very well, let's see how capable you are!"

"Boom! Boom!" When the two punches met, it created two wild explosions all around the place, almost destroying everything. If not for the other progenitors in the sidelines, many would have been killed by this fight already.

"Amazing." A progenitor of the eternal level from the True Dragon Clan couldn't help but be amazed, "That young man can go against the Dragon Emperor evenly."

"I doubt about that." Another progenitor of the same level retorted.

Seeing the puzzled expression of the former, the latter answered, "Look at the result of the fight between them."

The former immediately looked at the sight and what caught his eyes was a shocking scenario to behold.

In the battlefield, Jin Rou was standing there without moving, while the Dragon Emperor was lying there, trying to catch his breath.

With this, the bout came to an end and the result was obvious.

"The Dragon Emperor was defeated..." Xiu'er couldn't believe what his eyes were seeing. The mighty and prideful Dragon Emperor had actually been defeated by a young man!

Take note, the emperor was a Myriad Progenitor. Furthermore, he was a full-fledged progenitor, totally incomparable to Black Dragon.

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Though this was just a battle of raw power without systems or anything, the fact still remained that their emperor lost in this battle.

The fellow progenitors of the emperor were also shocked to see this. As the emperor, he boasted a raw power capable of tearing the sky. His one stomp could destroy worlds if he bidded for it. In fact, among all the progenitors here, he was the strongest of all.

But now, this strongest was defeated by a young man they didn't know about.

"You defeated me. It's my loss." The emperor gracefully accepted defeat and said, "You are indeed capable of becoming a guardian of such a talent. No wonder you can pull off such impossible feat like making a half-blood to full-blood."

Since the emperor saw everything played in the iron castle, he also saw this, of course. Even the seal that Jin Rou used, he saw it.

"You are indeed worthy to be the Dragon Emperor." Jin Rou was in a bit awe by how this prideful and arrogant dragon was able to accept defeat with grace.

Take note, the dragons had a deeply engraved conceit and pride in their bodies.

"I hate losing, that's true." The emperor could read what Jin Rou was thinking, "But I know how to accept defeat. Because if I can't, I won't be a good leader to my clansmen."



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