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The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 404 - Boosted
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After several more exchanges, Soru was now more and more getting anxious. He was now feeling how powerful Fan Rou was and if hept on being like this, he would surely die here without knowing how.

"On!" Soru backed off and pierced the domain's sky. Then, he released a powerful and massive sword arc that was capable of turning everything into ashes, "Try to block it!"

"Hmph." Fan Rou went sideways and charged power for his sword. Then, he swung it against the sword arc and created an explosion, "Is this all you got? I'm quite disappointed then. For a true devil ranking third, isn't shameful that you can only do this much?"

"Shut up. No one needs your opinion." Soru's voice was cold that it could instantly make anything he touch turn into an ice, "Kill me, then talk."

"Bang! Bang!" The two had clashed with swords once again. They showed a great battle of heavy swords with their powerful sword daos. The two expressed their will of their swords so much that it was spectacular to behold. Though this was a death match, at least it was a great battle.

"Punisher Sword!" Soru was getting impatient. He immediately used his proven dao which he took pride of and a bone-like sword appeared out of his hand. It was oozing with darkness and evil energy that could kill any normal beings.

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Seeing this, Fan Rou creased his brows and didn't dilly dally. He was aiming now for the enemy's neck before he could muster enough power.

"Clang!" However, Soru saw this and blocked the attack casually. He looked at Fan Rou with a provoking expression, "What, you think I'm now a pushover because you have the upper hand?"

"On the contrary, yes. After all, why would I watch you charge for power when I have the chance to stop you? I'm not an idiot to make you go power up." Fan Rou smirked and took back his sword and backed off, "Besides, if we really think it this way, you're really a pushover, aren't you?"

The emperor watching this battle couldn't help but use his piercing gaze towards Fan Rou. After all, Soru had already used his proven dao, the peak of his power. However, Fan Rou was still acting nonchalantly. Wasn't it strange? So he wanted to confirm something, of what really was up in his sleeves. However, it didn't bear any result.

"Let's see if you can still relax after tasting my power!" Soru didn't hold back and used everything in his arsenal. In fact, he even merged his essence blood with the bone sword a while ago. That's why it was more appearing deadier than the previous times he used it.

The heavens had approved of this dao, so he could use it to its utmost extent without holding back.

"Bang! Bang! Clang!" The bone sword created a frightening hymn and skulls with thorns appeared out of nowhere. Then, it rushed towards Fan Rou without warning. Furthermore, each of the bone sword was aiming for Fan Rou's vital spots.

Of course, how could Fan Rou let things flow how his enemy wanted it to be? He immediately coated his sword with red fire that was blazing enough to cover an entire sea.

"Raaah!" Then, a fire dragon appeared out of the massive size of fire and directly attacked its enemy with its size. Take note, this fire wasn't one to be trifled with. One touch and you're going to be a goner!

Soru created a wall made of bones and retreated several steps to secure himself. He also knew that he couldn't let that fire touch him or he would die. Not just that, he probably might die without any corpse behind. He didn't want to be like Maymar whose body turned into ashes after dying.

"That was close." Soru heaved a sigh of relief. He was so stumped that even with his proven dao, he was still being pushed back! Take note, his proven dao had already been boosted by his essence blood!

"I see, I get it now." Fan Rou suddenly spoke which caught Soru off guard, "I can now see how you devils had become suddenly stronger. It's because it has been boosted by your one of your prized treasures, right?"

He was talking to the emperor. But the emperor just stared at him with cold eyes.

Seeing the split second change of expression of the emperor, Fan Rou couldn't help but laugh, "I see. So I hit the nail then."

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Fan Rou had been wondering how could these devils suddenly became powerful? In fact, they could now stand their ground against the celestial families. It wasn't easy to boost everyone's power because of the underlying cons. One of it was betrayal.

Power was everything, after all.

Why would the emperor boost their powers that if they joined up, they could threaten his position? Wasn't he afraid of that? Fan Rou could only conclude that these devil had signed a pact and couldn't dare to do anything funny.

Another con was its talent drain. Once you boosted your power by any treasure means, it meant that you have given up in advancing any further. Like, your power would increase by folds, but it would be stagnant for lifetime, without any chance of getting stronger once again.

So these devils had chosen such a cruel path? It was understandable, they were in a desperate situation where they needed power after all.

The emperor still didn't say anything. As if the matter was none of his concern.

Soru wanted to lash out at Fan Rou for talking too much. However, he saw a light red spark on his hand. It was very tiny and couldn't be seen. But, it suddenly became bigger and reveal itself.

"!!!" It was Fan Rou's fire, and it kept on getting bigger and bigger. Soru almost wailed from the pain as he tasted the hell of this fire. His mouth sealed off by Fan Rou, so it was impossible to release the pain by shouting.

It was a gruesome scenario to behold.