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The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 492 - Death Black Zone
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In just a minute, Schwal and Jin Rou had arrived at their destination. This was the most dangerous places that even top beings didn't dare to linger, Death Black Zone. It was nothing but a solid plains filled with death aura. The stench of blood was also strong that it was irritating in the nose. There were also several thin smokes coming out from below. Who knows what laid below there?

"Finally." Jin Rou smiled and said, "You can go now. I can take the rest here. Don't worry, after I'm done with my things here. I'll come to find you."

Obviously, he was talking to Schwal Coffin.

The other party looked at him with suspicious eyes and asked, "Who are you really?"

It was understandable. The movements Jin Rou showed during the battle against Prisyan was overwhelmingly powerful that even her didn't think she would fare different. That flick from Jin Rou contained at least a power of a world, clearly had the ability to destroy it. Thinking about this couldn't help but send a chill down on her spine.

"I told you that I'm Jin." Jin Rou answered. He wasn't willing to indulge more information about him, and Schwal Coffin should take the hint.

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Of course, Schwal could clearly see the hidden intention. However, she was still curious. She wanted to ask more when Jin Rou stepped on the zone with no hesitation and continued to walk off.

"Wait!" Schwal tried to shout. But it seemed that Jin Rou could no longer hear him. She was hesitating whether to enter or not. After all, entering it meant you were ready to shoulder the wrath and hatred of the dead, "Dammit!"

In the end, she gritted her teeth and stepped in. Whatever would happen will eventually happen.

Jin Rou could feel that Schwal entered the place even without turning his back. Then, He smiled and looked at her, "Miss Coffin, I didn't know you will follow me this far. You are afraid of this place, aren't you?"

"So what?" Schwal was annoyed, "I can take care of myself so you don't have to worry about me."

"Why should I worry about you?" Jin Rou chuckled and continued walking.

"You..." Schwal was exasperated. She was a great beauty though she was a treasure. Not just that, almost all men were dying to have her. Yet, this man just slapped her with the words of 'why should I worry about you?'. That's insane! If there would be a chance to choke this man to death, she would be willing to do so.

Jin Rou's search was taking a long time. It was now several hours since they entered yet Jin Rou had yet to find a clue about the gate. But he knew that it wouldn't be easy to find it. After all, it was a gate made by the Heavens. So it was very understandable that Jin Rou would take time to find it.

The place was just a flat plain with no distinguishing feature except the death aura if it was. Thus, it was obvious that Jin Rou won't have some leads about this.

He tried trying to find some clues to the thin smoke coming, but there wasn't any, too. A day passed by, and Jin Rou had not yet to find some clues. Schwal gave up and chose to sleep inside her space. Finding nothing was boring, and she wasn't willing to participate in this endeavor anymore.

Hours passed by again, Jin Rou finally smiled after a stressing search for clues. He stepped on a very old stone with a not so obvious written letter of 'G'. He touched the stone and countless memories entered his mind.

"This is it." Jin Rou was beaming with smile. The search was worth it after finding this clue. This was enough for him to understand the mysteries to open the gate towards the Heaven.

Schwal got out of her space and stared at Jin Rou who was immersed in his thing. The old stone was shining brightly that it almost blinded her eyes, "What is that?"

"I understand now." Jin Rou took a deep sigh and smiled deeply. He looked at Schwal and said, "I'm going to activate the portal towards the Heaven. If you don't want to get sucked on, stay away from me."

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Jin Rou got a card from his space and said, "And this would be the compensation for helping me. This card contains so many treasures and resources that you will be blinded by greed. I think this is sufficient to pay you."

"Wait, wait, wait! Let's put this compensation by the side for now. Do you have a loose screw in your head? You're going to activate the portal and enter it with knowing the fact that no one had returned alive there?!" Schwal was angered. She couldn't understand the train of thought of this young man in front of her.

"I need to do this. I have my intentions why I'm doing this." Jin Rou said, "And if you worry about other people might enter the gate, don't worry. I'll have the gate closed after a few seconds."

"No matter how powerful you are, you're going suicidal. Do you know that? You are going to face an unknown existence there." Schwal warned for the last time.

"I know. Whatever the results will be, I'm going to accept it." Jin Rou knew this, of course. Even as a universal law, he was still feeling afraid of facing that entity. Nevertheless, it wouldn't stop him from doing this.

Schwal sighed deeply while looking at Jin Rou. She looked like she was asking for a gracious help of the gods. She didn't know why, but she was unknowingly attached to this man for some reason, "Fine. Activate it. I'll go with you."

To death, then. Schwal cursed under her breath. Why was she willing to take things so far like this? She didn't know why, too. Her instincts were just telling her that she should help Jin Rou and so.

"You don't have to do this. I'm fine with going alone." Jin Rou laughed, "Besides, it's better for me to go off alone. After all, I don't have to carry a baggage around and I'm free to move."

"You dare to call me a baggage?" Schwal's eyes were red. She was helping him yet this mocking words were what she received in return. Preposterous!