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The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 528 - Warning
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Lucas was a young man from the far south. He traveled this in order to explore the mysteries of the Oblivion Forest as he heard so many things about it. Only, he didn't want to stand up and disguided himself as someone unfavorable to be with. If in case he decided to reveal his identity, many people would flock over him. After all, who wouldn't want an ancient emperor in tow?

Thus, Jin Rou and Tiresh were lucky in this sense. Not to mention, it would be a great help for Jin Rou who couldn't fight personally yet.

"My name is Jin, and this one is Tiresh." Jin Rou answered.

"I see. Okay, follow me closely. I'll be entering the forest." Lucas smiled and slowly walked over to the entrance of the gate, "Hello, I am named Lucas from South Village. High Priest Julius has given me permission to enter. Here is the proof."

Lucas handed over a token. It looked like a simple one yet the guards could determine the worth of it.

"Hello, we are pleased to meet you. You can enter now." The guards gave Lucas smiles. It was a person a high priest favored. They couldn't afford him.

"I'll be taking my companions with me here. Is that alright?" Lucas said additionally.

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The guards looked at the two behind Lucas. They seemed familiar however they couldn't put it into words. Anyway, they granted them entry and said, "Of course. If that's what you wish."

"Thank you." Lucas entered and the two followed suit. It was a successful entry without sweat.

After walking a distance from the entrance, Tiresh suddenly said, "Thank you for helping us."

"Hmm? It's okay." Lucas smiled and said, "By the way, do you need anything here in the forest? It is very vast, so while I don't dare to say I know this place, I have read most of the books regarding it."

Lucas' dream was to explore this place and search for the mysteries hidden within. He had heard that this forest was created by a heavenly which triggered his curiosity.

"We are looking for the Life Flower which can cure all types of poison." Tiresh said, "I have read that it can be found here in the Oblivion Forest, so we need it badly."

Lucas looked at Jin Rou and it made sense, "I see. However, the flower is located in the deepest part of the forest. Furthermore, that part is very dangerous that it is restricted to enter that part."

"Restricted again?" Tiresh was getting frustrated, "By that Church?"

"No, the Church has no capabilities to restrict it. It is a restriction placed by the Divine Court." Lucas said seriously.

"Divine Court?" Tiresh heard this name for the first time.

"Yes, one of the strongest powerhouses of this continent. They have 10 alive ancient emperors and the total count of their emperors is 15." Lucas said, "Not just that. Rumors say that they also have a heavenly in their ranks."

"That's insane..." Tiresh was terrified. It was a power that their kingdom couldn't afford to offend. This power was capable of annihilating all of them with ease.

"Yes, so even with my help, it'll be pretty hard to enter that part." Lucas looked sorry and sad. He wanted to help the two until the end, yet it looked like this was all he could help them with.

"You have helped us enough. Thank you." Jin Rou could feel the sincerity of the emperor and said, "Don't worry, once I'm better, your grace will be repaid so just relax there."

"Wait, are you still going to enter?" Lucas could feel this was the case and asked, "If you do, if even the monsters there couldn't kill you, the people from the court will! It's too dangerous!"

"Of course, we're still going no matter what. We cannot lose this opportunity." Jin Rou smirked, "And those from Divine Court, they can come anytime."

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It was a do or die for Jin Rou. He needed the flower to cure the poison, this annoying one. Though he wouldn't die, the inability to maximize his skills was a bad taste in his mouth.

"You don't have to come with us. We don't want you to be dragged down into this mess." Tiresh said with concern, "Just by looking, you are affiliated with a power and they might be implicated if you join us there."

Lucas bit his lip. Indeed, it was the case. The people from the court could easily dig his identity if they wanted to, and put his village in danger. They were only a bunch of normal people trying to get by everyday. He couldn't afford to be discovered and implicate them. Not at all.

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you two here." Lucas took a deep breath and said, "In the meantime, I'll be searching for mysteries and clues here while waiting for you to return."

"It's settled, then." Jin Rou said and walked away without looking back. Tiresh bowed to the emperor and followed suit.

It only took 30 minutes to reach the entrance to the deepest part of the forest. There, a large barrier was placed to block people in entering.

Jin Rou touched the barrier and it reacted by giving a strong current of lightning. But since it was Jin Rou's main affinity, it wasn't hurting him.

"This toy." Jin Rou smiled and threw a punch at the barrier.

"Boom!" The barrier was like a fragile glass as it was immediately shattered into pieces. Then, a voice suddenly said, "You are trespassing the land which isn't yours. The Divine Court's anger will chase you to the ends of the world if you continue this. Do you still want to go further?"

It was a threatening voice that could falter the clouds.

"If you want to come, just come over. Stop spouting nonsense while hiding in your home." Jin Rou provoked the voice, "Though be sure that you'll bring an army. After I'm done with my business here, I want a bloodbath to release my pent up anger."