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The Adventures Of The Young Master

Chapter 534 - Offer
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"Hello, I am pleased to meet you. I am Captain Aron. Pleased to meet you all. I am the captain of this ship going to State Region." The captain walked out of the ship with the portman in tow, "I have heard that you want to go there?"

"Yes." Lucas said and showed an imperial rune, "We want to go there as soon as possible. Will it be possible today?"

The captain was shocked to see this rune. This rune was the symbol of being an ancient emperor and said, "It's possible. However, I need to remind you that this is a one way trip. Of how you will return here or somewhere, it will be up to you."

The region wasn't permitting any ship to park by their territory, thus no ships were allowed to hit the dock. This was an iron rule that the established, and those who dared to break this would suffer death without excuse.

"That's fine. We just need to get there and you can return." Lucas have been briefed by this and nodded, "How much do we pay for the trip?"

"Oh, Your Majesty. You are an emperor, so I won't dare to take payments from you. Just see this as me giving a token of friendship." The captain smiled and said. Having a connection with an emperor was way better than asking for a fee. So this was worth it.

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Lucas nodded. He knew what the captain was trying to do, but he didn't mind. As long as the captain could take them there.

Immediately, the captain told the three to get on board and they would soon depart. After several minutes, the captain and his few crews set sail towards the north where the State Region was.

As hours passed by, Jin Rou was looking at the big horizon in front of him. It was his first time riding a ship, and it was an awesome experience.

"Such a beautiful horizon." He couldn't help but be mesmerized. It was truly a beautiful thing to see, the feeling was very peaceful and he even thought for a second that it would be good to stay like this. But, he knew it was impossible. His path was filled with blood and bones of his enemies, and he had no path to return to. All he could was go on and go on, until he couldn't.

Memories flashed in his mind as he remembered everything that happened in the past. He was also thinking about a certain woman who captured his sight from the beginning. He compared her to this horizon and laughed heartily, "You're way prettier."

Tiresh was about to come over to Jin Rou when she heard what he said, which stopped her from approaching him. She froze for a moment before leaving him in silence. But for some reason, she felt a bit of pang in her heart.


Two days passed. The captain said that they were already half of their total destination and it would take two more days to reach the region if there would be no problems to occur.

Jin Rou was still by the front tip of the ship as he was gazing the changing horizon for days now.

"You haven't eaten for days, Young Master." Lucas came over while bringing a cup of tea and bread, "Here, please eat this at least. Although you might not need this due to your level, it's not bad eating a bit of this."

Jin Rou looked at the food and accepted it. It was tightly wrapped and was made sure that wasn't touched by anyone so the food was clean. He dipped the tip of the bread into the tea to soften its texture and tasted it, "Not bad. Have you personally made this?"

Lucas appeared shy and said, "Yes, Young Master. I thought that you might be picky of the food you want to eat, so I make sure that it will be more or less something that you can take anytime. I also made sure that I haven't touched it by my raw hands, except for preparing the ingredients."

"You put so much into this." Jin Rou smiled and accepted the warmth. It had been a while since someone prepared food for him and it was a good feeling, "By the way, do you also have a reason to go to the State Region?"

It was a normal question. The emperor had done so many things for him now without asking for any return. He couldn't see why the emperor was taking so much lengths for him. If it was to earn his grace, he already did.

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"I want to tag along with you while I still can, perhaps." Lucas was silent for a moment before answering, "I can feel that you are the type of person that will leave one day. You will disappear without any trace or clues. You are powerful, so this world may not be enough to contain you."

It was Jin Rou's turn to be silent. What this young emperor said was all on point, "How did you reach this conclusion?"

"Just pure instincts." Lucas smiled wryly.

"You will be a brilliant existence in the future." Jin Rou didn't need to know the prospects of Lucas as everything was already show, "You just need to train hard and even heavenlies will be wary of you."

"Thank you for the compliment." Lucas bowed. He knew how precious this compliment was and planned to treasure it for a lifetime.

"You have earned my grace. What do you want? Or rather, what do you wish for?" Jin Rou looked at Lucas and asked, "Ask anything. My means are lengthy, so it will be possible. Everything. And I'm not accepting a decline."

Jin Rou was determined to use all his means to reward this young man. After all, the emperor deserved it more than anyone else.

Lucas didn't know what to say at first. However, since the other party was putting up an offer, it might be the opportunity for him, "I am currently searching for a certain thing."